Showing Posts For fuzzypanda.9365:
It all comes down to time with casual gamers. Well, I aint got time for dat. Why choose to spoil it for hardcore gamers? It’s that belly aching about I want this now or I need this now. I don’t have time because I work. Well 90 percent of all hardcore gamers work, how the hell do we pay for games if we don’t. We still get our gaming in, we still party with friends we still pay attention to our families. It’s just that we are actual gamers, our wives or husbands are gamers, our children are gamers. This isn’t just some pass time. We were born with controllers in our hands and the industry in our hearts. We didn’t just pick it up because we wanted to pass time. This is our time.
You think we hardcore gamers ruin games. Well hardcore gamers think casuals ruin games. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Quite frankly, your almost finished with it all so why are you kittening? Sounds like your mad that it was a challenge.
open ended games are then not the games for you if you want a game with a ending. GW2 is a open ended game. Your never gona finish it unless you want to devote years to it. The game is freaking huge!!! and is getting ever bigger. Did you not see GW1? 3 Continents and 3 major expansions over the course of years and that’s not even including the end game world stories. If you just want the satisfaction of beating a game. I hear console games have endings and most now you can get to in 24 hours.
Got my rant out. Now to answer the questions.
1. It’s good because the game will never go stale like so many others do. I for one would love to keep playing this game. Games that end their player bases leave and move on. I know for you casuals out there this doesn’t matter to you but matters for the rest of us.
2. I don’t try go get 100 percent on achievements anyway. Personally I never saw a point to them unless you were getting rewarded for going the extra mile and even then I wouldn’t devote myself to getting all of them. Only thing I’m missing out on is the story, and I’ve said in another post that I would love if Anet did a narrative of the stories thus far. Also if your a casual gamer, then getting 100 percent on achievements shouldn’t matter to you.
4. Thumbs up. It keeps me coming back to the game even after reaching lvl 80 and beating Zhaitan. Instead of waiting, sitting on my thumbs getting bored of the game like I do with so many others after beating them. I know I can log in and there will be something new for me to do.
(edited by fuzzypanda.9365)
It’s like missing a sale at gamestop. It sucks but it happens. This is world and most of the people that play and pay into this world are fans of the series. It’s like that saying. Friends may come and go but family is forever. Casual gamers may come and go but true fans will always remain. The only companies that cater 90 percent to casual are console companies. But when you get into the world of computers, developers cater 80 percent to the hard core gamer. I’m not saying be happy or GTFO I hate that. But I am saying if you don’t like content find something you enjoy and stick with that. Like me, I’m a hard core fan since the beginning of GW1 but I’m not needing to get every achievement and I’m not needing to get 100 percent world competition. I play what I enjoy and if I miss something it sucks but there is always more around the corner. I don’t feel cheated at all. Do what you enjoy and if you don’t like something don’t do it.
I think the reason why they are so close together and over lakitten o the game doesn’t go stagnant. With those at lvl 80 and have done the main quest it leaves nothing else to do. It’s a problem in other games that drives people to leave and play other games. I agree that RL happens and that missing a chapter sucks. I’ve missed a lot because of the breaks I take. If Arena net could do a Narrative of mini archs on the website I would be fine with that. Showing a lil comic strip style with artwork they are really kitten good at and with someone telling the “Story thus far” it would keep people up to date as well as provide those that missed parts a opportunity to see and enjoy the story that was told.
They are still there. But the clock keeps turning people. Every day life doesn’t stop even when there is a crisis. These stories are showing the plight and every day life of tyria. That things still happen and the world still shapes and turns as ceartain events and actions take place. They are building a world here folks, a game that you want to keep coming back to and living in. For real fans of the GW series this isn’t just a past time that we just want to get through and move on from. We want to know more, we want to be involved. We buy all the books, we play the game and we talk and discuss it with our friends. This is what Guild Wars is. It’s more then just a game, it’s a world.
it seems to me people just don’t want to play anymore and yet stick around because they have nothing better to do. If you don’t like the stories and being there watching the world be built. Go play another game. I can name 50 other games that have a simple quest chain and you can just simply dungeon crawl and enjoy your own time. The fact is people love this game and GW2 gets new players every week and then they love the game. If it’s not the game for you, then it’s not the game for you, it’s as simple as that. You don’t have to like, you don’t have to do anything. It’s your life, but please don’t try to spoil it for the rest of us that do like it.
There are living orrians. Well their decendents at least. They are the origional inhabitants of kryta. As far as ones still living well beyond the several hundred years. There was one in Guild Wars 1. I don’t remember if he died in it or not though. But even then he was very old. He might have just died from old age. Also cleansing Orr may happen but it would mean that any new players to the game will miss out on the whole zhaitan quest chain.
Actually the new dragon quest lines and the other 2 continents will be free. That’s the point they are driving with the living world and gem shop. The gem shop is there so they can make money and keep producing what we and they love. Right now they haven’t dropped in any contenents is because they are closed off because of the dragon crisis. And these lil minisodes are small stories that are like filler in anime as well as small windows into the next major story arch. After the other 3 dragons in tyria are killed it will be safer to sail to the other continents, but still fairly dangerous because dragons have awoken in Cantha and Elona as well. They will be dropping more proffesions and classes during the living world events but don’t expect to see another continent till Tyrias dragon crisis has been taken care of. And those that complain about there being a cash shop? Would you rather they just stop supporting the game and left it as is? I wouldn’t want to work for free and I don’t expect them too either. Recently I read a article that stated because of the micro transactions and the sales of the game they are giving us everything we want for free and the stuff in the shop isn’t pay to win either so why do we complain? This is by far one of the best games out there right now and with everything it’s a win win for everyone. It’s a win for them because they are getting paid to do what they love and it’s a win for us because we are getting content for free that other games charge you for. The living world does so much to make this game feel alive and more fun then other games. I mean would you rather just sit on your butt and wait just like you have to in WoW? I have friends that kitten that once their done with the quests there is nothing to do and they hate WoW for it. Guild wars living world makes it so we always will have something to do. I love this game for that reason. I don’t get bored with it and it’s a investment that pays for itself and keeps giving well beyond it’s worth.
I know it’s a unspoken rule to not grief the WvW jump puzzles. For as long as I’ve been playing I’ve ran through them with rival shards and even helped them get around and vice versa has been done for me. But what do we do when a server has guilds that do nothing but grief the WvW JPs? I play on Devonas rest and this run through Sorrows Furnace has done nothing but grief the Oblivion Sanctum and several guilds are the culprits. Now I’ve heard nothing but bad things about this server that make me think it’s filled with nothing but trolls. What should we do then when dealing with those that break this unspoken rule? I say we retaliate till the greifer guilds disband. Why shouldn’t we fight back?