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Any video of some mesmer playing GS sw/p in pve/dungeons?
I like that weapon set (also using full berserker equip) and i don t want to change despite the range issue.
But coming from an ele i started using a sort of “rotation” even with mesmer just to have the most shatters/skill use possible.
Now this rotation plays like (obviously its just to give the idea because any rotation varies according to situations):
GS4, GS3, GS1 swap
Pistol4, pistol 5, roll, shatter
Sw2, sw3, mirror images, shatter*Issue i have….
I need to stay mid range with GS.
before i could go back in GS i need to get some distance (out of sw1 range) and i lose 2-3 seconds >.< before weapon cooldownsAm i playing wrong?
Any suggestion PVE only? (means dungeon/fractals mostly).*Also given the fact that the 4Th shatter skill is for defense, and the first is for raw damage, wich should i use in PvE while shatter 1 is coling down?
Ty u.u
I usualy do the following:
GS4, GS2, Dodge back (to create illusion) then Mindwrack
Pistol 4, pistol 5, sword 3 (close the gap and create illusion), sword 2, roll, CoF, retreat
I pretty much never use GS3 because it’s kitten… I hope your OP was a typo :P
MW might be more raw damage but don’t underestimate CoF as a secondary source… it does..ok… initial burst damage and there’s always a chance for like 2k extra confusion damage.
The restriction on names is getting out of hand, its hard to pick a name thats 1) not already taken or 2) inappropriate in some obscure dialect.
if you ask me, Anet needs to lower the profanity filter, and allow the community to decide whether certain names are inappropriate.
Which portion of the community? The player who uses a NannyMonitor on his family? The player who swears like a sailor in front of his grandmother? The minister? The gang member? The 2nd grade teacher? The truck driver? A retired member of the ESR-something or other? (Sorry if I offended anyone with those examples; I’m just trying to show scope here!)
Then, who is it who gathers all the input — from all over the globe and from all across our player demographics — and tallies the votes to see if a name is ok or not?
Let’s be realistic: ArenaNet owns the management of the community, the setting of standards, and the enforcement of those standards in as fair and realistic manner as possible. Most names that are blocked are blocked because they were reported. So that truly is our community setting the standard, no?
Point noted, What I was really trying to say is that it needs to be a bit more lax, and if somebody does find something to be overly sensitive they can report. But I do see how this can be abused. Nobody is asking you to let any name go willy nilly, just that the current filter is ott.
Get some toughness, that’s the first thing to do. The Thief’s damage is pretty much always direct damage, and your health pool as a Mesmer is low.
Mesmers Have a pretty high health pool don’t they? The fact Mesmer have High health is the reason not to go vitality, but you are right, toughness is a must if your worried about thieves getting the jump on you.
I find it really funny that every class has to trait to counter the thief :P
Make sure you aren’t still in combat, sometimes when you run past mobs they don’t reset until you move right away.
what makes you think it’s bugged? there’s a very good chance Anet have closed it off while they remove the countless exploits within the dungeon.
The restriction on names is getting out of hand, its hard to pick a name thats 1) not already taken or 2) inappropriate in some obscure dialect.
if you ask me, Anet needs to lower the profanity filter, and allow the community to decide whether certain names are inappropriate.
so, i was lvling my human thief
and i found out one of the story characters that help me is a mesmer, but is like 100 times more powerfull than normal mesmers!!look at this BS!!
she spawmed like 20 phantasms at once,
and she can also transform allies and disguise them into something else!
mesmers can do this, we just choose not to
I can’t believe there are people complaining about there being jumping puzzles, its an added feature for those that want to do it and don’t say you “have to” for the achievement points because you dont. Thats like someone that doesn’t like PvP saying that it shouldn’t be in the game because they don’t like it and don’t get achievements for it….
To take away the Mesmer ability to teleport their team mates would go against Anets own ideal for team based play. the cooldown on the portal is also fairly long considering it only stays open for 10 secs.
As for shattering clones, a lot of classes AoE skills kill clones before they can be shattered (thanks in part to signet of illusions being kittens (i actually typed out kittens).
