Showing Posts For evocati.8712:
Sorry about the double post, but I’d like to address these points individually:
1)Staff: Staff has one AOE and that is Chaos storm ( 1st skill doesn’t bounce, is unreliable)
2)GW: has one AOE, and that is “beserker”, again unreliable. 2nd skill also not that good ( bounces are limited) , 3rd skill really low radius.
Staff: Your basic attack hits several targets. Chaos storm hits several targets. Chaos armor hits as many targets as are hitting you and gives very good defensive buffs. The only single-target attack is warlock.
All of greatsword attacks are AoE, except for the autoattack.
- Berserker always snares your target and anything else in its path. It’s hardly unreliable.
– Mirror blade is great – it puts a clone ON your target and it always bounces several times on targets within range. You can bounce it off yourself if you’re close enough.
– Yes, the aoe on mind stab (?) / gs 3 is small; that means YOU have to learn to aim it better.
– GS 5 is an aoe knockback.
Now U suggested to cast phantasms and then shatter them. What is the use of phantasms then?? Why not make all illusion clones and lower the cool downs. I would rather have that, since I benefit more from shattered illusions( traits) .
Didn’t U read my post where I was saying that Illusions sometime tend to get one shotted ?
If your illusions die a lot, perhaps you should consider the on-illusion death traits. Illusions aren’t tanks, they’re distractions / “living hexes”. The mesmer is NOT a pet class.
Now lets talk about Utilities. We have mantras which no uses ( that like 5 utilities gone), we signets that are useless(3-4 Utilities gone). What is left is a limited pool of utility skills left making variation limited.
To conclude, Mesmers don’t have a RELIABLE way of dealing AOE dmg.
Mesmers have plenty of AoE – your problem is that you need to learn to utilize it better.
I don’t have these PVE problems that other people are complaining about on the forums.
In WvW, I regularly solo supply camps, which I constantly see other classes struggle at.
GS with 10 points in dom has a ton of ways to deal with melee and kiting – aoe snare (berserker), aoe knockback, aoe snare on clone death and all your damage is ranged. You can kite packs of melee all day.
To deal with ranged, you can use focus reflection, feedback, warden, reflect-on-heal.
In a pinch, you’ve got a aggro dump / escape in decoy and portal.
The staff is not a kiting weapon. It’s a tanking weapon. While you should be using kiting methods wherever possible/applicable, it’s not as sustainable as GS. If you’re getting killed with staff, analyze whether your stats are matching your playstyle, adapt, and resolve the problem.
While time warp is extremely good….
It’s also extremely good at getting people inside it killed when you drop feedback on them
Trolling other Mesmers – priceless.
(edited by evocati.8712)
I use the focus and Warden’s Feedback extensively in WvW.
Both focus skills reflect projectiles with this ability. You won’t notice the numbers unless you’re relatively close to the target that gets hit by the reflected projectile (think like 1200-1500 range – approx the same range as the greatsword).
Temporal Curtain’s reflect area precisely matches the wall effect on the ground – yes it is affected by the Z-axis. It’s very easy to test with a ranger that’s shooting at you in medium range. Drop the curtain, then keep it between you and the ranger (make sure to giggle)
Another very easy way to test these abilities is to drop the wall/warden near a gate that’s being seiged in WvW (be on top of the gate, near where the oil spawns to help angle curtain right). You’ll see the numbers pop up from people in the back of the zerg.
I really like temporal curtain with the reflection ability – it is useful in all pvp scenarios. Anti-range with the reflection, anti-melee with the snare / speed / pull. Extraordinarily useful when running from a zerg. Combined with the warden, it’s a very good area-denial offhand.
<—- Ebay player. Been in WvW almost exclusively all week.
Alliance or not, it’s pretty clear what the sequence of events were for this match-up.
Ebay gets an early lead. Prearranged or not, TC and Mag put the hurt down to claw back into the game. It’s a very smart strategic move.
Over the weekend, TC passes Ebay (and hasn’t given up the lead). Later, Mag and Ebay are close and Mag eventually pulls ahead. TC is opportunistic, taking easy points, beating up on whoever’s in 2nd and violently defending their holdings in their borderlands.
At this point, Mag and Ebay should have allied and put the smack down on TC. Neither server did, so TC gained what looks to be an insurmountable lead. Ebay and Mag continue to take points off each other, rather than work on shortening TC’s gap.
TC’s earned this victory through cunning. It’s been beautiful to watch. Regardless of whether they ‘played’ Mag or Mag and Ebay just aren’t smart enough to take points off the leader doesn’t really matter.
This has been a fun matchup, probably beyond repair for Ebay.
I’ve learned a lot by seeing how TC plays and hope my server takes the lesson to heart.
