Showing Posts For highlandria.7941:
A lot of our server is focusing on na primetime and early oceanic to do this. Seems to be working well.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
Could consider kaineng. We always have a couple harassing our bl. We are likely to be facing tier 6 opponents a lot more including nsp. We are also fielding about 50 during na primetime.
Good group of players here. Definately a guild to consider.
Next time try to video record it. A picture just isnt enough.
Good stuff tv. Keep up the good work
In anvil rock bl this week we are only getting 50% of the supply from sw camp and nw camp dolyak is disappearing once it spawns. also centaurs disappear once they get close to nw camp. A fix would be nice so we can upgrade bay normally instead of this extremely slow pace we are forced to atm. thx
Maybe they could add 2 letters beside players names to better know what server that player is in. For example [AR] (axme)highlandria or [YB]. This could help relieve some of the issues.
Can someone link me to a gvg video where 1 guild uses norn snow leapords to start the fight and ends up winning the fight? thx
how is seasons looking so far for the lower tiers?
Going into grander ideas next.
23. 1st off I would change the whole concept of wvw.
I would go with 3 colors. Red, green and blue and make it so that all res that week are on same team.
Main issue with that is that 4 maps will not suffice for 24 servers. I would find out how many in total on average is playing in wvw and eotm. I would then create enough maps so that on average a map would have 40 ish players per color.
To make simple. If a server fields 50 players on average you would need 10 maps to have every map average out to 40 players. Look in below paragraph to see how I came to that or skip.
So lets say on average a server produces 50 players. Now we need to figure out how many maps are needed to create 40 players per map on average. To do that we must 1st figure out how many players in total are on typically. So 50×24=1200 players total on based off average. Now we want an average of 40 players for each color so we next divide by 3 so 1200/3=400 Now we know on average your color should produce 400 members in total. Next we need to divide those 400 between enough maps to = 40 per map. 400/40 =10 So in total we would need 10 maps to make this be accomplished. Things to consider is overall fluctuation of numbers. A drastic decrease overall may require 1-2 maps to be taken out while a drastic increase might mean 1-2 more made. The theory that could possibly be put into effect is that 6 maps are guarantees while the rest are taken down or put up based off of overall numbers.
The maps could include the following. Eternal battleground, Eotm, and 6 different unique maps that gives no individual group an edge. I would make these 6 maps based off the cities and spawn areas of the 5 races of tyria and the last map off a race that will be coming to the game in the future. These 6 maps would be set up so that 2 of them would be given the city part of the map as a home base while the other 2 colors would be the invaders. Towers and keeps like always but a new concept at the heart of the cities. A reward of some sort if an enemy server can take w/e is at the heart of the city. Most be very difficult to get though. I would also have it so that you get very very good noticeable buffs for pve if you upgrade this spot in the middle of the city. The more cities and upgrades you have the more buffs you get for pve. This covers 8 of the 10 maps in the example. So for the extra maps I would do the following. I would use our home borderlands as extra maps. Have them come with wp’s done and again have no expenses for upgrading and possibly be given automatic siege in your character that is infinite and only usable on the extra maps. This would give players less reason to get upset if the numbers are dwindling down and those maps are not needed anymore aka oceanic time. Maybe instead of resetting eotm we reset the home bl’s instead every 4 hours.
Please realize before reading that I am not replying to use all of these. Some of these contradict each other but are worth looking into non the less. Some may also be wild fantasies, but hey we all gotta dream.
Things I would consider.
First and foremost I would say that not having forum match up threads hurt the wvw scene.
1.Create the ability to give a tower or keep the supply on you.
2.Be capable of not only fixing but using your supply to help upgrade the keep quicker.
3.Get rid of monsters that get on dolyaks walk path.
4.Get rid of spending gold to upgrade.
5.Give a quick optional walk through to all characters new to wvw. Simple 4 minute video will help out once you jump in. i.e. Discuss the ppt system, walls, gates, commander tags, supply, and squad chat so on so forth.
6. Video explaining combo fields. SOOOOO many players have no clue what they are. This is something that will excite newer players to continue playing cause they will realize a new aspect to the game that can be challenging but rewarding.
7. A 3rd floor to bay. If the enemy gets through outer, and they are overall able to beat you in combat, there isn’t much you can do to beat them. The height disadvantage at bay Gives them by far a superior edge on trebs. This ends up a lot of times being a very long wait while they treb your wall down. Now I like this cause I like having 8+ superior ballistas waiting for them at that chokepoint but most others do not like to wait. A simple ramp leading up to a 3rd floor close to the 2 east corners of inner would be a fun twist making it harder for enemy players to both treb you and or taking lords room.
