Showing Posts For dibstaru.1358:

Unable to progress with "Victory or Death"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


We had the same thing yesterday. All 5 of our group received the message so who’s active story was it?!

Anyway, just ensure that Victory or Death is selected in your Story Journal and go for it. We all checked and all got credit for completion so no need to worry :-)

Buff condition removal outside of elixirs

in Engineer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


Its not much but in the dec 10 patch we are supposed to be getting this.
Alchemy 15 – Transmute. Increased % chance from 8% to 100%. This effect can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.

That’s a nerf imo.

I think so.

Before it would convert 1 in 13 incoming attacks. Necro sceptre (for example) adds condition on each of three swings, on average you’re looking at a boon every 4 rounds of auto attack (12 swings). How many seconds does that take? Looks like cast on each swing is 1/2 second, so that’s a round every 2 seconds. So, in 16 seconds you looking at converting 2 boons from auto-attack alone.

So, I’d say a definite nerf!

I’ve really noticed our lack condition clense in the Tower. I run a static discharge PvE build and Confusion just destroys me. Also, trying to run past mobs in any sort of dungeon and Cripple is a serious problem.

I guess we have Leg Mods for that but still… maybe I was spoilt on necro?

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


This is Johanna Sparrow, a human engy allied to the Vigil that doesn’t take the defence of Kryta lightly!

Or something.

The armour is a combination of Cultural T2, Vigil and Ascalonian Catacombs. Shield is from the Pavillion. Pistol, well, I’m stuck with it for now…

Suggestions for a pistol skin would be welcome!


Vampiric Master PvE/PvP Build - Viable LS

in Necromancer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


This is the build as shown in the video, with plenty of guess work to fill in the blanks.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


Weapons, armor, and trinkets that had a magic find stat combo have been flagged as account bound and will now allow double-clicking to permanently change the stat combo. This is a one-time ability, and the options are dependent on where the item was acquired. All trading post listings for these items have been cancelled and the items returned to the poster.

So, hopefully, you’ll be quite happy.

[PvE] Scouting improvements to P/S SD Build

in Engineer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


I’m still looking for a build I enjoy for my Engineer alt. It’s only 48 at the moment so I wonder if that is why most builds I try don’t seem that great.

I’m currently running a P/P condition build and I was all set to switch to a rifle/SD crit build but it seems kind of dull. P/S seemed like a fun combination, especially the shield combo finishers, and I did read about the Flamethrower/SD hybrid but I don’t want to go back to a flametank just yet.

I like the play style of the P/P build which is focused on stacking conditions and a lot of dodging, which I guess is quite thief-y. I want a balance of kits, toolbelt and my main weapons.

I google a bit and found a build that use P/S and SD:

It’s got some weird choices (no offence author) but I took that as the basis and came up with this:

Skill-wise I have gone for SD friendly options. Trait-wise I have tried to boost my pistol and toolbelt. And Stat-wise I have gone for a balance of Vit, Power and Cond Dmg. I don’t want to go huge burst (crit is very low and generally avoided) or focus solely on conditions.

With all that in mind… where can I make improvements?

[PVE BUILD]Firestorm Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


I learnt a lot from this thread. Shame it deteriorates into an arguement about weapon that is not strictly a part of the build.