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What the hell happened with wvw ?

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


Did not seen any 13k+ dmg backstubs 2 years ago
I got 20k hp and 3k armor. It was 7-8k dmg from backstub maximum so It was easy to fight against it. Also this is melee dmg, not even close with new oneshot meta from necromancer or mesmer.
btw for us WvW was something more than brainless fight. It was intersting skill based pvp at first, not in blob mostly in guild raid against another guild raid. Now its dead.

What the hell happened with wvw ?

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


Sorry for my English but I must post it to cool down, I really need it.

I represent a guild of players who did not play more than a year. So , we decided come back to play GW2 as we do before basically in WvW. I did a lot of work to make players return and play on WvW as old good times, so after 3 days I’am freaking MAD !

What the hell you did with WvW ? Now its became typically kind of brainless spvp ! How do you think melee class should fight in pvp 40 vs 40 pelayers ? I able to forgive you stacks of stability but how the hell I should dodge 18k dmg hits in such massive fights ?18k dmg hits while i got 3k armor ! and I did not even mention damage from burning and confusion ! Why you didnt make all this changes for spvp only like you do before ? People already leaving game after 3 days and difenetly not going to buy your addon. Good job anet, you turn a very good gameplay in a pice of…

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


I’d like to shed some light on our thinking with this AC change as well as tell you all what we are doing right now to balance it.

Firstly, when siege weapons were originally created, they had the intent of being really good at some things and not so good at others. The arrow cart is intended to be the anti-personal siege weapon. It is intended that arrow carts are all about controlling an area through damage. If you remain in the area that is being hit by the arrow cart, you will die. You can however, move out of the space and/or find a new way to attack the intended target. That being said, they are not intended to be so good against other siege weapons and we are in the process of addressing that right now. We are also addressing their range when upgraded to be more in line with the range of ballistas.

There is few problems , corectly builded arrow cart inside the keep or tower – can’t be destroyed from outside. It was a huge problem before and terrible problem right now , rams and golems not effective enought because 5 players with correctly placed superior arrow carts (which can’t be destroyed) can stop 80 people zerg with rams and golems.
Secondary problem is a lot of players using zoom hack , it make arrow carts inside the keeps and tower undestroyable.

and third problem is big ammount of arrow carts can take down huge number of players , if gates or wall inside enemy object already down – you cant enter because of 6-8 arrow carts barrage fire.

you also need to think about next fixes : maximal limit of siege weapons inside objects (it should be very limited to make people place it smart and not everywhere its possible)
rams and golems should be immune to arrow cart fire , as i said : 5 superior arrow carts was able to destroy 10 golems before this patch , now 2-3 superior arrow carts can do it. 2 arrow carts able to take down 5 rams in few seconds , it make rams compleatly useless.

i hope you gonna read this post.

I llike the new and improved AC's :>

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


enjoy it while it is possible. Already half of my guild left game becouse of thjis stupidity , same with other guild in ouer aliance

soon it will be fights 2 vs 6 , tell me about good farm then.

This is either a huge exaggeration or your guild mates are massively over reacting. The buff arrow carts and everyone rage quits? Seems pretty silly to me, but hey if it’s that important to you I’m not one to tell people when to quit.

And I agree, as annoying as it might be, there are definitely ways to counter it

its because of impossible to take keeps in my tier , scouts arrow carts and trebs everywhere , no counter tactic against it.
only 1 thing left to do – its defend your keep which no one not trying to attack in ouer prime time.
so wvw is “i scouting my keep and no single fight for hours…”
its not silly , there is no rage quits . Just solitaire has a more dynamic gameplay. I think after this patch its serious competitor for gw2.

(edited by dooh.1840)

I llike the new and improved AC's :>

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


enjoy it while it is possible. Already half of my guild left game becouse of thjis stupidity , same with other guild in ouer aliance

soon it will be fights 2 vs 6 , tell me about good farm then.

30.04 wvw changes compilation and analyze

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


WvW is doomed? I don’t think so for this very reason: It’s day 1. Drastic changes often result in drastic response. It’s common in almost… everything.

Back to GW2, it’s like the introduction of ascended. Day 1? Everyone threatened to quit. 5 months later? Hardly anyone talks about it, and guess what? The game didn’t die. People adjusted.