8. Towers or gates do not pop swords until a gate or wall has taken 1k+ damage. Always that one guy that goes and touches the gate. Also discuss in video about that fact, and how sometimes it is best to not tap gates if you don’t want to be noticed.
9. Swords on keeps on any map and or towers in the map you are on are posted in a new chat system called wvw chat or something like that.
10. A new trap that once activated stays activated for 10 seconds and makes the location impossible to pass. Can not have more then 1 every 1000 range.
11. Give 5 second time frame to wp into a keep once swords have been put on again.
12. Arrow carts are overall fine. I would have them be a little bit weaker inside towers but have an upgrade in keeps that let the arrow carts and other siege be stronger then what they are atm.
13. A Green line coming out of the trebs to help improve shot efficiency.
14.Trebs do less damage to rams while mortars stay same.
15. Get rid of roof at overlook or recreate roof with a way to get on top and lay siege like you can in other 2 keeps in eternal.
16. Make siege glow or change color if within 5 minutes of decaying.
17. Kindve out there but the ability to have commander have a warning button that puts a symbol like maybe ! or * on screen if he sees a major threat. This would be applied to people on same map and within the commanders squad. This would help the non teamspeak users to know of enemy inc fast. Again this could be put in a small wvw video.
18. Have a basic video show up at lvl 10 or somewhere close to there and discuss the wvw in it so new players at least got a clue about it early on.
19. A guild billboard that guilds can post on in any city showing their guild if their guild is actively recruiting. Same would be applied in all wvw map spawns.
20. Starting to lose ideas but will likely have 30 more here soon.
21. Make it so you can see where squad members are at in wvw.
22. Possibly get rid of ppt and instead get points based off how many places you take and defend. For example. Every 10 minutes you hold off an enemy attack at a keep you get 30 pts. If however at 12 minutes they get the keep the enemy gets 10 pts. This would be more initiative to defend a keep, and give servers with a smaller amount of players a chance to still win. So much damage would have to be warranted on a gate or wall to deserve a successful 10 minute defense on a place.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
It is not a good idea to be in blackgate atm. The main reason is due to anvil rock climbing the ranks. Anvil rock’s might and pride will turn blackgate into a shell of it’s former self. Many have already pledged their loyalty to that which is anvil rock. For those that try to oppress us our asuran shaldwanx uses the powers of earth fire ice and air to make ques run in fear. For those that need refugee from the collapse of your server. Anvil rock’s lions arch will bring you refugee and the stability you need for you and your family. For those in blackgate that were not robbed from our oppression we will bring to you a number to dial. Call 1-800-atonyeson.2684. He will send you to the proper residents you will so desperately need. We are brutal but we still have the understanding of those that have been oppressed by our ways.
tv will be fine
Hi. I will be joining the first wvw guild that pm’s allergic to grapes.
Got roughly 2k hrs of commanding experience.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
To the AR zerg that keeps coming into our BL to cap bay and then leaving.
Go for garri and hills. Only 6 people will show up. Don’t let the lack of the outmanned buff deter you. No one seem to give a kitten right now.
We probably should but won’t.
dang ET. you is on fire! <3
definately a wrong pic.
If Kaineng/AR would stop playing pls. We have a bet that if we win this week’s matchup, someone will post their picture.
I can share the loot after this matchup. SO yeahlol,…go do fractals or something
Done 3 dungeons already. Will do 4 more if we get to see pics.
I think it’s cute that Kaineng likes to threaten.
Kaineng commanders probably shouldn’t take everything that 1 or 2 random ar players say personal. We knew in anvil rock that this week would be rougher because we knew sf was taking a week off last week and we would be missing a few key players this week. The future sf/ar match ups will likely be decided by the 3rd servers force during both our primetime and primetime. On a side note. descent job holding off sf during primetimes this week. Some days better then others. We do need to find a way to keep a steadier wvw force at oceanic when our normal commanders are not on. Was near depressing a couple nights when checking up on wvw during oceanic. We got to be willing to work with other commanders at oceanic guys.