Dunno about the original poster, but i normally attack like:
Mirror Blade (creates clone)
dodge (to create clone)
Mind wrack
followed by:
Mirror Images
then pop a Duelist and jump in with illusionary leap and blurred frenzy, roll again and smack em with a last Mind wrack if they for some reason are still alive.
All this can be done very quicky, and you take little damage with you always being on the move. obviously I change the combination of skills depending on the situation, and there are loads of other just as effective ways to do it… just thought ide share my way.
Anet will probably want to start working on something else rather than keep the event up for much longer, they might extend it to a week max but no more. As unfortunate it is to be caught up in the hurricane, it quite simply isn’t Anets fault so try not to judge them on what ever decision they make.
also, allowing only NA the extension would just result on mass server changes and even if they locked this anyone in the NA region not effected by the hurricane has all that time more to farm Mad king.
The only achievement to gain from the 31st is to attend the party, you can probably spend very little time on GW on the 31st to get everything you need from Halloween, unless they add content which i doubt considering it’s only open for the day.
I agree, Anet needs to make more puzzles that actually give me a sense of gratification… most of them are too easy and linear.
The Jump was made to be difficult, don’t cry because you lack the skill set to do it
Its hard for small characters to see where they are jumping with norns in the way, and its hard for norns to jump because of camera issues… every race has a reason to find it “difficult”.
Ive completed the puzzle multiple times on a Sylvari AND a Norn and had limited issues.
is it just me, or are 70% of sPvP classes thieves?
Ive been doing a little more pvp recently and have found that A LOT of players are rolling thief for this… like literally my whole team was Thief, Thief, Thief, Mes, Thief vs Thief, Thief, Ranger, Thief, Guard again, and again, and again, day, after day, after day.
I’m not complaining or anything, people can take whichever class they want, but there must be a reason so many people are rolling thief.
Just because someone says its math, doesn’t make it math.
I have a thief just for pvp because I personally feel a lot more powerful than with other classes.
I have tested a little myself by allowing thieves to attack and I can say right now that your “math” is wrong, for a start backstab has critted for 8k with 2600 armor.
plus you have to remember that if you want to trait toughness and still do any sort of damage, you’ll have to sacrifice some vitality so 8k (or even 4k) on a low vital build is still pretty strong.
Clones destroying phantasms (when 3 phantasms are up) fix suggestions?
in Mesmer
Posted by: djmckie.4876
Are you saying that the “over spill” slot should be one of the existing 3 or that it should be an additional slot which would mean that you can summon 4 clones?
An additional slot, but shattering 4 clones can easily be fixed by limiting shatters to 3 at a time.
In PVE I can see what people are saying about phantasms not being needed after they dish out initial damage, so they can just be shattered with clones. During boss fights however, it’s much more effective to keep phantasms up so having them replaced by scepter 1 is counter productive.
@Zoner, That wouldn’t really work, its easy to get 3 phantasms up with utilities so the extra damage would be OP.
@Carighan, The problem is that it ISN’T doing as advertised, previous patch notes have stated that a clone should never replace a phantasm, but they do if you already have 3 phantasms up.
answering the question in another way,
considering Mesmers are supposed to be masters of deception, thieves have much better stealth abilities… Mass invisibility and veil need some sort of buff imo.
Clones destroying phantasms (when 3 phantasms are up) fix suggestions?
in Mesmer
Posted by: djmckie.4876
Hi, currently it is my understanding that when a clone is created it doesn’t destroy your phantasms, unless you already have 3 phantasms up in which case they will. this is very annoying, especially if you use the scepter.
I was thinking that to fix this, you could have an “over spill” slot that can only be filled by a clone, so instead of destroying a phantasm, new clone creation will destroy that clone.
Just a few quotes to underline what this skill has effectively accomplished, please provide honest feedback with reasons as to why, or why not, this has become op.
“I’ve just tested it and it’s even better than I had hoped… you can now leave the refuge with all 10 seconds of your stealth* without breaking stealth* or getting the revealed debuff. This is a seriously powerful buff considering that I just ran from Henge to Keep completely stealthed.”
