Showing Posts For gungcho.7382:
Hey all, i have just boosted my necro and after playing a bit with the default build i like it. Yet i need to play more to get used with the clas, and i have leveled the character just to 27 before the boost. So any general tips and tricks would be nice, and yes, I have checked some guids ( metabattle, here, youtube). I will test the change in HoT maps ( which after getting my gliding with my Guard, was much easier) and will start grabing the HP to get to the Reaper. Any help would be welcomed! Thank you in advance!
(edited by gungcho.7382)
Pros – Gliding, the UI improvements
Cons – I have been under the impression that the balance changes are going to be huge and addressing several issues, mostly the underperforming traits. Yet there were no such huge changes being made. I, as others also state, think that the lack of communication about what is going to be changed exactly ( e.g. patch notes before the patch goes live) is the main reason for so much of the bad reactions about the changes. It was said in the preview that the revenants are going to do less damage with auto-attack, which is good, and use more of their skills, yet the auto-attack nerf but the active skill has been buffed quite slightly. There are issues, but if once in while the devs come to these forum to address some of the issues and how they are planning to resolve them would be nice. The preview was nice, yet little more detail would be even nicer.
I have been using the same online vendor for several years. Have bought 2 WoW expansions, several wow time cards, both GW games and also both Diablo 3 games. Not an issue. And the best is that you have no need to wait for the disks to come after day or few. Yet i did some research about the vendor to see if it was legit.
Yes it was crazy with the grinding, i did not enjoy map completion myself ( got about 80% of tyria ), neither drunkard or sweet tooth titles , but non the less the game as a whole was fun- good story, unique combat system. Now it is better, yet fun again! And that is the point.
The first map VB is never empty, i did manage quite ok to move through it, yet i did die at some times, but not a big deal. Dying in GW1 was waaay more frustrating and punishing.
I don’t consider the elite content in Guild Wars 1 raids, and I don’t really think anyone else did either. Well, that’s not completely true. The Deep and Urgoz were probably raids. But nothing else was.
And I wouldn’t say other of those were casual in any way.
Yes it was a way more hardcore friendly than casual friendly, a lot of stuff took way too much time, yet we all ( who played GW1) enjoyed the game. And here it is not like that. 10k drinks is too much, but it is for people with free time and lots of gold to invest in them, which in a way shifts the gold towards the poorer players, which is good. But noone has to do this type of achievements if they do not want to.
In the past 3 days i’ve spent several hours in Verdant Brink. Even though i have bought HoT at release, i’ve had so much more to do that i hadn’t played in the new zones. It was frustrating at first, due to the strange navigation and lack of gliding, yet after get the glinding and learning how to do things it went a lot easier. I’m enjoying that map, it is challenging, yes, but fun. I got 2 more mastery points, 4 hero challenges, doing several events and getting a lot of loot. I’m perfectly ok with people achieving stuff and getting rewards for it. The game is quite casual, yes it has that wierd requirements for some items, achievements and skins, but you can eventually get there. After spending several years in playing WoW i got tired of all of lvl up, gear up, lvl up gear up process. The HoT was supposed to be hareder than the core Tyria and it is, it is ok. They can fix some of the issues with the mega server, so that in any moment there are enough people to do the events with. But the things is if you want ascended gear, you can get it, it will take some time, yet you can do that ( and for those like me, who don’t wanna wait that much you can buy the components of the TP and get the gear quickly), same with making money, should’ve they nerfed the dungeon farm, maybe not, unless making other ways of generating proffit. The expansion is quite new, there bugs and issues and i know they are working on ways to resolve them, like the elite specc costing 400 HP ( which was insane).
After playing ther fist game, which was amazing, it had the best questing system back there, and the best character customization at the time. For yeast I’ve played WoW, did some leveling on different characters, some raiding, some pvp, but in the end, after the daily quests, after the proffesion cds, there is not much to do there. And when a collegue of mine told that GW2 is going to be F2P, i needed to check it out, yes did hear some bad stuff about it, which now i see is based on people who did not give it a try or tried to undestand the game. Now i can just tell it is better than WoW for me, it gives me a lot to do, there are usually always people doing stuff. The comunity is great, the devs are great ( had the best customer <→ GM interaction in my years of gaming, resolved all my issues, friendly and polite), the gameplay is so diverse and at the same time simple, yet you feel satisfied. Whit that said, keep up the good work, even though there might be issues, and things go not as planned, yet the game is unique and fun, and that’s what matters! Thank you!
Thanks to superb customer support, my issue has been resolved! This thread can be closed now. Thank you again!
Try to update the drivers, for AMD download the latest is 16.1 crimson software. Then through the interface uninstall the previous ones, then install the new ones. I have a issue- after playing a while, then using the laptop for something else for the next few hours and then starting the game, I was getting really low fps, which after the latest drivers installation was resolved.
Yes I’ve read that and used the same credentials to loggin in both games. What bothers me is that my gw1 account is not as it was when i last logged in – a year and more ago though.
For me it is good. The OS is new, but quite better than 8.1, faster loading, better looking, yes the windows update is an issue, which can be resolved after a quick research ( you can stop the proccess and it won’t be downloading or uploading anything).
So I have merged my game accounts, was not able to access my gw1 account for some reason, contacted the support, got help and am able to access my account now. But it is not as I have left it. It is a trial factions account, not a full game ( i have all of the original games plus EoN). So what i’d like to ask if there is some wait time before my account is going back to as it was. Would like some help from people who have ( if any ) been in the same situation like me now. Just would want to add those achievement points from hall of the monuments. Thank you!
(edited by gungcho.7382)
Hey I’ve been playing WoW for several years. You pick a profession and it can bassically do anything- tanking, healing or doing damage. The questisting and leveling systems are the best there is ( my oppionion only) – just go to hearts, check the map and do the dynamic events and you’re good. Try any profs you might want to play, then do all you want – map exploring, running dungeons, making gold, getting the rarest/coolest skins ( yes getting optimal gear here is quite easy). Add me if you need some help in game ^^
I see, thank you! I’ll wait, it is not something so important, I have leveling and gearing to do currently
So I’m having a problem with my GW account ( cannot enter GW). I have contacted the Anet through the ticket system ( applying all the info needed) and am curious the know when i’ll get some info about my issue.
Hey it is so nice! I’d like 4 random ones, as of now I have just 4 or 5 dyes unlocked Thank you in advance!