Showing Posts For gobflinger.8653:

Brand new PC and game crashes all the time!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features

- SHould be on that list!

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How challenging is Guild Wars 2 for you?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I guess I just miss playing games where each failure was actually an achievement, because you learned from your failures.

It is a challenge to find more – awesome – people like you! We are something of dying breed, it seem.

I simply wont ‘read up’ before hand – I killed 8-bit bosses long before google, net and mmo’s — worked out fine in the end each and every time ;-)

I have found about half the JPs – and cleared them without guides and youtube. There are tons of challenges out there; just be honest – to yourself – and if you really enjoy the process – not simple means to an end – there is plenty fun to be had out there! :-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


TChalla — There are a lot of people who simply can’t afford this pick; regardless of how they pay -gold or real cash-. Some people only get a few hours over the weekend; some have a tight budget can’t spend more than they already spent buying the account! Some hack away and buy what they can and must and never have more than 1-2 gold. They should still be able to gather those thingies if that is what they wan’t to dedicate that one-two day towards! So they wont get any of the unlimited gathering tools since a vendor-stack will last them 2 weeks! I don’t get why they shouldn’t be able to pick up a 100-cog-picks — for a few silver more — that will also have a shot at the cog-thingies. You can’t compare this to skins or anything else in the shop!
If you go out and kill a god and get a hat made out of pure awesome; the people I mentioned wont ever be able to do that! They won’t get the title or top-notch in each slot! You would have earned that by the hours at an end you have invested; and ending up with all that bling is yours! And you had fun along the way – I guess! – the pick does not involve any of that and the criteria is that you have money in the bank or play almost each day! They bought an account and should not be kept from crafting from what they have gathered!

his can’t be such a big issue for anyone to wrap their thoughts around!

So please don’t say “they can buy this and that material from the TP!” – how about no! Some people might enjoy gathering and crafting – own machine all the way sort of people – isn’t that a viable option? Shouldn’t it be — to everyone?! We can’t just throw around words like “subjective” and go “don’t tell me how to play” and then force others to use means and methods that is in direct conflict with what they consider “a fun GW session looks like”

— forgot to add, and it felt like a strong argument In my head :-) — EDIT--

Prices of the materials will also go up and down – and imagine someone who get play 2-3 hours a week to take the ups and downs into account as well! Sure you can get the cogs by other means; but with 2-3 hours here and there; that would take months! – He / she just want to log on and wack away at nodes until they have enough to make a new “wayhey-some-some-random” — this is not a huge deal, I am sure; not before you need a different and new tool each month!

My brother is a single father of 3 that work 50 hour a week and he does not want to be in your guild, run any dungeon, flip TP deals or any of that; 2-3 hours on saturday and 2 hours mid week at best is what he gets and would much rather buy a new Lego-game to the xbox and play with his kids than spending the same amount on that pick! A couple of siver per stack and he takes off and does his thing!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

(edited by gobflinger.8653)

Molton Alliance Pick Idea!!! 20% Chance

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


It’s not pay to win. You’ll make more money with regular picks than you ever will with this thing.

Would you call it just another ‘convenience-tool’? Lets not get into numbers, because I’m not smart like that – but I do remember a time when platinum ore was sold in stacks of a few millions, 1 copper over vendor-value. Price have gone up about 2000% since then.
- But that is beside the point – the game is their intellectual property and they can of course ruin it in any way they see fit; gradually grind it down, slowly, one cog at time making sure that all paths lead back to your wallet or why not just chop the head clean off and sell weapons – all gems-all day – for a measly sum of-whatever-think-is-way-to-much, You don’t need these weapons unless you’re one of those who wants to do twice as much damage!?

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

GW2 Potential. Very underwhelming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


You spelt “doable” wrong. Good points though.

Yes, its important that we police the forums and make sure things are not “spelt” wrong. But first – Remember to load up on fibres before you tackle this new day! I suggest a wholesome slice of wheat spelt bread!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


As far as market speculation, if that’s something that’s really fun for you, shouldn’t the uncertainty caused by the chance something will be reintroduced make it more fun, not less? What skill is required to throw money at a one time, tradable item with a guarantee no more supply will ever be introduced? Isn’t there more game in trying to predict the peak sell price and get out before it crashes down again?

I bet it would be awesome – and it is a grand buffét of opportunities – so if I was looking for ‘uncertainty’ and enjoyed that sort of deals; yes!
My forte is slightly more refined in the same sense that someone who made an effort to learn everything about a thiefs mechanics in PvP, damage coefficient formulas top of their head and and how it applies when they face each class, considering and taking into account what they wear and wield! I bet that thief would kick an army of lost players, fresh out the box. What skill it required to win, they might ask? We all tap the same number of keys – its simply a matter of who acted first and knew what of the abilities would be best suited at any given time! They be dead before they knew the game was started! Same logic applies to some buying gold for pocket lint and coppes before most people even knew it was possible ;-)

I don’t enjoy or spend any time looking for items to flip. I got the dyes cheap – way back when – the few and far times I did have a look inside the game I noticed the value and figure it was safe to spread some love. I assumed this and that and wahey – this is the reality now which I accept.
I did just reply to similar post that got me all fired up; and I tried over and time again to ask players to question the whole concept behind actions that diminish some peoples efforts. I find it condescending – not to mention the how a lot of people react to anyone who enjoy anything that they can’t be bothered with, never considered or isn’t a viable source of fun for them and the concept of subjective thinking does not award a single achievement point!

