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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
Hey Kyllaa – No updates at the moment. Sorry!
Hi thanks for replying in these forums at least.
Anyway i think it is incredible a company as Arena Net didn’t have a proper Mac team even after launched a beta client. Nobody is working on it? it is really absurd.
I’m sorry but really i regret giving you my money, i’ve also buy item in the store… I put my money where my mouth is, for sure i will think twice before giving Arena net a cent in the future.
Because there is nothing that they could do to work on it I don’t think.
The Port is managed by Cider, so any issues with it are issues with Cider not with Anet…
Foxx, I’m starting to take your opinion more and more. Like I can be frustrated but taking it to this point is a little bit far. They have started to respond to Mac problems which is a step forward.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
You’re still making the mistake of thinking that it is Anet who develops the OSX version of GW2. That would be Cider, if you have complaints about how it runs then they are who you should be complaining to. Arenanet develop on Windows, OSX is unfamiliar territory to probably the majority of their staff (although I do know at least one of their staff members uses a mac).
The restaurant analogy doesn’t work either. You’ve gotten exactly what you paid for. The mac version has always been touted as a beta, technically there is no guarantee that they will choose to continue to offer it (although there would be almost no reason not to).
I’m sorry if I seem like I’m being tough but it’s just a bit silly to me. I actually pre-ordered the game before launch, before a mac version even existed, and was happy to play using Wine with half and half textures and graphical glitches galore.If you want a restaurant analogy (I’m posting this with humour in mind, not to be nasty, snarky, rude or provoking) – the chef has come to see you at your table and told you that he is working on a new recipe, it may or not be absolutely dreadful tasting, maybe it will taste wonderful, he can’t offer you any guarantees – you agree to pay full price for this experimental food. It’s not the chef’s fault if you aren’t happy with the food because you purchased it knowing full well that it could be good or bad. It’s the same situation with the Mac Beta. (Although you are of course still entitled to any support which a regular account is offered since your account and keys are identical to anyone elses – which does in itself raise issues, but it gets a bit too complicated for me to bother thinking about >.>)
Oh Foxx, I completely agree with you and apologize if any of my post seemed rude on the matter. It was a late night and I was just scrounging to find an analogy that would fit the situation. I do like your analogy more because it seems to be a more tight fit glove than my oven mitt.
And I completely agree that even with bug galore I would still play this client. I only recently got a Mac and began to play on the Mac version. Before that I had only ever owned PC. I preordered the game the day it became available to preorder for PC. I believe it is my infatuation with the series that leads me to not really care. I loved GW and highly anticipated GW2 since it was supposed to be GW:Utopia. Either way, I agree that we shouldn’t be directly mad at the team for not fixing these problems as we are running it through a third party, but I still believe they should monitor these forums and serve as a competent liaison of what is happening.
It’s not that I am actually mad or upset about any bugs because no game will ever be bug-free (it can be close but never perfect) but more at the lack of awareness/knowledge. IF I were one of the leaders of ANet (which I never will be), the moment I decided to open up this opportunity to the Mac OSX, I would’ve sent about 5-10 employees to be trained in this area. Even if this is a small portion, it shows dedication to the customer and really helps out the company as these employees will be able to train others to a certain degree. Overall, it broadens the knowledge of developer teams/members and allows for more functionality/functional workplace.
Am I making sense or do I seem to ramble like usual?
EDIT: Well, it seems like an end to all our troubles may be near as our good friend Ashley is appearing here. Perhaps she will be able to help.
(edited by davidroberts.6170)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
Why would I cut them slack if I paid them money for this product? Your logic is completely flawed. Would I have to cut slack to someone that made my food at a restaurant if something was wrong? According to you, yes I would because they don’t have to give that to me. Even if I give that person my money “they’ve provided something they didn’t have to provide” so I shouldn’t complain.
While I am glad that we have a working community that will offer help to others on everything that we could possibly solve, we should at least have some sort of feedback from the company. Slack can be cut when we finally get at least one response from a developer stating current progress being made or anything else. I would cut slack if we had a dev that would pop in and type out the message, “Hello, we are still here and monitoring.”
On a different note, I screenshot a post that a dev made on one of the suggestion forums that summed up what was happening fairly well. Since they have limited resources they only have to pick the most important things to monitor and reply to. This being the actual tech support forums, the suggestion forums, and the bug reporting forums.
EDIT: I agree with you Foxx about the legal reasons. I wasn’t actually suggesting they be made mods but simply providing what I thought to be a humorous response to the moderator activity. They almost function as mods without having that power. But without them, what kind of forum would this be… The entire premise of a forum is for self help and help from other players so on all fronts, I would say this forum is working. /endrant
(edited by davidroberts.6170)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
It is ridiculous to send an unnamed moderator to do this once a week. Why not just make Kylla or Trog a named Mod for the forum seeing as how they do more work then the intern/employee ANet pays to police our forum. I mean at this point it is just becoming sloppy.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
That’s a funny way to fix the problem. “Hey, Mac customers are complaining that hawks have lasers going everywhere, what should I do?” “Just switch to another model of bird. They won’t ever notice”
While I agree that I would love to have that addition, (I would love to play with dual monitors since my other monitor is 32") it will likely not be something added seeing as how the average GW2 customer isn’t running dual monitors or even attempting to run dual monitors. For those customers that are, ANet implemented the windowed version where you can increase the size to a certain point while keeping the exact same resolution.
