Showing Posts For fikii.9458:

password retrieve

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fikii.9458



My friend got a problem with his password recovery.
Whenever he logins to the game it’s by account manager and auto saved informations (email + password) , but he totally forgot his password. So he tried to recover his password on this web, but it asked him for 3 things:

Account name : OK
Serial Code : Forgotten and deleted in his mailbox (digi edition), sad but true
Chars name of his acc : OK

That’s it, we dont know what to do next.
Only what he knows is his registered gw2 email, + all information that he has written in when he was creating his acc.

He even cant login here so i am writting this instead of him.

Thanks for every help.

Theif's the most OP class

in Thief

Posted by: fikii.9458


1 to this thread.
Glad to see that ppl start complaing about the same thing that is ruining my pvp vs thieves.
Dont call me as bad, noob or anything like that, i know what i am doing in pvp, but if i should say what prof is the hardest to fight against, it’s thief.
All reasons was already said, so dont call us as noobs or l2p.
How could i focus something and fight against something that i dont see and every hit i get is about 4k
..except backsteb, it’s for 10k+

My opinion guyz, wont be here to see all thieves complaing .. WE ARENT OP.

a Vote for Ranger speed..

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


if we should expect some speed boost, it will +-20% speed of Signet of the Hunt, but … wait for it people .. still wait … UNDERWATER !!!!

Recovering Items due to rollback ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458



Yesterday i finally finished the Balthazar event with good people around, waiting for that about some days and checking it every day if it’s contested or not.

So we finished the event and i finally spent all my karma for Obsidian Shards. I was happy that i finally got them, but after 2 minutes i bought them i got DC’ed with the famous system message (Something is wrong with your router or firewall …….) maybe due to the big patch.
Now, just now i downloaded the patch and logged into the game, but where are my shards ?

It’s pretty nice and honesty that i get all my karma back, but .. what ? Why did i spend some hours to finish the Balthazar event yesterday ?

At least i didn’t lost anything worth, only my time … isn’t time the the most valuable i would have .. ?

quite dissapointing.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


hope someone will read our feeling, this huge dissapointment of ppl all around.
i am ranger .. i feel sad, dissapointed ..

many other classes got many many changes and ranger had only half of those, wouldn’t it be a patch with “major” changes for rangers .. ?

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


After the long looong hopes that ranger could be improved in some way such as promissed signets, promissed changes in weapon skills, pets maybe … I am really, but really dissapointed.
This topic i’ve been following every day and count every hour till the patch will be out, but is there even anyone who slightly likes the improvements ?

Nothing new i can be happy about the ranger.

Sorry to say, but fail update .. expected something, got nothing.

Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fikii.9458


same here. Just wait till they get it fixed.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


Guys, Rangers are fine! Watch this:!

Again, Rangers are fine…..oh wait :-(

definitelly !
Why am i so stunned due to this video ? Warr hits 20k + wtf ? Thief backstab 20k+ wtf ? Why me as a ranger hit max about 3k (LB autoshot + max distance ……..) ?
I know it’s wvw, but still … i though the ranger class is fine whenever i was playing for it such as spvp and wvw untill i look around.

Give us something like Aimed shot from the halloween event.
I rly enjoyed the principe of the shot

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


don’t be so negative, as rangers we should not expect anything worthless.

Thief - Infiltration arrow textures abusing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458


Is that normal that thief can get UP on the wall by his shortbow skill Infiltration Arrow ?
I saw a thief that abused it all time in Legacy of Foefire and Khylo.

As in the picture, there is a thief who got himself to our base without destroying any gate.
And than he was trolling us by shotting himself UP and OFF the walls.


(edited by fikii.9458)

Thief - Cluster Bomb

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458


sir it’s not a bug, also it’s not even huge dmg.. d/d thief will 5.1. falcon punch you for ~12k more or less depend on your eq-setup. also cb is incredible slow.

it’s just normal dmg. try dodging circling and so on. initiative is his greatest enemy when facerolling

it was incredibly mad, i’ve never seen this before, so much dmg in less than 3 sec, simply instant kill, i was almost dead when i noticed that someone attacked me.