I have never told anyone what, why and how I do anything related to the trade post – But consider all the variables using either of the mechanics at our disposal! If you don’t have a clue what I’m talking about – let me assure you, I know little to nothing about things that most of my friends take for granted but I don’t assume that my nephew would be on pair with the best only because he has 10 fingers and wahey – whats they skill in pressing a key?! ;-)

Just posted something in the neighbouring thread “re releasing dye packs makes everyone unhappy” and made an effort to convey what I mean, which goes was beyond dyes and that sale!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

re releasing dye packs makes everyone unhappy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


It makes me happy. People should have easy access to things in a game.
What if you just started playing?

Rarity of items is a waste in GW2.

I really hate being this condescending – but what you are saying makes absolutely no sense and if I didn’t have a healthy distance to the mmo genre (a perk you’ll get after 15 years in various games) I would say that you are being a jerk and knowingly, willingly try to offend people.

I hope that you will get some sort of frame of reference to this and apply this scenario to your reality; Imagine how you would feel if you worked finger to the bone, trying to get this muscle car and found that they gave it away the next week to anyone that ‘just obtained a driving license’. If you are naive enough and pretend that you are better and above the natural instincts of our species; please say so because I thoroughly LOVE that sort of narcissism (because I used to be that guy before I accepted that we’re nothing but apes with good PR and decent Wi-Fi.

Ask yourself a few basic fundamental questions and I’m sure you will come to the same conclusion.

- Would you like if you started off at max level – since that would not diminish the experience in a game that use use level adjusted zones? Or is it possible that your brain, on an unconscious level reward this sort of progression?

- Would you like to have the best items in the game? I am sure that that would be neat – I wouldn’t mind at all – but if every player got the same top -notch deal- would you wonder why everything have the standard attire and would you question the whole concept behind spending time and effort?

- Do you think kids build treehouses because they think the design and layout of the house they live in is flawed or do we have this constant burning urge to constantly challenge our abilities? Would you be sitting, way up there, on a rusty nail deathtrap, amazed that you did this on sheer will if your parents built it for you.

This is not couter strike, you know that right? If that is your flavour I can namedrop a bunch of games that where you will be on pair with the rest at the get go!

The WHOLE mmo experience, at its core, rest on this. Anet can and should make new hues and dyes and that would be that! If you at any time excel beyond the average player – which I’m sure you already do – be proud of that and let people who have spent hour, days and weeks of playing, planing and even real hard earned cash (and ingame currency, of course) to have enjoy the reward as they should!

Its not greedy to accept that effort lead to rewards — It is the pure unrefined and worse sort of greed to undermine everything that people did and expect that anyone but the developers should sort the issues they cause.

If anyone of the good people that run this ship should examine the data that followed shortly after they a major MMO had a bit of panic (as other games started to hit the shelves) and they saw fit to enter the battle for ‘new accounts’ at the expense of the millions that already played. I love how they opened up the game for new continents with enormous markets and release press just how many people they had signed up.

So lets say that they had 10 at the beginning – a few fell off – and another 10 joined and the number we got was still at 10. Sounds about right maybe – unless you happened to be one of the few that stayed around and questioned why NONE of the many friends remained. There is a middle ground which does not mean putting a shotgun and blast both feet clean off!
- Make sure that new players have the same chance to stand out and form a unique path that they can be proud; but not at the expense of others. The objective always growing, but making sure that those who accomplished their set goal feel motivated to stay.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

re releasing dye packs makes everyone unhappy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Releasing dies makes everyone but speculators happy …..

Its something should be done frequently to keep market honest.
Not only with dies but with anything wich price is being “controlled” to get profit on resales.

Did u ever heard risk/reward?
The first time you experience what risk is (despite its something like 0,00000001%) you can t complain.

Did you try to form a valid, objective and solid opinion and considered any alternatives or how could affect other aspects of the game? – or – Since you poked holes in your own statement; just wrote what was top of your head?
Seems like you claim that he is a speculator and then question if he knows how risk and reward works. A market is not centered around honest and fair. If you feel like hacking away at a troll, free diving a cliff or building a thingie and what not that fling cows – I am all for it! But please, do not claim that a vibrant and complicated mmo economy have to be dumbed down so that you can buy anything because you’re not the least interested in that aspect of the game. I get that you figure that everything should be obtained by anyone at any time. I just wish you knew exactly what the constant ‘watering down’ of everything intricate and how INSANE it is to tamper with the fundamental core of the genre! There are plenty of games that cater for those who think that streamlining everything down to one big button covering half the screen and reads “ARE YOU AWESOME?” – and if you don’t find it condescending enough – the other half will say “YES – HERE HAVE REWARDS!”.

I bet you like character driven games where we progress and grow, form our path and push on! If its not worth working hard for – its not worth having and simply because some don’t know how, enjoy or would rather focus on what ever that might be – does not mean the people who decided on a different path, aspect of the game and approach it through the TP, forge (or some mystic super-awesome-way we don’t even know about) should have to bend over backwards for your sake.

