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Anet actually made sense removing trains in starting zones.
Those places are where people start out playing, having them think that spamming 1 is all there is to this game has promoted bad gameplay for new people and prevented them from learning their classes properly.
It’s a long overdue move in the right direction encouraging better gameplay from people if they want the best rewards and not spamming 1 forever on their loot stick.
Add in toxic players with horrible attitudes, and you scare away new players
I have no doubt that the attitudes were the real cause of the changes to starter zone champions. I can see where the developer wouldn’t want that kind of environment. I can also see how increased reports would impact in-game CS, creating an efficiency or resource issue.
“Zerker warr, lv80 or GTFO”…Yup. Totally targeting the full extent of toxic attitudes by relegating it to that individual starter zone…
You fail to realize that you can simply not join those parties because they don’t want you and you don’t want them(each can play how they want).
If you are a newbie(or just wanna kill solo champs for the challenge) and want to kill a champ you will get yelled at and verbally abused by the zerg and you are stuck at the same zone with a zerg.
For those people looking for champ farm you don’t have to look far. Do SE P1 in less than 5 mins = 5 champ boxes x 12 runs an hour = 60 boxes an hour.Of course you will need to know how to use your utilities properly on this one and spamming 1 on your loot stick will only lengthen runs and mean less loot but it’s more rewarding than champ train.
It’s not all about the loot. Game is supposed to be social. Train was exactly that. It was fun.
The trains were mindless fun. You were not going to get rich or level incredibly fast. They were just fun. Bunch of people going from point to point killing stuff and getting some modest loot. Lots of laughs along the way. Too bad hard cores couldn’t deal with average folk just having a good time.
Nature of the business, not necessarily an issue with ANet. This happens all the time. Happens with cell phones, laptops, tablets, software, etc. etc. You want something all shiny and bleeding edge, you pay more. Wait and the bargains come. Such is the way of business.
Palm Trees with lights.
I’m having the same issue with the defend the gate portion. Clear the camp, NPC dialog, then first wave at the gate. After that, nothing. REALLY frustrating. Personal story is kind of pointless when you can’t do it. Second time I’ve been unable to progress in my story. I was hoping for better than this.
sadly they don’t care what we think they got are money
they’ll just wait for the next guy too buy the box
Well they should because the only way they get additional monies once a person has paid for the game is the cash shop. They rely on “repeat sales.” If the player no longer logs in to play, they have zero chance of the repeat sale. It’s kind of a business 101 thing.
Unfortunately, ANet is really anti-farming. They have a long history of it. Ask anyone who farmed dye in GW1. They are big on diminishing returns for farming a given area. People, like myself, who like to farm are just SOL with this group. It’s too bad really. They hurt us because that is easier than actually fixing bot problems.
I like the concept of scaling, I just feel that it needs to be tweaked a bit. IMHO I believe that the scaling itself should scale. A level 80 should never be scaled down below the highest level mob in the lower areas. So say an 80 goes into a zone where the highest level mob is a 20. I’d say, the 80 should be scaled to no less that 22, for example. If a 40 goes in there, the scaling him to even or maybe a point below would be more acceptable.
Camping the puzzle in WvW, for the PvPer, is like going to your favorite fishing hole. You go there because you know you will catch fish. Just because you stay there doesn’t necessarily mean you are there to harass the fish.
That being said, the puzzle shouldn’t be part of the world completion list (if it is). ANet should put good pvp rewards for completing, so it still attracts PvPers to attempt it, and remove it from the list so PvEers are not required to do PvP. Everyone wins.
some people find farming enjoyable, and if you find a decent place to farm mats that are needed for <insert whatever reason here> it shouldn’t be prohibited just because they want to limit bot use.
I know an unpopular, yet useful solution for this would be to have ANet spam a code to the player every hour they seem to be farming and have them reproduce that code back to them within 30 seconds.
I would have absolutely no issue with having to enter a code to say “hey, I’m a real player”. Especially if rewards were good and it stopped botters. To me, diminishing rewards is about the worse thing you can do to players that are driven. It may be too late for those who have already paid for their game. But this day and age word gets around so fast about games that this type of activity will definitely hurt future sales, not to mention expansions of those who’ve already bought the base game.
ANet, don’t hurt the people who are driven.
I must say I’m getting there myself. Love the graphics and the feel etc, but the bugged quests are starting to get annoying.
I like the idea of downscaling, but somehow it doesn’t feel right. When I’m doing a low level area on my main I felt weaker than my low level alt.
Funny you say that. I can’t put my finger on why but I feel the same way.
Agreed. Costs should be based on zone level and distance traveled. Not even sure character level needs to come into play. Right now it’s kinda like paying airfare based on age.
This is why I think GW2 should have done what Rift did and just given us a wardrobe tab in our character screen where we can set whatever armor pieces we want as our appearance. I really hate the idea behind the transmutation stones. It seems like just a cheap cash grab to me.
Like the idea of a wardrobe tab. I keep running back to apply my Hall of Monument skins when upgrading armor. I know it’s free but its still kind of a pain when my intention would be to just keep that look indefinitely.