One final note, after TC and Maguuma got stomped by Dragonbrand last week I think our two servers have a mutual respect for one another, though I think that they’re fully aware that as soon as they take the lead that we may very well start double teaming them. Our match-up is proving fun and relatively competitive so far, and two on ones are a natural thing to expect on a threeway battle.
Some respect…
TC is taking advantage of Mag. Look at the points. Look at the gain.
If ‘respect’ means kicking your buddy when they’re down, then TC sure respects the crap out of Mag.
Edit: TC is making a move on Mag’s orb right now, LOL.
(edited by evocati.8712)
<—- EBay player.
Fun times last night! Pretty even matchup! I saw a fair amount of organized groups running around Maguuma borderlands last night – y’all had some very impressive team tactics on display!
We did recover a bit of ground overnight, but not nearly as much as we’ve done in past matchups – it’s still fairly close.
I think this weekend’s events will set the tone for the week to come.
Good luck and good fighting, Maguuma and TC.
I’m a mesmer. There seems to be a lot of confusion on how this works.
Mesmers can’t bypass walls, unless they’re already inside. Period!
We can, however, hide inside a keep that has just been taken and wait for the zerg to clear out. Once they all leave, we drop a portal inside and run out over the walls. Drop the other endpoint and move a group in.
It takes a lot of coordination – I’ve only had success doing this with guild groups in vent.
(edited by evocati.8712)
Hear, hear.
That’s the right attitude.
-Love and Kisses,
Ehmry Bay
Jereguy – it’s to fuel the shatters and sow confusion. The last ten points in domination are flexible… I’ve toyed with 30 in inspiration to fix the big weakness – no condition removal.
Edit: You can also pop them into chaos for reduced damage per illusion. Now that you mention it, going 5 more into inspiration makes more sense than 10 in domination for the same net effect, giving you an extra 5 points to play with if you want that +phantasm damage.
Edit 2: Illusions 25 and dueling 25 look pretty appealing with those extra 5 points, depending on whether you want a might buff on shatter (can synergize with an focus sigil of might, plus GS might stacking) or some clone-killing-punishment. I’m attempting the build with 20 dueling, 25 insp and 25 illusions right now
(edited by evocati.8712)
This is my current GS / Sword + Focus build for WvW, it’s pretty similar to some of the previous posted builds:
The focus is on warden and reflection, but you have tools in all phases of the game. Confusion on all shatters, bleeds on crits, solid ranged and melee direct damage from phantasms and superior group mobility for chasing and escaping.
There are two abilities that really make warden shine: Warden’s Feedback and Phantasmal haste. WF gives the reflect and PH gives it 80-90% uptime. I didn’t see PH in the previous posted builds and really want to emphasize how important it is.
You can combo all your sword abilities into warden very effectively in a melee situation: use the focus wall / pull to suck enemies into your warden and sword 3 leap + root to keep them there. Pop sword 2 to punish hard while they can’t move. All of this is aoe except for the leap, which isn’t always necessary. I’ve downed 3-4 targets at a time using this exact combo.
GS is an appropriate pairing for focus / swords because it’s a direct damage weapon and benefits from the same primary stats as swords and phantasms: power & precision. It gives great range and you can position yourself between warden and your target to give you a solid ranged advantage.
Both feedback and portal are on reduced cooldowns. You can drop feedback or focus 4 to cover for warden’s cooldown or to extend the reflection area. Additionally, you have a get-out-of-jail-free card every 40-50 seconds with portal – just make sure to drop the entrance before engaging. You can drop the exit while stunned, rooted or channeling and only need about 1.5 seconds to escape. Other than the obvious creative uses with portal, its primary advantage over blink is the range and group utility. A well placed portal is always a guaranteed escape.
One other side note – you can go perma-sprint with focus 4 and 6 Runes of the Centaur, which add bleed duration and power… both stats you can use. Conveniently, both your ‘sprints’ are aoe and can be used very effectively in a small group setting.
This build gives you answers to the most common WvW situations:
– At range, you’re a beast with multiple reflects and GS.
– In close, you’ve got brutal aoe damage tools and solid defense from decoy, diversion/distortion, blurred frenzy and portal.
– Out of combat, you’re mobility king with perma-aoe sprint and portal.
The only glaring weakness is condition removal, especially roots and snares. Swap utilities in for the right situation – typically I’m exchanging portal for null field. You can also use blurred frenzy or diversion/distortion to wait out root duration safely or cover the portal-drop delay.
There’s so much more about this build that I really like (I haven’t even mentioned the self-combos with feedback / timewarp / null field), but I feel that I’ve rambled too much already. I’d encourage you to experiment and find a build that suits you best – hopefully you found this helpful!