Anyone ever consider the possibility of Anet making new dyes with very slight diferencet hues?

I just find this double standard of calling people who excel at making good investments are being labeled as greedy by people who seem to forget that people have spent hours at an end writing their story. How does “You are greedy, so give me everything you have so we can go back to climbing the highest mountain that we had built for us in a 1 key-press to a gazillion apples high scale!”

So, in short. No to everything you said and yes to reading it backwards and drawing the same conclusion – only slightly more obvious!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

(edited by gobflinger.8653)

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Anyways, no point going in circles.. ANET broke no rules.. we know that. But sometimes right and wrong goes beyond “rules”, at least that’s what I try and teach my students. They are essentially removing an aspect of the game that im sure many people consider there primary source of enjoyment.

Wahey – speaking of teaching – I will consider this a masterclass in summarizing the essential market-mechanical aspects and still leave the lime-light on the core of why we’re here!
I hope to find a topic at some point that covers the whole market since the the small pragmatic issues, like the dye-deal is all circumstances; most non-essential to how I will/would/should/hope to act in the future.

I find it somewhat distracting when we get gold, dyes, reintroducing items, re- and for the first time introducing some to the concept of ‘fun being subjective’ and at the same time trying to convey that this currency and the amount we have doesn’t server as an end in itself, you know? I can’t hot-glue-gun them and make a proverbial pillar of financial strength and that will automatically complete achievements and retell the adventures as I get fed pealed grapes on my baby-charr-fur pillow. The gold in itself can serve as a measuring-stick that inside my frame of references and relative to what I had there and then and where I manage to take that within any given time.
- And of course; this game will be more enjoyable if we can count on a few conditions and ‘rules’ which are set in stone as firm as ‘warriors use heavy armor’ :-) Go crazy Anet, but no tampering with things we take for granted – sounds like a good foundation; so I just wish I knew what we can take for granted.

Jikes. Daily… Oh no – missed it!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Thank you Aberrant. Yes – I saw the curve following this exact same pattern, going back to the last time they introduced the dye’s, for the second time (which I just got aware of) I suppose I wouldn’t even posted on here had I known about that :-) Knowing that its common practice that the deals would show up again is something I can work around — but its odd how some players almost look at us funny like reintroducing something was obvious!
"- I mean come on! They release them on a one time, story-driven, time limited event for the first and only time ever since the release and didn’t suggest or even hint with any similar circumstance that it would happen again, so yeah, it’s common sense that they would. Ok – could you please hand me that “I blame you for not staying in bed today!” sign. I’ll be at the emergency room selling “the art of foreseeing by interpreting the few times a 50-50 flip was correct for dummies”. If you need a spare time gig and feel like yelling “I told you so” in misfortunes general direction I would be happy to pay you nothing since I for some reason feel offended that you seem to have made a lot of gold! Its evident that you are greedy since you have given, spent, gambled away everything on your friends – what about me and other generally mean and spiteful people who got nothing but all top notch parts in each slot from all the hours Hardcore PvEVERYTHING – while you did… whatever ‘that stuff’ you do and enjoy is… I don’t care! I just think its unfair that I don’t know everything by default! Right? And did you get the memo that we now hate sushi? No, ok, remind me to stab you for being wrong once I claim I have tried sushi and formed an opinion based on which color the next car I see is."

Little did he know, while he was in the middle of this disturbed rant that seemed to go on for eeeeveeeer, a simple yet devious plan was starting to take shape inside my slumbering, unconscious PvPer! The words cut him off and hit like a ton wrecking ball!
“Not everyone have the exact same shoe size!” – My index finger of judgement on the top of his nose, crossed eyed and arms flailing ominously as my arm dropped toward the grown! “Look!” I cried out and pointed at my feet. His shriek of shere horror followed by a “thud” a warm red shower and the eerie silence…until someone walked by, said “good job” and gave me a high-5. So much glory! Muhahah
The coroner later determined that his mind had been “blown”. He was – unknowingly – suffering from acute hybris as a result of years of excessive ego-patting.
I knew that would happen before hand, of course, I read his book and most doctors he came across said “you should have someone look at your self image, it is very swollen”. We had no idea that it was to the point where it blocked out anything but his own inner voice. And, ok, get this – his conscious “inner” voice – had move out years ago; simply left and didn’t even leave a note! Its funny how these things almost seem made up when you take all the variables into account!

Hah! Forum is my new BFF on my daily commute to and from work. I always forget what point I was trying to make as I get close to home! But it got me here super fast! Yay! Writing posts longer that a few sentences is a get out of padded-cell free-card since you can pretty much say for sure that no one will read it. I had to look up what ever TL;DR was by the way. Thats one of the most unintentionally ironic, super refined sublime message generation gogoplz-abbreviation- junkies manage to create! <3

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered.

Also, as a hardcore sPvP player I’ve never seen more than 150g. So yeah. Complain about your thousands of gold. I have no sympathy.

