Showing Posts For darkangelseductions.3084:

Unable to Login / Region Load Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I have been having the same issues since yesterday morning early (NA player Mountain time zone). Frequent crashes, multiple attempts to be able to log in and getting error messages such as the ones above, once I am able to log into the game….I am unable to switch zones without crashing again. I have discussed this with several guildies that are having the same issues as well as many people in map chat stating the same thing. I have sent several tickets in on the issue, but it has yet to be addressed. ANet, can we get some sort of response on this issue?

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

afk farming everywhere

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I have seen this a lot too. It is annoying as kitten!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Lake Doric - Noran's Homestead

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Same here………………….can’t get the ghosts done or finish the Cin achievements due to the ghosts not showing up. The SS Pinkerton thing has been bugged for awhile…… I want to finish all the achievements!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I am able to purchase the firestone now from the heart vendor. Went and made the elixir………………poof! Nothing. Out of the karma for the firestone, out of the achievement for the elixir, unable to go to the bitter cold area to help a friend out. I don’t know if this is going to be fixed or not.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Same here. Unable to purchase the stone and unable to get the proper drops to make the elixir. Also unable to talk to the grawl vendor in the cave.

Edited to state about the vendor grawl.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

(edited by darkangelseductions.3084)

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Same here. Unable to purchase the stone or get the correct drops from anything. Please help!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Chuka: Naturalist Journal No den in Halkor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I am working on Chuka and Champawat III: Naturalist Journal. I am @ page 14 for the Halkor Meadows den and it is not showing up on the map, no icon, nothing. I am not sure if this is due to the harpy event being screwed up below the cliffs that the den is supposed to show up in, but my progress is halted regardless. The den is simply not there. HELP!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Fields of Ruins event still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


This event continues to be bugged. I am working on Chuka and Champawat III: Naturalist Journal. I don’t know if this is causing the tiger den to not show up above in the cliffs, but it is annoying when you happen to get one shot by the harpies if you happen to wander into the wrong area, looking for the den.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Also the one thing that I find is still a gold sink is the upgrades for WvW by the scribing profession. IT IS EXPENSIVE!!!! Just my 2 cents.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Supposedly…………per an announcement by ANet, that WvW changes will not happen until sometime in 2016. I guess we will not have any response from anyone on the ANet side of things.

Should we give up the fight? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Should they at least respond to us? YES! It would only be acceptable for those of us who are passionate about this aspect of the game. Until then….I guess we are expected to play the PvE side of the game.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Gaile Gray.6029 & John Corpening,

First off, I would like to say that I understand that you have been met with extreme hostility over the changes that you are making to our beloved WvW community. That being said, I feel that your changes have been made without regards to what the WvW players want nor have requested.

1. You claim that this is due to the HoT release. Ok, we all understand that this is a huge undertaking. We get that. We don’t have an issue with that.

2. Why did you drop this in our laps 1-2 weeks prior to the expansion release? And why have you not directly answered our questions with direct answers other than this is how it is going to be. Period.

3. WvW players are some of the most competitive players in GW2 and yes, we can be a hostile bunch. We are extremely competitive and VERY PASSIONATE about this aspect of the game. So in a way of expression, yes, you will be met with hostility since this information was literally dropped in our laps without much notice nor regard for the player base that plays this aspect of the game.

4. Can we get an HONEST answer and a direct, no B.S. answer to why you decided these changes were needed and why they were made. No more dancing around it, no more vague descriptions. Just an honest and true to form answer that would satisfy our understanding of your choices. Giving us vague and nonchalant answers that have been provided, have not given us a true understanding of this decision that ANet has come to.

5. Are you going to have a dedicated team that will work and ACTUALLY PLAY WvW and deal with our concerns in the same manner you deal with the PvE and sPvP aspects of the game? And yes, I mean actually play in WvW….in tier 1 all the way down to the bottom tier, since in essence, they can be wildly different. Are they going to look at ONLY the WvW populations and not megaserver populations? Since this is a server based part of the game, judging numbers and data on megaserver populations is not truly looking at the correct picture.

6. What are your future plans for the WvW aspect of the game? Are you going to put out the new borderlands, leave EB, and then abandon us? Are you going to listen to us as you do with the PvE’ers and the PvP’ers?

7. I understand that you want everyone in the game to experience the ENTIRE game to explore all of your hard work and dedication to this new expansion. But once we have been through the new content…..a few months/years down the road, what do you plan on doing for the end game? More raids? More content changes to PvP? More content changes to fractals/dungeons? More content changes to WvW? Tournaments? Seasons? Rewards? Loot changes? Or just release another expansion?

8. Are you honestly going to look at the WvW only numbers when you “evaluate” the changes that you have already made apparent that you are not wanting to budge from (aka Saturday resets)?

If you wouldn’t mind actually sitting down and answering these questions so that we, as the player base can fully understand why these changes have been forced on us and have been made, then we as the WvW community (or at least I would since I am only one of the many voices here) would better understand the changes and know what we mean to the ANet team.

