Showing Posts For elix.6714:

Improve guesting UI

in Suggestions

Posted by: elix.6714



My suggestion is simple: make the guesting UI the same as the UI for joining people in overflows (put it in the party context menu.) It seems odd to have to log out in order to join a friend when you don’t have to do so for dungeons and overflows. On a related note, unless there’s a fantastic reason for it, I’d suggest ditching the 2 server/day limit.


On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elix.6714


These conspiracy theories are ridiculous. ArenaNet not caring about bots would be suicide, and I am confident that they’re aware of that. If a game loses its players, it will also lose its bots as there will be no money in it for them either. I believe ArenaNet is likely in the process of building automation and tools to help make this more efficient. I imagine they’d rather automate as much as possible and make that aspect of the GMs jobs as easy/efficient as possible as well. Building tools can take some time, especially when the consequences are great; you want as few false positives as possible. Give them some time and I think you’ll see a wave of bans the likes of which you haven’t seen.

Regarding Mike's WvW post

in WvW

Posted by: elix.6714


How about arming us with more information regarding each server? I’m thinking a rolling average of the WvW wait times.