I will try to explain this to you because I’m kind and awesome like that. You’re welcome. And yes, I will break it down to the point where I enlist and follow through a full year of intense stop-motion movie classes; get clay in all the happy colors of the rainbow – all the while working the graveyard shifts so I can develope a pedagogic dance and song method called “the sunshine procedure to convey moral of the story and basic facts to angry boys who clearly don’t read or listen but still feel obliged to have an opinion for the sake of having one and by default just disagree – which is cute the first 100 times. Then it gets old in c# minus with dancing clay!”
Ok, imagine someone else – and wrap your head around the crazy notion that this conscious entity is not you. I know – its crazy – but humor us with the insane mind melt that the people who play extras your grand reality have ways, ideas and vastly different means and methods to have fun!
Here is the tricky part – try to come to terms with how wack it would be if your way of having fun wasn’t the cut and dry definition and foundation to wikis fun page. If that doesn’t compute, just google words like “subjective”, “cognitive thinking” and we will cover the empathy part with the happy dancing clay!

If I were to dedicate a few hours of real work and put it all towards gems I would have enough ‘play pretend gold’ to last me two dussin weeks of stupid impulse shopping sprees!
Every cheat and endless resource and god modes to each and every game is a sloppy google away. But I would rather play the game with the mechanics working as intended.
I enjoy a lot of aspects of this game and making gold, by speculating and trying to find ways to build something out of nothing, being innovative without abusing the economy. I don’t do anything at the expense of you or anyone else. I don’t have any legendaries or fancy stuff because – wahey; I don’t care about that all to much. I like giving things to my long time friends that I’ve known and played with since UO (1998).

Its ok if you want to be a kitten. Just remember, on the inside, you are also poor. But I mean if you enjoy being a poor kitten – go for it! You do you!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I didn’t know this was the third time around they had the dye-packs! Had to play pretend adult, move and work so couldn’t play for a few months – I came back about 3-4 weeks ago.

It has nothing to do with greed. I can say, without a shred of a doubt, that I am – ten times ten over and again – the least greedy, carefree and most generous, relaxed and unconcerned ‘pixel and polygon’ currency rainmaker that you will have the misfortune to never meet! I can present at least 5 people with legendary weapons that got their precursor from me (note that I’m not even including those who quit or sold the weapon)!
Imagine that I was all about combat mechanics instead – and translate me having a couple of thousand gold into “doing stupid damage and never dying” – would you, by default, assume that he/she cant and wont help anyone? Just because I enjoy inventing new methods of hoarding piles of play-pretend-gold in a game does not make me greedy.

We don’t share the fundamental perception and values but that does not make either of us right – and I don’t claim that you or anyone have to enjoy this aspect of the game – regardless, it is very much real and it does in no way interfere with you or yours (not even in the slightest) I wont try to persuade you that ‘playing’ a game isn’t subjective and that I found the key to fun that’ll transcend and be perfect for the whole community. It has nothing to do with greed! It does not even have anything to do with the dyes! It was an example which is a fundamental part of my GW2 experience and important to me.

That discontinued items in mmo’s would be bad is just wrong and weird! I guess you either assumed this for the sake of argument. I have seen the rise and fall of most mmos worth mentioning and this has, time and time again, played a major role in its demise (a cut and dry version of the issue where the producer focus on expanding the player base at the expense of the established, devoted and proven fans. If you speak anyone of my friends I am sure that each and everyone, without exception, would agree! Some enjoy pew pew die and respawn and some like a steady pace where actions has consequences and players get to alter and shape the world and avatars. We cling to the idea that parts and bits of a solid mmo’s should be centered around creating a unique character and that watering down your old achievements and making everything accessible to everyone, at any time; gradually easier and faster over the years, will eventually remind us how meaningless this rat-race is.

In short, I simply plea to the good people at Anet that they should consider that a good chunk of the players enjoy the market and act according to a few fundamental rules; which have to be defined and clear so that people like me and many of me kin, can speculate, buy sell and occasionally wear something mismatched, slap a boss/goat, get lost and wonder if we did awesome.

Funny how you didn’t read what I wrote and replied something sort of mundane and obvious! :-)
Almost like I didn’t start the post with the sentences “I’m not here to whine about the chance of landing a pristine dye from the new 3-day kit deal. 6/25 I like those odds!”

But fyi and because I like to sound like a kitten past midnight on a friday; I do my math and solid risk analysis before any decision making. But yes, you are right – if everyone tried redistributing, skinning and leaching each and every copper of our sturdy gullible farmers, I would snatch every cow and label each bottle ‘Lets not assume you will win the lottery this week either. Here, have some milk and ponder why fortune always favours the geeks’!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Dumb Dye deal dabble!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I’m not here to whine about the chance of landing a pristine dye from the new 3-day kit deal. 6/25 I like those odds! – fortunately I have a job and can afford to pick up 1600 gems a fine nouveau riche pay-day like this! My only issue is how Anet reuse the same old colors and present them as ‘new’ and unique!
I thought it was very cool that cosmetic items got added to the game in a short frame of time and those fortunate to obtain them would have that extravaganza-vain-claim-to-fame for ever and always! I have held on to all my old dyes from the fire and ice sale and cackled with glee when I saw how the price kept creeping up! Not only did the dyes that I had lose about 1000 gold in total value; when I opened the ‘not so new dye kits’ I got to day; I found out – to late – that Anet simply put the same thing up there again; (calling it which is false marketing might be pushing it…but it was sort of like slapping a ‘champagne’ label to sour wine that went through a soda-streamer!)
I just hope that Anet have more respect for people like me that make solid investments thinking that this was a game with a hard-core supply and demand market. Please please don’t water it down to the kindergarten junk most mmo’s suffer.