Please I beg of you to give us some answers instead of pushing us aside or as I have felt that the previous reasons you have given has made me feel that as a WvW player has felt. I mean, I have been with this game since Beta of the GW2. I use to love this game and praised that ANet was always honorable in giving to the players and was open to conversations. My hope is that I can then trust ANet again and return to loving the game wholeheartedly with the passion that I had previously. These are my opinions and questions that I have. I do not want anyone to think that I am speaking for the whole community, but I feel that this would answer a lot of our questions and help us understand the reasons behind your choices in this aspect of the game. I sincerely hope that you change the reset back to Friday nights as it has been previously, but with solid answers to the questions I have presented, I could then decide if I can past my anger towards the changes.

I appreciate your time. Thank you for taking time to read this if you do….. I await your feedback.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


That would be mega servers this is just the biggest “fear” of changes type of changes.
Most ppl who played Friday night can play Saturday its just going to require them to changes there habits some. Where the “fear” of something new comes into play.

I’m not afraid of half my gaming time (read:weekend) being lost/marginalized.
I’m going to be very angry about it. If I get too angry, I may spend my money elsewhere.

It’s a good thing that Arenanet panders to it’s consumers a bit.
Lots of old sayings about that being a smart way to do business.

When it comes to changes anger is a type of fear.

Hop on over to origin or steam or and lets talk about who’s fear and what changes.
That’s the gist of this thread.

Not comply sure what going on on thoughts threads web pages etc.. but the thing is here WvW is not going away. The way ppl seem to be talking about this changes as if wvw is going away for good when realy its just going to up the number of ppl who can play during reset. Yes you may lose the rush of reset but a lot wvw players do not get to play that due to not having Fridays nights off. If all you played was for the reset i think you missed the point of wvw comply and if you where a “gvg” player reset timing is not important to you more so after HoT.


This is a what we would call a slap in the face to something we are extremely passionate about and care about and to a point “live for”. It cuts a lot of the “hardcore” player base and we will lose a lot of good fighters/commanders/players for something that was done with dishonor and for B.S. reasons that were given by a game that we are passionate for. If this thing changes, you will not have the same system or the same player base that you might have had if they had not spit in the face of the customer. We are angry. We love this part of the game. It is more than just reset. It is when the fiercest battles were fought, when we put in more than just a few hours playing with our friends, we played until we couldn’t do it anymore. We fought great battles against other like minded players with strategy and strength. It was a WHOLE weekend of blood, battle, sweat, and tears that went into it. There was lots of gold spent, lots of sacrifice on our parts for things we wanted or needed to have in order to hold the land we proudly called our own worlds. We have server pride that a lot of people do not understand and will not understand unless you have become one of us. We devote hours away from the game researching builds and making strategies. We scrimmage our fellow guilds to help improve our battle techniques. To us it is more than just “reset”. We have hours that will be cut from the majority of time to have this epic battle that we cherish every week. We have victories, we have defeats, we have massive fights that never seem to end……this is what we are in this game for. Some people do not get to do this every day. Some only have the weekend (Friday night through Sunday evening) to hang out with their friends and mates. To battle and have fun with on teamspeak, to laugh….to fight….to focus….to maintain….to destroy what we have in front of us as our obstacle so we can claim the prize and be the victors of the great fight we just ensued. With the reset time change, you take 24 hours away from many hardcore wvw’ers. Not just from NA, but from all of the timezones. We are all affected. To us, we are a band, a world, a server. We will fight and set the tone for the week and we give our last breath to be victorious at the end of the week. That is what it means to us, if that even gives you such a small glimpse into our way of thinking. This was also announced a week before the expansion came out. Kind of sneaky and cowardice. With no explanation, no viable reason, and when they did attempt to give us a small bone, they spat nonsense. Then when they see that we didn’t see through their B. S. then they tried to give us more. But we do not believe them. For they have already lied and our trust is shakey at best when it comes to the ANet WvW crew. They changed the time, but not to something that almost the entire community wanted. To something that would make it easier on them. That is where they spit in our face. We are competitive and do not go quietly in the night. We stand for what we believe in. When they are starting to figure out is that we will take this lying down. We will continue to fight. We do not die on our backs or knees. We stand and fight, just as we do in game. They are starting to see that we will not, they changed the time back to Saturday night again. But that will not be satisfactory. They will need to fix it back to the way it was (the proper time on Friday night resets) so we as a community will be happier with the aspect of the game we love. And if they eventually turn their backs on us and tell us they do not care, then they will lose an extremely loyal and dedicated fan base that will take this spirit somewhere else, and that is where we will call home. We can leave the mists just as easily as they can turn their backs on us. That is why we are angry. We are not afraid. We are passionate. We are Hardcore WvW’ers.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


The ‘review’ is very non-commital, I don’t believe Anet has any intention of changing it back. That, and the offering up of something even worse, is throwing us a bone to get us to accept it. Give it a few weeks, and who will still be arguing for a return to Fri reset? Those it kills the game for will just stop logging in and drift off, and Saturday will stay. Anet will have their increasingly casual WvW, with stealth fountains, golem events and gimmicks that destroy the game mode for those that truly love open world, large scale pvp.