“The time you have to stay in it was basically halved from 8s to 4s. That is really OP if you compare it to Mesmer’s Elite and take cast time, duration and cd into consideration.”
use it on Veterans throughout the dungeon, If you pull 3 but moa 1 it makes the whole thing easier. tbh though 90% of the time you’ll be better off with time warp.
well, I have 21k health and was dropped in 3 secs, I’m really not one to qq but if the Mesmer is gonna get nerfed to hell, so should backstab and any other 1 click 5k damage skill… they don’t even have a cast time, pretty much instant dps.
The screenshot says it all…. no way to counter such a fast unload of damage ESPECIALLY when you can’t see it coming through stealth…
This isn’t even a great example of it because ive seen much higher crits..
this has probably been mentioned already but my internet is slow atm and can’t browse previous threads…
Skills need to be split into pve / pvp like in gw1 so that classes can be balanced to support the different game types. This way devs can focus more on fixing currently broken skills instead of being forced to heavily nerf to compensate for OP PvP.
Just a small example, I have a warrior and a mesmer:
In PVE I can hit one button with my warrior to get a 12k crit chance on anything around me (thieves have a single target 33k crit chance). with my mesmer I have to have 3 phantasms out to even get close to this. The recent nerf on mes pve has made it even harder to keep up the dps.
TBH I have no idea why these incredible 12k / 33k damage spikes haven’t been nerfed while the mes has had its dps destroyed. (btw don’t think I’m just another bad player, I can still dish the damage with my mes but it feels like I have to jump through a lot more hoops and waste a lot more time to get the same outcome as with my warrior)
(edited by djmckie.4876)
I’m trying to adapt to dungeons. I’m 80 and going back to do them since I didn’t play through them originally. I play a thief, so I’m already aware I’m going to be ‘squishy’, but I’m getting the “make one mistake and insta-fail” vibe and I dislike that greatly.
This is with switching from PvE farming DPS & MF gear to more rounded equipment too, BTW.
I get 1 shot by big attacks. Not “oh no I’m downed” 1-shot, like .. from full health to completely dead & running back from a waypoint 1-shot.
How many points have you put into your toughness trait? thieves have medium armor so staying ranged should be fine for you.
maybe they should make easy mode dungeons with terrible rewards as a way for lower skilled players to practice the mechanics?
Alot of the PS quest’s maybe more difficult at time’s but everyone understand this the Personal Storie’s are designed for you to win all the time no matter how many time’s you die and start from check point you will complete it. and see that’s the main problem of PS there is no conseqence for failer cuz there is none you either win or you….. well win so don’t sweat how diificult it might be because in the end you’ll get to lol fight Zhaitan.
not necessarily true, after a while you will be down to your boxers, no armor = no win…. luckily none of the PS have posed such a threat to me
Several times I had to re-trace my steps just to get the next sequence to trigger. Theres nothing obvious about the path you’re supposed to take, I had to look for clues online
I remember that mission, the path was supposed to be slightly obscure to challenge you, if you would like a map and tour guide of every quest, play another hand feeding game, like WoW.
On another note, this quest was easy, i just lured the sharks back to avoid too much agro… and I was using lvl 50ish weapons because the TP was down and couldn’t buy higher level ones for it.
I also soloed all of my PS with relative ease, also before they started simplifying it for everyone on my Sylvari Mesmer… i agree thieves are squishy but that’s probably partly because a lot of them are “glass cannons”, otherwise all the thieves would be stuck and not the few that are complaining. the PS should be doable for all classes/races.
are you actually kidding me? how is this a reward for completing the story mode? 5s worth of loot and some flame rams? really? I feel robbed….
correct me if I’m wrong, but the preview window doesn’t allow you change stance or upholster your weapons does it?
I find it annoying trying to look at the skin of an offhand through my characters arms, plus the weapons for some reason don’t animate on preview which gives a poor representation of some skins.
Also, on a side not…. why can’t you preview on TP? I know previewing was only introduced by demand during one of the betas and might not be fully finished so maybe they will be updated at some point.
I would also like the option to zoom in/out in the preview window…..
they could be saving such weapons for future Classes… a berserker of some sort would be a great expansion class that uses two handed axes imo