I was saving up to buy one of the few remaining chainsaw skins – but for all that I know that might be as common as dirt some day! I get that Anet governs this world and have to make changes that will effect the market, for better and worse – Just, please, remember and respect people that enjoy this aspect of the game (aka don’t be lazy and make ‘new’ dyes if you plan on calling them ‘new’). It is sort of eerie when someone pulls the rug under our feet like this and a small fortune is gone – from one day to the next – poof! I’m sure the dyes will regain some of its worth – unless the ‘new’ kits are introduced once a month (in which case I’d like to know before hand and I simply wont play this mmo-market game any more…there is always killing stuff and…stuff ;-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Wayward son looking for help!

in Necromancer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Thanks again Cogbyrn. It’s neat that this community have eloquent, passionate and friendly people like you, eager to help out. My Engineer is named Cogtail – so we have this mystical, intertwined connection that only cog-people would understand.
I get what you’re saying with the toughness — I just don’t remember how much direct VS dmg over time I encountered in PvE and how many ‘healing abilities’ was based on % returned (over time and with channeled spells (other than the siphon…thingie) – both mine and from others) in which case vitality would be on pair with or outweigh ‘healing power’ (if not even ‘make obsolete’) and how to balance the whole shabang! Toughness in PvE seem to favour slow and channeled spell-playstyle over mobility… And I haven’t even considered the minions and what role they will play in soaking up damage! Dont even know if they get effected by my toughness! Meh… So many variables! ;-) But you’ve cleared up a bunch of my questions – thank you again! I

Ynot; Thank you for replying!
Yes, I would love to have condition build with high survivability and I don’t mind swapping traits and gear. The only thing I got going for me in this game is my stack of gold. I’ve lived out of my backpack for a while and manage to get the game rolling on a laptop with shoe-box-seconds-per-frame prestanda; so I played the lowly trade post game ;-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Wayward son looking for help!

in Necromancer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Thank you Cogbyrn! What really helped me, reading your reply, was reminding me that ‘supportive’ isn’t as cut and dry as the old mmo’s I grew up with, in this game.

I don’t see myself doing any WvW roaming just yet. I forgot to mention that I’m something of a nervous wreck in any pvp situation…. It’s not even cute.

I might be wrong but I seem to recall that ‘toughness’ does not prevent condition damage and I should look in to how the healing and ‘siphon’ mechanics work; I figure if it’s based on % I should benefit a lot from vitality…but then again; I don’t remember how much beating I took was from “various afflictions” and how much was direct damage (out in the PvE world)
Haha! Its weird how much I’ve forgotten in only half a year!

Its cool how I just found a ton of items without attributes selected yet, collecting dust in my bank – and not to mention the exotic sentinel insignias stack that might be useful :-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Wayward son looking for help!

in Necromancer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I had to move, found a new job, made it to step 11 in mmo-recovery rehab, sat on my kitten and got married at the same time. 6 months later I am back from the offline exile.
finally – wahey – single, between jobs, happy as ever and extremely confused.

Instead of going back to my comfy zone (Warrior, Mesmer and Hunter at level 80) I thought it would be neat to explore my Necromancer.
I had a heap of gold and that level 20 scroll which pushed him to level 80 in one sitting.
My question is, before I put on my fancy spending panties, what attributes should I ‘aim for’; that’ll suit my play style?

I thoroughly enjoy my mesmers various support abilities and I’d rather be resilient than burst things down. I don’t, how ever, enjoy having my screen cluttered with an army of minions; although 1-2 or 3 is fine.

I normally play with my brother and – truth be told – we kinda suck at staying alive. We are, over all, in the “below average at playing n’ stuff” side of the player base (which, come to think of it, represent 50% of us,… So don’t judge….;-)

Sooo… the question is;
Consider that I don’t know much of the current attribute values, pros and cons and that my Necromancer, Dr Dielittle (yeah, I know, I’m witty as frack) is in level nothing-rags atm. I love all supportive abilities and being able to heal both myself and my friends. I don’t do much WvW or PvP – only occasionally – but I would love to have a setup that’ll work there as well.

Any ideas, thoughts and suggestions are much appreciated. It just feels overwhelming at the moment and I don’t feel like spending a ton of gold on gear, just winging it.

Much <3 // Me

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Upgrade to full account to use this feature?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Same issue – purchased the game from the official -this- site. Puzzled why no one at Anet would simply drop a line, at least acknowledging that there is something ‘wrong’. I’d even settle for a "Hey – cancel your subscription…oh that’s right, suckah! Served – Anet snaps fingers x3 in a Z formation, rolls eyes, bobs-head, drops the mic and walks away like they just won something
That would be fun.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


[Incident: 121129-000130]
Account: gobflinger.8653

I had a name that someone found offensive for reasons unknown to me or anyone I know. It isn’t a word I’ve ever put in a sentence. I don’t care about the name. Change it for all that I care.
I would rather wait another 100 days than say “please” since this is a unjust kitten move on Anets part.