For the record, I have never asked for any change – all I want from a game is a balanced environment, with objectives, to pit my wits against our opponents and enjoy being part of a team where the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts. I was truly impressed with the design and mechanics of the BL and this game mode when it launched, it had clearly been designed and put together with a lot of experience and love for this game mode.

The way this has been handled, even more than the change, gives me the most concern. This is a big change to our WvW culture, and it was landed on us with no explaination a week before release. No-one to my knowledge has ever asked for this to be changed. Thoughtfulness goes both ways, and this is extremely poor customer service that doesn’t bode well for the future of WvW.

For all the reasons listed by others Friday is my favorite night of the week, and I have popped a blue tag on all but a handful in the last 2 years. Without it, I will care less about WvW, and if I don’t care, there’s no incentive to play. I’m waiting for a firm commitment from Anet to change it back to Fridays on a set date, before I make a firm commitment to continue playing this game. I’m not hopeful ^^

Very well said! I applaud thee! <3 Truly, I do!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Since the advent of the megaservers, in my opinion there’s really only 2 strong communities left in GW2 – WvWers and the RPers (both which took a small hit with the megaservers).

I still remember guesting to ‘enemy’ server Lion’s Arch just to /laugh or /threaten at them or just chat with ppl around (Deso did to Vizu and probably many other servers too). It was good show of how the servers looked that time, each server had their own Lion’s Arch map where you would meet face to face the guys you normally fight on the WvW maps – you hear a guy in teamspeak “Guy’s I’m in Vizunah Lions Arch and here is this guy …..!!!” and then you see your server mates come with help to ‘fight’ them again xD – funny stuff
It really was some kind of force that was making you motivated to play PPT as well, you could call reinforcements from your ‘home base’ and so on. I wish it could come back some day, at least “Server based LA” map.
I know that most of the ppl I see in LA are from my server, but it’s not the same as in the past, if you played you know what I mean


Fun times! Fun times!!

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I think the biggest mistake that Anet makes is that they look at this “data” across the game and not at WvW specifically. You have two distinct player bases with different wants and needs. What works for the PvE population may be different than what works for WvW. PvE players aren’t going to suddenly transform into WvW players (Trust US – We’ve tried) Saturday nights in my experience are pretty dead for WvW, at least in T1/T2. I think this community has been pretty clear what they want, and Anet’s response is that they are going to do what’s best for them.

If this is necessary to give time to address issues with the expansion that’s fine, but I honestly hope Anet will consider moving it back to Friday nights once things are sorted out. People have built their lives around this time for years, it works for people across the world. Friday resets are the highlight of the entire game for so many people – to announce a change that literally destroys resets a week before launch understandably has made a lot of people angry.

I agree with this.

Please consider moving it back to Friday as this is when it made the GAMERS happy. Your CUSTOMERS. If you don’t have customers, you don’t have anything. I play all aspects of the game but I spend the majority of my time in WvW. Your PvE gets boring after time, especially if you have multiple characters such as I do, no matter how much you guys put into it. The fights and strategy of fighting other players has made me WANT to play this game and CONTINUE playing it. This is where I have built most of my friendships from all across the world. I play a LOT of hours in WvW across all time zones. The thing that will work is for you to move our reset back to Fridays as they have been the entire history of GW2. This is what works for us. Your players. That is why you see such outrage and ticked off people. Your numbers that you show are from megaservers, am I correct? Are they WvW specific? I highly doubt that. Just let the WvW players have our Friday resets back and the backlash will stop. It is as simple as that. WvW players and their requests are one thing that Anet has gotten wrong time and time again. Don’t screw it up worse for us. We are a very dedicated fan base and MANY of the WvW’ers are not going to play the other aspects of your game. They don’t want to. In fact, I have heard a lot of them vocalize that they despise PvE. So, why make them any more unhappy? Just leave WvW reset time alone and we will go back to playing our favorite aspect of the game. Thank you.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


Not only is this a terrible idea, I think that cutting back the SEA/OCX time in WvW will lose a large amount of our already strained WvW population. Even for NA/EU, this is such a terrible idea. Please reconsider the change you want to make to our beloved WvW. Keep WvW resets on Fridays and allow us to keep what little we have in WvW. Don’t kill this part of the game for those of us that love this aspect of the game. We want to be able to play all weekend long. Not just for half a day. Sundays are shortened time for people since the work week resumes for most of Mondays. Why cut our time to battle it out on the weekend? PLEASE PLEASE reconsider this terrible idea.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Any servers left who don't Karma Train 24/7?

in WvW

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


What server are you on currently?

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Hint Completion achievement broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I have had this issue for months and months. I am stuck at 80/83. The ones that I am missing are the Finish an opponent in the PvP section, the broken armor (which I have most definitely have!!), and the travel to WvW. Hopefully I will be able to get this entire hint completion achievement some day……………….

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry

Ossuary of Unquiet Dead bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkangelseductions.3084


I am also having this issue and have tried everything to get it to advance.

Bella Valkari
Jade Quarry