Showing Posts For flman.6057:
ArenaNet, fix this!
Ghost thief needs to go.
trapper thief is about as troll any con build in the game lol.
That is not accurate at all
The only close thing is a PU Condi Mesmer, but I can see who attacks, it can’t spike, and majority of build can just run away from it with just a little bit of condi clense
(edited by flman.6057)
When you are a new player and you were killed in 5 sec without seeing what did that, it is pretty justified to assume there is something wrong with the game.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why WvW is dying
And don’t tell me, trapper thiefs, you don’t realize that when you troll low rank players
(edited by flman.6057)
I can’t believe after 4 years, people still don’t understand how the loot system works in GW2 and think it’s ‘broken’. At this point, you should have recognized that most of the loot you get is intended to reward you with gold from selling it on the TP or vendor … the loot itself VERY seldomly is directly useful to the player
… this concept drives the whole game. It’s not going to change, especially since its working as intended.
Selling loot on the market or using in crafting is what any other MMO does.
As OP said “excessive in quantity and poor in quality” for me that means that I’m absolutely not exited about loot drops in GW2 compared to any other NCSOFT game
Only thing that you have to watch out for is medi/trap guards.
and rangers cause they will pew pew you in 3 seconds, and thieves, and scrappers, basically any unexpected fart and you are dead
When you play as mesmer, you have to think more, microcontrol, use every skill you have and still be the least effective class for PVE.
For that reason I considered mesmer to be a garbage class, up untill i hit WvW.
I know the Reaper elite trait line is entirely unnecessary for all game modes and does not represent a significant dps or sustain improvement over standard Necromancer. It is just one additional build option for variety.
Most WvW necros are reapers, don’t know why.
PvE reaper is a shredder farming tank machine.
Most elite specs offer much more in terms of flexibility, utility and fun.
HoT is an extortion
Just don’t join squads, being on TS is all what is needed to follow commander. Or you will be put in “special” subgroup, which is quite insulting.
Personally most of the time I play as a staff/LB ranger, ~80% of the time targeted player in enemy zerg goes down, if he goes up it is quite fun to continue target him and watch his attempts to stay alive, root the running aways, get alive from most fights, poke stuff from walls. Spread cancer, have fun.
Too much bags, too much salvaging.
1 SW run 1 agent of entropy achievement
Yes, Fallout 4 will be a better option, although it is the same lazy and cheap stuff like HOT, just different direction, then will be BnS and BDO both F2P, so depressing
(edited by flman.6057)
More skins, armor sets, hair and faces, rework lazy reused animation, be less european, be less zergish, revive dungeons, make condi builds viable. And I will tell everyone that GW2 is the best for me and probably for them.
Until now it is korean p2p BnS, which really isn’t so bad for Arena, since NCSoft owns them.Out of curiosity … what is so European about GW2?
Visual style, like architecture – starting from traditional housing and finishing with char’s industrial London.
Enemies – dragons, trolls, elementals, griffons, basilisks, I don’t know if its european but i’m gonna blame Holland, flowers
Armor – boring, from medeval courts and themes, historical, covers alot of flesh, especially heavy armor, I mean, I already know it protects me good, give me some swanky or elegant visuals ^^
(edited by flman.6057)
More skins, armor sets, hair and faces, rework lazy reused animation, be less european, be less zergish, revive dungeons, make condi builds viable. And I will tell everyone that GW2 is the best for me and probably for them.
Until now it is korean p2p BnS, which really isn’t so bad for Arena, since NCSoft owns them.
Don’t like autoattack animation, it’s sound and beam and mechanics, the else is somewhat ok though
The problem is people have an I want it now mentality
and are not content to let progress be a form contentleveling up masteries and unlocking my elite spec I have found to be an incredibly engaging activity with an incredible reward at the end
I got my full elite spec unlock last night after playing a lot over the weekend and now every hero challenge in the game is redundant and the hero points will just sit in my wallet tab now for the next 2 years.
people wonder why they get bored with games so quickly
it sucks to be in a games market where the majority of consumers just want give it to me now content all the time
The thing is Elite spec isn’t a goal, it is a tool, tool to have fun in other activities. I’ve played a few of MMOs but none of them limited you in skills(exept choice tree) since level cap, lack of things to do is an another problem
Also wielding animation is the same as hammer animation, which makes staff look unrealistically heavy and ugly
400 points is too much, I like Guardian bow, and wanna play this class only because of it, but I don’t want to run as 1/2 of a Dragon Hunter for like 3 months