Recognize that I have done nothing wrong and activate my account.

I have given this company most of my savings and still can’t get a single word from support.

You’re welcome by the way.

You KNOW that I have done nothing wrong and wont open up my account since I refuse to use to word please. The money that I earned, finger to the bone, should be enough.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


As much as I love having you in my thread – for your own sake – I’d start my own. I don’t think anyone affiliated with Anet will visit me more than once.

They do seem ok to me — you should consider making an alt named Barenhall Whisperwind! Dude, awesome! Or like…hmmm – Ashburn Gaehoooooorrrrnnnice weather is uhm nice right? heh uhm he. I should kitten take care!

(… in not so many words; Gaehorn got you suspended, I think. Sorry if it came across as me mocking you or this situation)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

(edited by gobflinger.8653)

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Guys – one of my friends told me he got all tiers for the monthly! I am about to BURST with joy!
- it totally make up for the fact that I wont be getting that! None of it. Nothing but the memories of this awesome evening!
With out the outstanding moral-witch hunters diligently crackdown on people like me – I would never have been able to absorb this frame for reference. Words like ‘excluded’ and ‘deprived’ seem slightly more…oumphfy, now. So so so much fun to be had at the forums as well! Who said that getting home at 12-03 in the morning would have an impact on your social life! Well Arenanet set me straight, again! I understand now, that talking to anyone at any time will only lead to issues and issues are so boring!
About 2 more days to go! Can’t wait! Yay – see you tomorrow forums. I will ask new roomie, bitterness to bring extra rusty nail dip so that bored can comfort eat. <3

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Theo Prins has earned my love ten times over. Gaile does not live up to the hype if you ask me. Im still learning my lesson and thinking about my past life as a sinner. They have a timer which works like a reformatting owen-temp – 40ish hours to go!

Just got home from work. Had my shoes on as I checked the mail!
The bold letters indicated that the mail from Arenanet support had yet been read.
I could almost smell the pine needles! Such a fuzzy seasonal preview, I thought and tore into the wrapping. Yeah, like, I clicked it.
All sparkly eyed and both hands wrapped around my jaw, mouth wide open in anticipation before reality slapped me, smack in the face.
There will be no Christmas day-time made-for-TV movie moment for me to be had. Santa still think I’m pure evil despite my many letter where it explain that I’ve been framed by a pair of sadistic chipmunks.
- This movie lacks the moment when things go from poo flinging monkeys to homeless people dancing around the grand buffet. So instead of Santa giving me the fire truck I so badly wanted, he stopped by just throw a shoebox tied to a brick, through window, which only contained a post-it that reads “Maybe next year. Maybe. Can’t be bothered right now. I live in the norther pole! Whatcha gonna do punk? What? Ho ho ho homie!”

This is what they had to say:


This is a mass response regarding wait times for assistance.

The Payment Review Team is currently experiencing a higher than normal volume of tickets and requests for assistance. As such, the wait time for a response is longer than expected.

- someone finally got back to me! That’s something, right? So what if its only a mass reponse regaring my inability to purchased gems 5-6 days ago! right?
Now if only they get cracking on that issue – I might be able to go on a regular shopping frenzy when they feel that I have learned my lesson!
This is (by Arenanet standards) HUGE. I am going to be such a good boy! This genuine form of tough love have me reconsider the whole game experience. This is what I am paying for.
Here I was, wondering, how this would be perceived by customers, had it not been in the Internet setting.
Kinda like going to a restaurant and being sent home mid way through the dinner you’ve already paid for since a waiter noticed you had blue socks on – which violates the dress-code. Not that he tells you or anything. All of a sudden you’re out on the curb pounding the window without a clue what just happened.
Did I mention that you are color blind as well? Come on now – you thought those socks were black! Oh wait – hold on – I think someone is heading toward the door! Wahey – they might let you back in again! Oh, I see, they pushed a menu out from under door!

So if I may check the box and disable the simile’s for a moment.

I can not accept that I am being subjected to their “punishment” (I do hope my case made it clear by now – I had no idea that Bosom was refering to any part of the human body since I was not raised by prude nuns 500 years ago — I would have thought the word would be spelled something like Bussom to be honest – Had I read it as the word the 500 year nuns refered to – I wouldn’t have picked it and even if I did pick it knowingly – I had no idea that the 500 year old nun that play on my server and only one that recognized it and drew that far fetched paralell would be such a douch and report me!)

- I can’t wrap my head around it!