I think the exact same thing will happen to WvW. The new arrow carts resulted in a drastic change in routine to how players previously normally played WvW. Most players will not like that. I’d bet that a month later, the talk of OP arrow carts will be insignificant.

i remember why most of the players already stop playing gw2 because of the smaller things. With such huge changes there will be empty borders.

btw i think there was 2 many talks on the forum about blobs and skills delays. Probably its arena net solution : 5-10 people on each border in prime time can’t make blobs and skills delay xD

Nah, I really doubt that will be the case. Honestly, every single player who ever said GW2 was doomed was wrong to date. Perhaps it might change this time, but given the circumstances it’s extremely unlikely just like every other time. For one, there’s still queue times.

More so, nothing’s stopping non-defensive skirmishes. I’m still seeing frequent battles out in the open. Despite this, before I logged off I was in a WvW matchup defending an objective fortified with arrow carts. It got taken anyway, and yes the battle was long, but it was also more epic.

more epic what ? more epic fight with gates/walls ?
i have no idea how to make my guild keep playing on wvw and i’am not sure what i want to play such game. Its fun to fight with players but its kitten boring siege fortified keeps. Because of 2 last updates my server population on wvw decreased already in 6 times ! just think about in the last days of march we was have about 1-3 hours queue on every borderland in prime time. Now we got outmanned buff in prime time.
i’am not say gw2 is doomed , pve still not completely ruined somehow , but wvw is definitely doomed. There is no more good fights , no more fun – no reason to play for my guild.

30.04 wvw changes compilation and analyze

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


WvW is doomed? I don’t think so for this very reason: It’s day 1. Drastic changes often result in drastic response. It’s common in almost… everything.

Back to GW2, it’s like the introduction of ascended. Day 1? Everyone threatened to quit. 5 months later? Hardly anyone talks about it, and guess what? The game didn’t die. People adjusted.

I think the exact same thing will happen to WvW. The new arrow carts resulted in a drastic change in routine to how players previously normally played WvW. Most players will not like that. I’d bet that a month later, the talk of OP arrow carts will be insignificant.

i remember why most of the players already stop playing gw2 because of the smaller things. With such huge changes there will be empty borders.

btw i think there was 2 many talks on the forum about blobs and skills delays. Probably its arena net solution : 5-10 people on each border in prime time can’t make blobs and skills delay xD

30.04 wvw changes compilation and analyze

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


sorry apparently today I’m captain obvious. But looks like some one needs me xD

30.04 wvw changes compilation and analyze

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


first thing at all i’am expirienced commander and guild leader from tier 1 , lets see how this changes affects on us.

Increased arrow-cart damage:
Increased Fire damage by 80%.
Increased Fire Crippling Arrows damage by 17%.
Increased Fire Barbed Arrows damage by 60% and increased the Bleed duration to 15^^seconds.

-it mean every keep or tower with scouts inside – can’t be take with rams or golems.

Swirling Winds skill: No longer destroys unblockable missiles.

- this means your catapults and trebushed useless if defenders got their own counter trebuchet inside the keep , they always got high ground adventage (except bay , this keep have no high ground adventage)

so : rams , golems , catapults and trebuchet useless if defenders got scouts inside and corectly placed siege weapons. they able to defend keep in 5 poeople against 80 people.

The “under attack” notice at objectives now displays 30 seconds after it is first attacked. Does not affect waypoint usage.

- it means ninja attack more effective against keeps/tower where is no scouts.

in total : its pointless to play in prime time , becouse there is a lot of scouts and siege wepons inside enemy keeps , but much easy to capture objects in late night and early morning when enemies have not enought people to scout everything. This is exatly oppositely that we want for. You dont need to fight with players , now you need only capture objects while they sleeping and sit inside the keeps in your prime time.

gj arena ! wvw is doomed.

Petition for the Arrow Carts to ArenaNet

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


+1 ac was overpowered to mutch before this patch , after the patch it make wvw unplayable.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


Stop chasing Kittens Aneu and tell it like it is, drink that 3rd bottle, you know you want to.

Its a megazoid smasher

No, it’s like this. It indeed makes it a lot harder for zergs. But it destroys anything that is not a zerg. So basically now everyone has to zerg and zerging has become harder.

I would hope that smaller groups have a higher average intelligence than a zerg and simply plop down a catapult in a more defensible area, far out of AC reach.

