Showing Posts For faith.8560:

"Norn Supplies" Bug for Albin Chronicler's Heart

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: faith.8560


Location: The Icesteppes
Heart: I forget the name (quest vanished when I completed it), but NPC’s name is Albin Chronicler

The Norn supplies go to the inventory when you buy them from the Jotun, instead of being equipped. The Jotun do not seem to detect its presence at all, and you cannot sell it to them. Double-clicking on it does nothing, and right-clicking only produces the option to destroy. The item remains in inventory after heart is completed.

Small Quality of Life Suggestions Regarding Spammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: faith.8560


It would be great if:
1) Reporting a letter as spam also deletes it automatically.
2) Reporting a player as a gold spammer also automatically puts his account on temporary (maybe 24-48 hours?) ignore.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560


Today for some reason the “Sell” function on TP abruptly stopped working for me when not at a TP. If my character is out in the field and I click the “sell” tab, it loads a blank page.

Edit for clarity: All the other tabs load fine when away from a TP. It’s just Sell that stays blank.

(edited by faith.8560)

Rezzing Should Contribute Toward Event

in Suggestions

Posted by: faith.8560


You guys (Arenanet) made a big effort to make players want to help each other out and cooperate. Whenever someone is downed or dead, it is marked in the compass and the world map, and a big marker appears over the character’s head, and rezzing the person gives an exp reward.

It seems to be against this philosophy to NOT have rezzing event participants contribute towards your event points. The players who take the time to stop attacking the boss and help out their dying comrades can end up with bronze medals as a reward, while the players who ignore their dying comrades beside them and continue firing at the boss end up with a gold medal.

I would like to suggest that resurrecting downed and dead fellow event participants contribute towards our event points, too. After all, when we rez someone, we’re bringing reinforcements back into the fight—that IS a contribution and should be counted as such.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560


Minimum price limit for placing buy orders was removed; however, minimum sale price was not. A player attempting to fill a buy order below vendor price will be unable to do so as the ‘sell’ button is grayed out.

This means that there are a lot of useless buy orders on the TP that will never be filled as it is not possible to do so. For consistency, please either add the minimum price limit back, or remove it from selling also.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560


Food is not listed under “Consumable > Food”. Instead, it’s listed under “Consumable > Generic”.

Please Label Asura Gate Destinations In Maps

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: faith.8560


This is a small quality of life thing. As a new player, I check the asura gates in my compass and map to try to find a specific one. However, every single gate just says “Asura Gate – Fast travel to far away locations” when I hover my cursor over it, so that I have to run up to each and every gate physically to see if it’s the one I want.

It would be much more player-friendly to change the hover tooltip to something like “Asura Gate – Fast travel to Metrica Province” instead.

[BUG] Event Stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: faith.8560


Event name: Escort and defend workers sent to defend the guard tower
Location: Altar Brook Vale

People are sitting on the bridge and killing the centaurs there outside of the event circle on compass, so the centaurs being killed aren’t counting toward the event. Event progress bar is stuck permanently at 0. Centaur waves are coming indefinitely.

It’s been stuck for more than 1.5 hours now.

(edited by faith.8560)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560


The “transactions” tab does not have a “next” button. When you have more than 10 items listed, for instance, you cannot see past the last 10 posted. Currently it seems that the only way to get at the things you’re selling or buying past the last 10 is to cancel the last 10 as well.

How I play with my friends in same world?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: faith.8560


Are you in an overflow server? You can see if you are by mousing over the compass (the little map on the lower right corner). You get placed in overflow if your server is full.

Just have people right-click the portrait of whoever is in an overflow server and click ‘join’.

If you were in the same server/ overflow server already, note that there is currently a known bug:

We’re working on capacity constraints causing issues with parties and guild functionality, including symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, parties not staying together as they travel between maps or into dungeons, and guild manipulation not working.


Things I wish I knew when I started playing.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: faith.8560


… just found this topic because my mini’s all vanished … if I used the " Deposit Collectibles " with the mini’s in my bag and they are now gone, is there a way to get them back … or am I SoL ?

You can access collectibles by opening your bank and clicking on the left collectibles tab. You can also access the bank (and collectibles) at any crafting station.

Is anyone keeping track of WvW results?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: faith.8560


There seems to be an attempt at it here:

10% "Tax" on selling items in trading post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: faith.8560


The listing fee for selling on the Trading Post is 5% of the sales price. This listing fee is not returned even if the listing is cancelled.

Upon successful trade an additional 10% fee is deducted from the price, i.e. the total cost of a successful sale is 15%.


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560


True, since they did add some text about how you need to pick up your purchased item at the trading post. It might be appropriate to add a note on the fees when opening TP for the first time.

Error Message On Emailing Exploits

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: faith.8560


This isn’t quite a website bug, but this seems to be the closest category for it.

Exploits – If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net.

My emails bounce back with an error from Daemon Mailer whenever I attempt to mail

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Recipient address rejected: User unknown (state 16).

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: faith.8560



Trading post charges:
5% = posting fee
10% = on successful sale

From the wiki:

The listing fee for selling on the Trading Post is 5% of the sales price. This listing fee is not returned even if the listing is cancelled. Upon successful trade an additional 10% fee is deducted from the price, i.e. the total cost of a successful sale is 15%.