This is a company. I am their customer. I pay to enjoy their intellectual property over the internet; according to that formula, the company can not be held accountable for anything and have NO obligation towards their customer. If this is true, in accordance to our laws, is not nearly as interesting as how they moraly defend it. I bet that a majority of the clientele doesn’t even raise the question – we’ve been imprinted with the disempowered and helpless reaction; throw up your hands and sigh “whats the use”.
We have, at most, the prevliege to enjoy what we pay for. Not the right to it in any way. The gap between the two parties is so wide that even the rules of conduct does only apply to us. It is their prerogative to ignore it and have anyone suspended or cancled, no question asked – and needless to say – no questions answered.
This is the case for me. I just need to know if this assumption is correct or if there is some form of protection we can enjoy as well. I don’t know! ANyone?
This is stupid. Lost my monthly achievment.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I am way to cheeky and annoying to be kept out on the forums for much longer
- droped a far more to-the-point(…ok, not that much better come to think of it; since I didn’t know what I had done back then…) and constructive mail was the first thing I did! And I hate to add more to this fuming fire – my last support ticked was sent on Saturday when I couldn’t get my card approved and sales had my pants on fire! Still no reply. I’m sure they will let me play again at some point – might even be before the lock-out timer hit 0. Not holding my breath though ;-)
No no – They’ve earned a few winks! Ha ha
I’m cool. I have a another free night some other time next week or something that I can look forward to. I mean, I would, but I’m blind and kitten it, sat on my kitten again!
Sleep tight Gaile! Thanks for dropping a line before tucking in. Adios :-) 10-4 over and out!

Well look at you Anet breaking your own rules!

If a name is reported to us and is in violation of the guidelines above, for the first offense, you will be required to rename your character upon your next login and your account will be marked and suspended pursuant to Guild Wars 2 Conduct Breaches and Outcomes. For the second offense, we will assign you a new name and your account will again be marked and suspended pursuant to Guild Wars 2 Conduct Breaches and Outcomes. We may take further action at our discretion.

See how they skipped a step there. Tssk tssk! :-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

(edited by gobflinger.8653)

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I would, once again, like to thank Arenanet for this rare and fine punishment I am being subjected to.

I did not know the error of my ways until Anglenet cached me…I mean catched me. Or the first one, again, English is not my first language!
So imagine what horrors I could have talked myself out of if someone had said “Excuse me, your named has been flagged as inappropriate” — I could have lied and said something like "Oh, I didn’t know it was anything wrong with it. Kinda top of my head really -it where we live- swap N for the M and you’re there. I don’t mind changing it, of course."

“Ok, please log back out and…”
Ok – cut to him looking down, eyes closed and the – OPEN them up and go
Fade to black and that is all I heard befor all the faces melted.
I’m just kidding – that never happened since I was met with the fast and direct justice I deserved! A swooping judo-chop + booming voice yelling REPENT!
…and I was gone!
fade to forums aaaaand que violins.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


Oh it finally made perfectly not any sense at all! phew
just so happy that I figured it out!

It must be the name of my mesmer, Dr Bos0m, that got me banned. I know, I swapped the 0 for a letter that look almost like it… try to form the word if you’re not scared of getting a stroke or something. It also happens to be where we live. Placed called Bosön. — well almost.
Ok kids – turn back to the game while I reveal the CHOCKING definitions of this bad bad word. I didn’t fully understand it before this intense moment!
So face the screen and see if you can kill some things while I do this. Just focus on killing anything that does not look like you. Can’t go wrong with that!

But be careful so that you don’t slashed around any of your exposed parts if you happen to be a female character. It is very important that you remain whole and tidy in this objectified state so that we, the protective males, can enforce our will on you. No no, stay here, put those warrior feet in some heels please. Nothing says battle like not being able to run while keeping it battle-sexy. It is better to be sexy than safe, for sure. Ok, covered that part – here goes. No, don’t look! You can’t look at action barbie and kill everything within range AND this next bit at the same time. That is called double standards I think. Reserved to people with extra lanky horses!


- the chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept; “his bosom was bursting with the secret”

Yes, I know. I also passed out. That is way graphic.

- 2. The chest of a human: He held the sleepy child to his bosom.

Again – not ok! That child should be in bed by now! Hey, I’m banning myself if this word get any worse. I bet it does!

3. bosom – cloth that covers the chest or br*****

I see it. It is out of this world chocking! You should hire ninjas and kill this word once and for all. I will pay. 450 gems for 5 ninjas is the going rate, no?
More importantly – CLOTH! Hmmkay, I know – hemp is cloth and also a form of weed and I could not be enforcing drugs more aggressively unless I stood there at gun point!

- a close affectionate and protective acceptance; “his willing embrace of new ideas”; “in the bosom of the family”

When I didn’t think it could get any worse! Right?! So here I am suggesting that people should be able to marry butterflies and tinkerbell at the same time – and serve everyone the blood of a kitten at the wedding. No, I refuse to ever be allowed in to that game again! I am everything that is wrong with everything that is good!

The rest of it – much along the line of “And the lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom” just underlines what Anglenet has said from the start.
I am damien omen.
Still I have no idea what some of the ol’ English words mean since I’m not English and not more than 666 years old. Bosom was more frequent used before my time.

But yeah, this was fun. I’m going to go put on 3 pair of 3D glasses and see if I can rotate my head a full lap. Just our of spite.

At least I’m not angry any more! I’m leaning towards amused!

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Out the blue - account suspended for 72 hour!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


My account has been suspended – on a whim without any explanation or even a hint at which of my character name could offend anyone.

I am so bummed out considering that I have been working very hard to see an end to recent years increase of hateful slurs in the mmo’s I’ve played. I have never been suspended before; going back to ultima online.

