(edited by daydreamer.3092)
Showing Posts For daydreamer.3092:
thx for the info about the race, didnt know that!
i have a solo guild too, its L14 atm. Some pve and pvp guild missions can be soloed
guild trek: 5 locations is easy to solo, 15 locations is doable with some training
guild bounty: 1 target is soloable. Start the fight near a wp or have some people standing around
wvw challenge: easy to solo
wvw rank: 10000 rankpoints are possible with boosts. If you have propblems you can use “boxes of wvw supplies”. the boxes are available at certain days through a) guild trader b) karma converter c) ley line matter converter. the wxp you get by using boxes is different, i think its mean is around 1000, so sometimes you dont need to do wvw at all to finish the rank mission.
i do like it to have my own guild because i like it to play without be involved into elitism or other narcisstistic stuff, wich is quite common in wvw guilds^^
have fun and go for it
p.s. after the basics, you should aim for the additional pve and wvw mission slots first
i do like the map too and the narrative of the story is ok imho, but the problem is…
…the story was ridiculously easy, it doesnt feel like fighting gods or dragons
instead i got bored and regressed to autoattack while listening to other stuff.
please change this anet. make us feel to be important. in this story line lord faren would be sufficient
you should have a look at this thread. its always good to know whats happening
think so too ..
with engie it has been possible with traited elixier s (use one before 25% hp and get the traited when hit below) other classes i dont know without flying
just walk into updrafts. its annoying i know (have died a couple of times)…
GeForce GTX 750
Driver: 347.88
same for me here. i dont have a mac, but everytime when i go underwater a black screen appears for about 2 secs. happens since patch, never before
edit: pve and wvw
was running fractals two times today and archdiviners hammer did not reappear two times. it seems it does happen when the bearer of the hammer is falling down and reappears in Down State at the same stage.
sad day