Hi I am new to the forums I don’t know if this topic should be placed here but here goes nothing. I am not a guy that goes crazy if a game has bad graphics I don’t mind but I wanna see if anyone has compared how gw2 looks (graphics wise) from the mac to the windows version. I don’t think it looks that bad on my 15"in macbook but neither do I think it looks amazing like it would on a pc. So if anyone can please take a screen shot of how the game looks like on a mac and then how it looks like on a pc like a comparision.
I mean I don’t really know but I think the game looks stunning on my rMBP but that is to be expected. Here are a few screens to prove my point…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
Well then, at least that is a step in the right direction. Some news is good news and in our case no news is bad news. I imagine we will see a little bit of Developer interaction spike for a month and then we will be back in the dark for another extended period.
iStat Pro is actually bugged on the widget downloading site now. It continues to say that it can’t find where to download the file from. I have checked multiple places online but maybe Apple will have that issue sorted out soon.
EDIT: Sorry, after further checking, found another site to download it from and have it up and running. I will keep begin my log with tonights playing. Notice, I changed the temp to F because it is easier for me to understand without having to do any calculations.
(edited by davidroberts.6170)
I mean at idle my rMBP runs at about 110-125 F. And all of the drivers should be up to date because I only purchased the computer about a week and a half ago. I did just copy the .dat for GW2 and everything else from my computer via a drive but I will try the repair trick and everything else just to see.
Trog, I’m not sure if it shows the different temperatures. I will check that out and get back to you. What app are you running to show the temperature?
EDIT: I also looked for possible software updates and so far everything is up to date. Attempting to move on to steps 2 and 3.
Well Kid,
All I know is that you and I are having the exact same problem. I am trying some different things to see if it is an overheating problem and if I can figure that out I will let you know so that you could begin testing on your side.
Do you have anything installed that shows your temps? I use iStat pro. You can check your internal temps, fan speeds, cpu usage, and memory usage by opening dashboard. The measurements are in Celsius. So if you get a crash you can open it right after and see what temps you are running at the time of the crash.
Perhaps if you keep a log using these stats when you get a crash you can see if there there is something in common. Maybe check stats before game play, during moderate game play, and after crash.
That is a great idea. Right now I use SMC Fan Control which allows me to regulate how many RPMs my fans go and shows me the current temp of my computer in either C or F. I always feel that when I crash the computer is reaching about 180-190 F. I will start to keep a log like you said. When playing last night from a relatively low temp, after about an hour of playing I had a crash. I noticed the temp was at about that range but then quickly cooled off to about 160 and next time tried providing a little extra ventilation by propping up my laptop and had no other crash issues. More testing will follow with keeping the log.
Well Kid,
All I know is that you and I are having the exact same problem. I am trying some different things to see if it is an overheating problem and if I can figure that out I will let you know so that you could begin testing on your side.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
I’m gonna take a stab at it tomorrow. Probably gonna get my friends to join in too. There is always power in numbers.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
I’ll try to pitch in here and there around the forums hoping to help out with something maybe you guys don’t know. Who knows. Maybe I will stumble across solutions to things in game that I can let everyone know about. It’s almost an every man for himself thing here. Perhaps tweeting a few times to ANet will get some kind of response?
Kid, I believe I have had the same sort of issue as you.
It began really a few days ago but that was when I first began to heavily play on my Mac. I would be playing with a friend and all of the sudden have the game crash/close with no error code given. My friend’s Mac never had this issue but it continued to happen to mine. I assumed that it was an overheating problem and the error was actually the Mac shutting down the game. I’m not sure but if someone else is having this issue than maybe it really is client related…
As others have posted, any more information like computer model or what you are doing when the close out occurs would be perfect.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: davidroberts.6170
I would love to give a big shout out to you Kyllaa, and you too Trog. At least two people understand the frustrations of fellow Mac users. I would assume one day that they will begin to at least have one person check these forums and help. I mean seriously, I could almost guarantee that one employee is competent in Mac OSX and could solve these problems by taking an hour out of their work day. Especially since they stated that they “haven’t begun work on an expansion”. One developer checking for about an hour a day would very likely be able to solve everyone’s issues with clients or whatever else.
And also, as a side note, I love seeing hawks with frikken laser beams on my friend’s MBP. I have yet to see one on my computer.
Thanks again. (This also serves as a bump to keep this at the top of the page.)
Hey guys,
I turn to all you fellow Mac users to ask one quick question. Is there someway to have screenshots I take in game direct into a folder and not to my desktop? This isn’t something necessary but is something that I would find helpful since it eliminates me having to actually move their location. Thanks.
That was actually the solution I settled for when I first made the post and it works great but yes, it is still very sad to hear. Thank you though.
Just got the new Macbook Pro 15" with Retina and loaded up the game. Everything looks absolutely stunning! The only issue I am having is with the Interface Sizing. I can’t have a good size interface at the resolution I desire. I currently have it set to Larger but it seems that a largest or extra large option would be perfect. My eyesight is great but I would prefer not to strain to read what is happening. Is there anything I can do about this, or is there a fix upcoming or in the works? Thanks!
R. David Roberts
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