I really dont understand peoples issues with catapults. Just stay away from the door until its open and the ACs has been destroyed.

All this change really does in terms of keep defense is stop stacking on the door, be it a 50 man zerg or a 5 man group. Rams become a secondary tool, not primary.

okey , lets make it clear.
1) you coming to gates and building counter ac , taking down enemy ac’s and placing rams
2) you spoted by enemies , they building counter ac and taking down your ac and ram
3) you building catapult far away from gates , enemies building counter treb and taking down your catapult
4) you building counter treb against counter treb and trying to take down enemy treb
5) enemies building counter counter counter treb and trying to take down your treb
6) you building counter counter counter counter treb to take down counter counter… kitten IT !

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


just enjoy this xD

That proves nothing when you don’t show your specs. If you are a glass canon you deserve to take that much damage for standing in the blatantly obvious red circles.

not my screen , i’am pvt guardian with 5lvl siege bunker. But even i’am afraid come to the gates with 3-5 ac behind it.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


just enjoy this xD


Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


1) You have 30 second before swords appear on the tower. So you actually have advantage if the tower is not scouted ahead of time.

2) You have a massive advantage if you have a scout in the tower and can man AC to prevent a zerg owning your tower.

3) We wanted a zerg smasher, we now have a zerg smasher and it seems the zerg is complaining now.

Get over it.

so what the point ? sit inside the keeps few hours and have no fun all this time ? do you think its about to fight with players or about sit inside the keeps and dont moove out to fight ? There is no adventage , its just become boring as hell !

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


Solution – before you flag the keep … lay offensive AC and take out their AC’s first … then you are strategically sound to not only place rams, but protect your rams as well. Or use a catapult, or a treb, or any number of methods to get their AC’s down, they aren’t invincible.

All this does, is prevent stupid people from being enabled, and it requires you to put half a rational thought into it.

1) you can’t see through most of the keep gates
2) you can’t shoot all 6-8 arrow carts behind the gates faster than enemies gonna spot you and take down your ac
3) 1700 supply in t3 keep , gl to take down enemy ac with counter ac wich can be killed from the walls and new ac will be builded behind the walls , srsly , good luck with it xD
4) you can’t build your treb to take down enemy ac when defenders got counter treb
5) you can’t build ac when you under fire.

result : defenders always wins now , no chance to take enemy t3 keep if its defended by 10-15 people with correct placed siege weapons.
oh wait , 10 omeg golems for each keep , each day…. no way , better to leave the game than work for golems.

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


Maybe a couple AC’s you can heal through. You cannot heal through 6+ AC’s, they kill you and your ram very quickly.

I’m sorry, but why the kitten, are you trying to ram a gate with 6 ACs? That’s seems incredibly kittening stupid, I thought those kinds of people were weeded out in higher tiers :P.

Also, for the 10k damage, prove it. Otherwise I call BS. On a glass cannon maybe.

in eu tier 1 vizhunah server got 6 superior ac behind the every gate, And they literally behind the gates , its impossible to take it down from outside. They got a lot of scouts in every keep and they making suicide rush to take down all trebs in few seconds. So now its just impossible to take their keeps. Lets be honest , its possible to adapt for such rules , but its boring as hell ! we dont need that. Better to leave the game in this case.
btw , when TESO release ?

p.s i know what we can set up counter arrow carts on some gates , but its impossible to do on inner gates when enemies already waiting for it.

(edited by dooh.1840)

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


almost forget ! Do you like fight with people ? you like to raid with your guild and killing enemies in open field ?
Forget about dat now ! now we apllieng 30 seconds cd before sword appears on the keep. Now you need just sit for hours on arrow carts behind the gates , its boring as hell and you will not get any fun from it ! enjoy ouer epic world versus gates full of arrow carts !

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: dooh.1840


perfect , just perfect ! we was unhappy because of this long boring sieges of t3 keeps , overpowered arrow carts , huge blobs and low rams hp. You know before this patch with 5 superriors rams was very kitten hard to siege keeps in tier 1 without golems , now its just impossible !

I think hints to us : shut up you wvw mobs ! this game only about pve ! shut up and finaly leave this game , its not for you !

i think when 90% ow wvw players will leave this game because of this patch – there will be no more wine about wvw problems. Perfect solution anet ! genius ! My wvw rank is 120+ legend , i very regret about time i spent on this.