I have always held Arenanet in high regards, not only based on this game but also as a struggling painter and aspiring concept artist. For making a stand against bots and last but not least, the love of this game — consider that I wrote a review for a Swedish gaming community that kept getting back to ‘respect for players’ and how GW2 didn’t condescend the fan-base and how we, the players, tried to return the favor and respect the rare jewel of intellectual property you’ve created.

Tssk. Yeah right. On a whim. Not a word – I am being punished by the people that gladly took close to 200 Euro out of my pocket over the last few weeks.
You have the audacity to punish a grown person and not even tell me what I did! I have spoken to no one but my brother for the last few hours!

6 weeks after creating a name I get banned for it…which ever it was. I have NO idea.
Does not make any sense. No one is willing to explain it and there is no answers to be had.
No one I know would be judo-kicking pandas around now with or without my constant nag about the greatness of Anet and GW2. That giant fell from grace when the air on-top of the horse named hubris ran out.

This is either a mistake, which is super fine. Not making a forum fuss or anything — or you have no respect for me as a customer, human and totally disregard to my character while giving me a punishment, like I was some lippy child, to the fact that I would never ever do anything to offend anyone in mmo community. But hey, that’s just me – a number code that gave you money. Past tense. Sweet. Being punished here…
Lost for words how degrading this is. And I just joined a guild with a few other +30 guys and we had made plans for the next few days.
I have a few days off from work.
Was looking forward to slowly working our way into the mist and see whats what without anyone rushing .
But yes, I need to be punished. Nanny will let you know though, as a heads up; let your little gold-chicks know what they did next time and consider that we’re human and get offended and sad, just like anyone else.

Sort his please -show some common sense- I should put Arenanet on 72 hour naughty-time out ;-)

Trust me – this is out of this world silly – but I am far from lost for words.
Like the fact that I could not even buy gems during the sale and that the overflow server crashed at the final act of Lost Shore and would not let me in until it was over and done. I asked support to look into the card issue – but I never got on upset at any time before this! I understand and appreciate the effort and time spent. The only time you’ll see me fired up is when me or anyone get kicked around by big-wigs that feel no obligation to even justify their actions.

I’ll be over there, waiting for the auto-generated reply bot to pat me on the head. Tsk. my account might as well be deleted by now. They don’t owe me an explanation. Its all in the fine print that no one read in any mmo since the dawn of the genre.

Screw this. I’ma go get a hug before boil over.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

why does mesmer have no passive movement?

in Mesmer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


“Thief’s Infiltrator Arrow used to cross gaps.”

Um, no, it doesn’t.

Past VS present – what a tense fight ;-)

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

why does mesmer have no passive movement?

in Mesmer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


It’s called balance. We simply don’t need it.

It’s all about traversing the zones. EVERY class need to get from A to B asap when we’re done over at A. So if we pretend that this game is more than WvW and PvP balance — getting around faster has nothing to do with balance. Traveling on foot is boring and as far as that goes, Mesmers jog while the rest run.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I think, by far, the worse possible fate of a profession is when the general consent agree that they’re weak and not worth bringing along.
Mesmer seem way more high maintenance than my alts and in all fairness, as far as PvE goes (which is my game) more bark than bite.
But I do really well when I make an effort. I just don’t think its fair that the Mesmer have to read up, watch vids, plan a perfect build, get each gear slot right and stay focused w/o slips to get the same result as my friends do while playing naked with their elbows.

Going by the posts on this forum, regardless of the latest patch, this is how I interpret it; Mesmer have the potential to be ‘just as good’ as any other class – but you need to really know what you’re doing (aka be all sort of awesome) – if that is the case; Mesmer will outshine the average random-mouse-clickers.

I don’t love the fact that my Mesmer will run around mobs that my alts would plow through.
I guess that’s down to personal preferences and how you enjoy playing… Still, as much as I love my Mesmer, can’t help to feel a wee bit bummed out when (just as I hit level 35 and got in my full rare gear and fueled with all sort of know-how from guides) still couldn’t keep up with my casually rag-tag same-level warrior.

Hirr hirr – with that river of tears its time for the underdog to get back to playing :-D

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

How's Mesmer PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


I lack the frame of reference since I started playing this game 10(ish) days ago. I have a few characters around 10-13 and my Mesmer at 29. – judging by the killing-rate of the people around me; My Mesmer is doing really well. I read up and watched a bunch of vid on youtube which played a big part in the development of my toon. There might be better ways to go about it, but I found that focusing on condition damage gear with a staff and then having my illusions and me build massive stacks of bleed and burn, does the trick. Monsters around my level require that I summon an illusion, pull out the warlock phantasm and then auto attack. They’ll be dead when before they reach me.
I might be wrong, but it seems like you’d almost have an edge while playing GW2, if you haven’t played mmo’s all that much. Seems like a lot of old mmo-vets are looking for a 1-2-3-loot-move rinse and repeat formula. Playing the other professions is much more linear and straight forward — but the mesmer seem to out do them if the player is willing to stay sharp at the reins…hirr hirr – but I honestly don’t know. Its fun though! That should count for something ey?! :-D

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.