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Guild Missions - revealed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hans.7265


I hope this stuff is doable with about 10 Members. I dont like those big guildes we are just bunch of friends playing together. Maybe 20 People are in the Guild so i hope Anet takes this into consideration for creating content.
These super big events like World Bosses just ability lags like crazy and not really fun. The most fun i have with groups around 5-10 People.

Tagging Mobs in Orr

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Dagger Air->Spam AA without target i always get enough tags if a new grp shows up sometimes Fire->Burning Speed-> Fire ring-> Earthquake-> back to Air.
Full Berseker and Berserker Amulett Rings, etc. Dagger Air AA hits for 900-2900×2, yes and always get in a grp at least 2-3 People.

New Elementalists: Use ALL the attunements!

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


If im on staff in Dungeons i rarely switch out of Fire, because its just nonsense when there no healing to do or support. Fire does the most dmg and without 20-30 Points in Arcana switching to much gets you stuck so its also an option to not switch Attunments, all depends on the situation you and your grp are in.
Air AA is only good for 2 close targets, Water AA when the melee are low or in trouble, earth also when big hits from bosses are troubling melee, else they just suck compared to fire.
In orr for example its best with dagger to just stay in Air because you get most tags and so more loot, why should i switch.
On Bosses with Daggers i also stay most of the time in Fire because Fire AA hits really hard. I only switch for healing or condition removal when its needed, or for might stacking when earthquake and cunning earth is off cd.
If you are playing PvP or wvw you have to switch very often and you need 20 Points in Arcana to make it usefull, but in Pve you dont have to dance to be effectiv.

Lightning auto attack is higher damage for dual daggers.

oh yeah mixed that up

New Elementalists: Use ALL the attunements!

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


If im on staff in Dungeons i rarely switch out of Fire, because its just nonsense when there no healing to do or support. Fire does the most dmg and without 20-30 Points in Arcana switching to much gets you stuck so its also an option to not switch Attunments, all depends on the situation you and your grp are in.
Air AA is only good for 2 close targets, Water AA when the melee are low or in trouble, earth also when big hits from bosses are troubling melee, else they just suck compared to fire.
In orr for example its best with dagger to just stay in Air because you get most tags and so more loot, why should i switch.
On Bosses with Daggers i also stay most of the time in Air because Fire AA hits really hard. I only switch for healing or condition removal when its needed, or for might stacking when earthquake and cunning earth is off cd.
If you are playing PvP or wvw you have to switch very often and you need 20 Points in Arcana to make it usefull, but in Pve you dont have to dance to be effectiv.

(edited by hans.7265)

Obsidian Flesh - Better Visual Effect

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Make it a little bit darker and take the effekt from Mesmer F4 invulnerable would be really awesome.

Devs: Ele's too good, nerfs incoming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


I can only speak for Pve, spvp i only play sometimes for fun.
I think its the problem with making Water Attunment a healing based Attunment in a game without healers. Really makes the Elementalist outstandig to other classes.
I also found Staff healing to much i can heal in full Berserker Gear my grp full or outheal most dmg on melees with the AA and the geysir. I would love to see some healing toned down and get some better use out of Water ie more DMG on Staff. On Daggers i found it okay but also outshines other classes in grp healing.

Devs: Ele's too good, nerfs incoming.

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Is this for spvp or Pve ?

How To save our PvE

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Glass Canon Builds depend so much on Group Settings if you dont have enough Grp DPS you are going to die very often because you cant hold through the hole fight.
I would like to see some Autoattacks buffed thats one of my concerns, the Damage differences are just to high between the different attunments in my Opinion.
Or a Buff to Attunment Recharge Rate and a Nerf in Arcana so its comes to the same with 30 Points in Arcan as now, but without you have 3-4 Sec less. Because if you use a build without Arcana then you get stuck in earth Attunment or Water and its just a huge DPS loss.
I would like to see Staff Water AA deal 2x DMG and a little bigger Splash healing radius. Earth Staff AA should cast a little bit faster or fly faster :P
Dagger AA Earth should also deal more damage and remove the condition i really dont like this one. Dagger AA Water is okayish should maybe a little bit better Single Target, i would like to see a rework here to an Attack with maybe 600 Range.
My biggest concern is Attunment Recharge Rate it just bad like this without Arcana Really makes the class fell clunky without it.

Elite skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Depends on the situation. Most likely i use Glyph of Elementals and then get Ice Elemental (if grp needs more support) out or the Fire Elemental (if grp does good Dmg and doenst need support). If you are in a group with a Mesmer Fiery GS can deal huge amounts of damage in Timelapse and also is good in Aoe when there a many mobs, but you have to be carefull with positioning. So glyph of Elementals is always a good choice, Fiery GS very situational and the rest is not so good :P

Builds for full zerker armor?

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


I found an Aura Sharing Build with 20/10/10/30/0 very nice for PvE, it gives a loot of boons to the group and also does some good Damage. I pick up Fire Embrace and switch the sigils according to the situation in dungeons mostly its Restoration, Air, Earth, Fire.
Its works well with Staff and Daggerx2.
For Wvw its not so good there i would recommend a more normal aura build with 20 points in Arcana because Attunment Recharge just sucks so hard an gets you stuck in Attunments without 20 or more Points in Arcana. Hope they bring some changes to that because that limits all pvp Builds to some points in Arcana for a fluid gameplay, in Pve its not so bad if you get stuck in an attunment because yeah PvE xD
Have fun trying it out.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hans.7265


Just for your information. The Beta Fov commands changes your FoV which is a good thing in my opinion.
The “bug” from the Mad King Instance raises your Zoom level which is really awesome.
I mean i doenst have to be this far maybe 1-2 scrolls less.
I think many of you in the thread mixing these 2 things up.

Beta FoV = FoV
Mad King “bug” = Zoom Level

Ascent to Madness (MK Dungeon) Zoom out implementation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hans.7265


It would be nice if they could implent this. Finally making fun using a arrowchart and dont have to aim beetween the walls corner just to hit a little bit. Now i can see whats happening at the castle gate / walls when aiming with the arrowchart makes me feel more involved in the fight then aiming through a little spot and looking at the ground when in an arrowchart.

Some CD's a bit excessive?

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


But even if you rotate you can use firegrab dont right the CD doesnt fit in the rotation in my opinion. Its mostly like the 3. time i switch to fire when firegrab gets up again and seriouly it doenst deal that much damage. I think 30 seconds should be okay, i mean cunning earth is also on a 30sec.
Cleasing Wave and frost armor i find okay. But dont understand why shock armor / aura has a significant lower cooldown whats the thought behind that ?
Updraft i find okay maybe a little less.

Cast time on staff #1

in Elementalist

Posted by: hans.7265


Would be a good change can even take a bit from the damage so it doenst get more. But the staff 1 is really slow in attacking. With Daggers i get much more loot only because i can “tag” more people because of higher Attackspeed on 1.

Keep Zoom Distance from Mad King Instance

in Suggestions

Posted by: hans.7265


I would suggest you bring in a Zoom option were you can set your Zoom far more like its now when you visited the Mad Kings Layer. Its make the game feel so much better und you get a much better overview whats happening. Also you dont get stuck in blurring the whole screen with effects from cast. I just love it like this. So i suggest you make a the zoom go out like this as standard.


First picture max Zoom
Second picture normal Zoom


Keep the zoom out bug from the madking instance!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hans.7265


And now with new Zoom level much better feeling !
I love it like this makes the game feel so much better.
