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Logan Thackery Jokes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


Doesn’t any one see the name alone is the key to him running away.
The dev like to throw in little things like this.
1976 Logan’s Run
people ran so they would not be killed of at 30 years of age.

Nonplayers view of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


My wife and I were talking about the game. She does not play mmo’s or rpg games.
She did watch me play GW1 and play GW2. She also viewed some of the videos released by Arenanet during production. She noticed that the game play was kind of lacking vs what they advertised. Granted hardware changes, programs get better.

She knows how much I liked playing GW1. Her best question was. “It seems like the players of the game were expecting GW1 on steroids. Why did they change it?”

Yes I think That was exactly what I was expecting from the game. I’m not playing as much as I did when it was released. I play for about and hour a day then move on to something else.
I really hope they can get the bugs and other problems fixed. There is no way for me to tell them how to fix their problems. For one I’m no programmer. IF you are a programmer please help them out if you like the game.

Oh and another comment she made was. It seems like some people want the game to fail so then they can say “See nothing can beat WoW.”

Those are her thoughts so take them anyway you want. I will still continue to play.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


Ok you want mounts.
What kind?
How many per race?
Used in combat or not?
Can be used to bypass mobs or not?
Have extra bags or not?
Cost in game gold or Gem’s?
How much cost?
Can be equipped armor or not?

I'm having trouble understanding.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: flippa.9043


I started playing mmo’s when D&D Stormreach came out because I grew up on paper D&D.
I still play D&D online, GW1, Star Trek online, Aion, SWG if it wasn’t shut down.
I never complain that this or that game would be better if it had things like this other game.Their different games yes same basic genre.But that’s why I play so many the differences.

Just to Clarify something on Map Chat and TOS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


I see no reason to be so rude to people in chat.
If you are treating this GAME like a life or death situation. Stop take a break read a book, explore the real world.
If you think that being rude to people is fun then see a psychiatrist to help figure out why you think that you are better then people you don’t know or may be never meet.
I repeat this is a GAME.

I'm having trouble understanding.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: flippa.9043


Here is my problem. I do not come from WoW background never played it have no interest in playing it.

From what I have been reading here in the forums is that people that come from WoW.
Want something different but then they ask why didn’t you put mounts in like WoW.
Why isn’t armor drops like WoW.
Why isn’t combat like WoW.

Is what you really want something different then WoW or just a different clone of WoW.

Please help me to understand.

What drives you to login?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


Yes the game does have it’s problems what game doesn’t.
My biggest problem with the game is the camera and controls they seam to have been written for a game controller.
I still enjoy the game. So I log in to see what has been fixed or added.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


There are plenty of games out there that have mounts. Why not play them instead of complaining this game doesn’t have mounts. And if all else fails try three free programs kitten,blender,unity make a game that you want to play.

Are MMO players trained to play for progression...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


It’s not that players have been trained. Game designers and makers have made games that players want . Humans want instant gratification it goes back to. Do you want $100.00 now or 1 cent doubled every day for 20 years. If you take the time to think about it then you take second choice. At first reaction is take money and run.
We humans are not used to having to be forced to take second option. So when a game makes that choice for us we cry.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


The only reason they want mounts is to have an advantage over the mobs.

I don't want to WvWvW and don't want to sPVP is there just PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


That way while you lay there after they pommeled your face to goo .
You can at least between the swear words say they looked good doing it.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


Guild Wars is trying to be different if you add mounts then it is just like every other mmo . I personally dislike mounts found no use for them. Same with mini pets a little thing that follows you around and does nothing.

GW2 is Fun-Centric, not Reward-Centric

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


Rewards are needed they give you the feeling of a job well done.
And everyone wants rewards and I mean everyone.
How many of you would play if nothing dropped no new armor or weapons what you start with is all you get. No xp no titles nothing for anything you do.
How many of you would go to work if you didn’t get payed.
A pay check is a reward of doing a job.
Collecting a piece of armor or weapon for defeating a boss is a job.
But hey what do I know I have only been on this earth for 44 years and remember when video games really started to be popular.

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


easy fix to farming for mat is to get rid of crafting

No cash when dead.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: flippa.9043


I have had that problem no cash for waypoint. easy fix relog

100% World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


No reward did you get at least a title?

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


If Anet is anti-farming then why put reasons in a game to farm.

What happend to the dynamic events?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


We were told that the events would change the world. but all I see is that they are self activating repeating quest. If charr or centaurs attack a village and no one helps why is the village still there and so are the npc. I know that’s a lot to code to keep changing the world but isn’t that what was suppose to be the selling point of the game.
Don’t get me wrong I like the game.

and by the way no i have never played WoW.

Digital Deluxe: I feel like an idiot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


The point he’s trying to make is that. Yes he paid cash for the DDE but all some one has to to is play the game long enough and transfer gold to gems the they have DDE.
So what was the point to pay cash if you can get in game for free just by playing.