Thief - Cluster Bomb

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458


Full berserk thief
1.1 from Exposed Weakness
1.1 from First strikes
1.2 from Executioner

1.45 total
crit damage 100

yes problem.

Thief - Cluster Bomb

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458


Do you think it’s normal that thief hits me for 8k by 1 single spell ?
The thief in the picture was spamming it and killed me and my friend within 3 sec.
Sadly that i was trying to survive and spammed heal many times so the combat log is incomplete, but still you can see there 1 HIT = 8K

Cluster Bomb:

Fire a cluster bomb at target area. Detonate in midair for multiple explosions.

Damage.png Large explosion: 487
Damage.png Small explosion: 168
Bleeding.png3 Bleeding: 4 s (510 damage)
Combo.png Combo Finisher: Blast
Range.png Range: 1,200

Cluster bomb is spell that will hit me once and apply bleeding, it’s not channeling spell (such as Unload or Rapid fire) so there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for that 8k dmg in single hit.

+ one more picture for you

Am i troll or something ?
If i and my friend get killed by one player within 3 sec by spell which single hit does about 8k dmg .. it’s bugged for me, i was totally kidnapped, never seen this before and it really should NOT do so much dmg.

Anet should take a look on it.


Thief - Cluster Bomb

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458


Hi there,

I would like to report this bug.
Some thief today hit me for 8k Cluster Bomb and killed me in 2 sec by spamming it.
That’s not normal.
It was in jumping puzzle WvW.
He abused it everytime when he met enemy.

+ pictures


Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fikii.9458


10x + completed, these bags farm made me mad ! xD

spaming 1 too much =no fun = nerf ?

in Ranger

Posted by: fikii.9458


Its not that deep. The Trinity is still alive and well.

Bunker builds (tank).
Support builds (healer).
Damage builds (DPS).

There’s a lot more wiggle room but the Trinity is still alive in Guild Wars 2.

I would rather call it Survival and Damager rolles.
even if i take in fact that holy trinity is still alive in gw2, it doesn’t affect the game so much.
Tank = what is it good for if smthing like aggro doesnt exist here ?
Support = yes, everyone loves boons, nothing bad
DPS = yeah, someone must kill the boss

I call it survivability.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: fikii.9458


if you didn’t notice that these sharks are friendly for those who have Ruins under control man. So that makes another sense of tactic (just like one man camping the ruins and rely on the sharks to help him if he has to fight against enemies whose want to cap Ruins). Anyway if you have a Ruins, enemy can’t get through water so easy, eg.: from the Dock to the Beach and they should run around all map to get to the place.

I don’t mind this map, it’s fun to play.

Problem with Rangers pet swap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fikii.9458


I can confirm the AoE pointer, I triggered it by F1 (pet attack) and when it appears once you can’t get rid of it .. whenever you want to send your pet to attack something – nothing happens .. only the AoE pointer appears and pet does nothing, you need to restart the game at least or do a fix explained above.

I can confirm the bug as i said. I hope noone will ignore it.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fikii.9458



I have notebook:

Intel Core i7-2630QM 2.0 GHZ
8gb RAM
nVidia GT 540M
latest drivers

I am experiencing horrible fps drops in spvp battles. Whenever i am alone in a map i have 60 fps (usually if something requires more fps, my fps are going down, but it’s 40-60, it’s not so bad), but when i start fighting at least 2v2 in spvp my fps is going down to 15 – 20 fps, it’s unplayable for me. Does anybody have any good idea how to fix my fps drops ?

Animation: med
Anti aliasing: none
Enviroment: med
Distance LOD: low
Reflection: none
Textures: med
Render sampling: native
Shadows: none
Shaders: low
Post procesing: low
*the rest off

I think i have not such bad ntb to play it almost on LOW and get fps drops to 15-20.
I would be very pleased if someone with similar or even with same ntb reply here anything to compare.

Thanks for every reply.


My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: fikii.9458


everything was said and possible solutions explained, hope it will get fixed soon.

Whisper Window

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fikii.9458



I noticed when i make a Whisper window (for my own softness) the notification responds on all activities in this window (i set the filter for only whispers from players).

The notification should be displayed only when someone whispered me NOT when i whispered someone.

I hope you understand, my english ins’t very well, but i explained the problem as i could.

Seeya guys.