Showing Posts For ellobo.1572:
“Anet said a few years ago that they would bring polymock back. Never heard a thing about it since.”
Sums up most of arenanets promises and goals
Yea…. I enjoyed dungeons. So don’t pretend nobody cares about them.
Have you not heard? It’s the Anet way to abandon things when things get difficult… Water Combat, WVW, dungeons, ect ect…
Let them first sort things out on land and then maybe move onto aquatic based combat.
And how many more years do we expect that to take exactly…….?
This game is starting to feel a little like the TV show LOST… Lots of good and mysterious questions have been raised the last 2 years….. almost none have been answered.
I would expect that after 2 years and a 60$ expansion later we would have a little more closure…. but the ending felt flat for me. All and all it wasn’t too bad an expansion but the entire story was finding the original destiny’s edge members and then it ended.
Maybe I missed something or I didn’t catch part of the story but if anyone has more info to give me please tell…. without speculation because there is alot of that with no hard facts to back it up. And please don’t tell me "all will be revealed in the upcoming Living story. PLLLLLLLEASE….. its been 2 years… and an expansion. Somethings should have been made more clear.
Questions that needed to be answered:
1. What the heck was Scarlet’s main goal? Why did she say just before her death to caithe that “one day the world will see they needed me” or something along those lines…. we have no idea why she would want to wake the dragon. Speculation states that she was the first minion of mordy and he was controling her to aid in waking him up… but I have seen no concrete evidence of this.
2. Ley Lines…. they look cool…. sound cool… still not sure why they are in the game or how they drive the story forward… they are the magic of the earth that dragons feed on…. but ok so??? They purely exist to give us more missions that tell us nothing it seems. Can ley lines be used as a weapon against the elder dragons? Can we starve the dragons with them? We know nothing…..
3. Glint’s egg…. have no idea what this is all about, or how it helps or hurts me. Apparently from the final cut scene more will be revealed later…. sigh….. YAY! I am the one true egg bearer. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN! Why is the egg important?
4. Oh that last fight… king koopa…. So if mordy is an elder DRAGON….. when they explain exactly what he is, the massive vines in the earth, what exactly is dragon like about that. He does not sound like a dragon at all. Well at least the fight was better then zhaitan’s fight fight.
Mehlonni….. bad spelling
But failing leads to crying….. and crying customers don’t buy gems…. and when they don’t buy gems thats bad for business…..
It’s just better for everyone if the content is made so that a quadriplegic can smash their head against the keyboard and win!
1. Living world/expansion: will we see more direct tie in from gw1 into gw2 from story missions and living world content?
2. home instances/failed potential : so far since release we got a candy corn node and a crystal node that we can add to our instances….. ok so what else can we do with it? decorate? play mini games? we could have an entire marketplace on the TC for things to add. there is so much potential here lost.
LOL funny… clearly this is a new concept to these kids.
First off I think this could be GW2 best Living story yet. Its like world war 3 Guild wars style. It is very exciting watching multiple aetherblade dropships comming in across the horizon. And the battles are very long and fun.
And there is a level of risk vs reward and people either work together and win the event or they dont and get money. When u got 1000+ people of course you are going to have diffrence of opinion on what the horde should do. I dont think there IS a wrong way of doing it. Just because your prioritys are diffrent then someone elses and you cant FORCE everyone else to play it YOUR way doesnt mean there is something wrong.
Some times everyone works together and sometimes they dont, sometimes you win a the events and sometimes you dont.
And since you cant observe all 1000+ players at once don’t come on these forums making it sound like you know for a fact the majority is not working together to win just because you are seeing a group in front of you not doing what YOU want them to do. And dont come on here pretending like every map battle is like this, I have been playing almost 10 hours straight and its 50/50 right now if people finish the event sucessfully.
Sorry you can’t make everyone play your way bub. But some people like me enjoy it the way it is. Win some Lose some.
Besides were people not just complaining that events were too easy and all you need to do is zerg to win? Now you still zerg and have a possibility to lose if you cant work together which is perfect in my eyes.
while trying to shout in map chat for dungeon party i keep getting this msg. its annoying to try to seek for a party but cant communicate that i am seeking one. i usually get this after just one shout in map chat. sometimes on the first try and wont let me use the map chat feature.
i doubt that its too many people trying to map chat, because nobody else is talking in map chat period…….