This is a picture showing what taking things personal can do. Not saying this is why kaineng lost their whole bl. But more of an example of what personal feelings can make happen. Seen it happen to commanders on other servers and long term is rarely beneficial.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
congratz on your victory sf. close fight this week
Thx Muffin Crusaders (MUFN) for switching tc and deciding to be a part of anvil rocks community. Hope to see you guys on the battlefield tomorrow and get the chance to work with you.
hmm sf i think its come to my attention.
That you have the most terrible players on your server. The 1v1 people who just kill you and leave are fine but soon as its 1v3 or 1v2 the other useless person that probably did nothing has the urge to jump on people.
I could care less of you sf people crying on here about getting tbagged because you guys do it more then anyone ive seen. So please do not come here to qq about getting tbagged when your players do it non stop.
Thank you
Any time I see someone complain about corpse jumping or emotes or anything of that nature, I picture this person getting so mad as it happens (enter wow kid shoving remote up kitten reference here. that they then have to walk around their room…sit down and then attempt to act as composed as possible as they try to think of a clever way to say “I’m raging i was killed when odds were against me so this must mean you suck at this game and have real life issues”. Gets even worse when they are angry enough to claim a specific server does it more than others as if they are present during the entire population’s presence and can make an accurate judgment of such.
You died…they jumped…the world moves on…GET THE KITTEN OVER IT. lol
But silly me…I’ve already over-fed the troll.
Omg there was like this one time. ( you wont believe this) when I was in south camp by myself capping it when suddenly…….. 2 thiefs killed me. Talk about op. Wow thoee kaineng thifs all perme stealthed. So op. Thiefs need to be totally nerfed. Such bs. Now where was I. Oh yeah. then suddenly these kaineng thiefs started laughing at me and I was like yelling on ts STOP IT!! Peps in my ts like started being all like chill down. God people in ts. Talk about a bag of @ss. Those thiefs just sat there throwing ballistas on me and cheering. Omg so done with this game. Kaineng thiefs are so nerfed. Kaineng like has made this whole game personal. Gonna omega rush their everything you know? Well see who gets the last laugh kaineng thief. Hahahaha……. when you all talk about peps on wvw laughing at you in game this is what I imagine. Yeah………
Lulasa. such a troll.
Think Miley Cyrus would be proud the way we came through AR bl tonight. cheers!
Yeah miley would be most pleased.
Word is anvil rock is coming after blackgate so umm yeah I guess we gotta get to tier 3 first. If you can wait until then, then we might just be the server for you.
:O High giving ET a good rep? Shows to see how bitterness goes away over time :P. Anyways ET is legend for bunkering down its BL, and usually only lose parts of BL(excluding the camps/south towers) during the EU time slot. Great server that has endured so much since their T1 days.
ahh come on. I tried to come back to et 3 months ago and join iom but they wouldn’t talk to me on ts =(
If you are looking for a tier 8 or 7 server that defends their bl, then et is the best. It’s a clear sign of how good et commanders are and overall guilds willingness to do the not so fun bl patrol. Et guilds and commamders are likely getting burnt out. A couple deecent guilds come and et will have a good rebound. Just an anvil rock players perspective.
Still looking for 1 more commander that wants to help build a serious wvw guild. pm allergic to grapes if interested.
Hello I am looking for a couple of motivated, and knowledgeable commanders that would like to help run a larger guild in anvil rock. We have just over 400 members. We can normally bring 20-30 wvw players at na prime time and 10 players at oceanic. For more info pm allergic to grapes if interested.
Other then tonight we have over 40 players during this time with over a que between 10-1 am.
We here in anvil rock do not have the right to talk about our solid defenses in the borderland if we let a 20 man kaineng force take everything but hills without anyone in ar event checking it out. Thank god I was eating breakfast and checked my phone or hills would’ve been lost too. This is why people in ar need to stop acting like we are an amazing force. We are doing good, don’t get me wrong, but we have some moments where we are and or will become very vulnerable in tier 7 and tier 6. Also do realize that sf is not trying hard this week likely due to a rough season. I expect the next match up to be a lot closer between us.
Ar has gotten 7 or so more recruits the last 2 days so were somewhere around 20 known people transferring with 3 more coming in the next few days.
On a side note for those that can not move but can not attack. Lay a piece of seige down or take a portal and you can move again
So with this logic is hitting through the door an exploit as well? I have even been piked through a door as well.
Seriously you’re complaining about us taking our own stuff back. stop being mad and remember it is only pixels.
I hope you don’t really fail to understand the difference. One is a limitation of the game, allowing ground target and melee skills with sufficient range to hit without line-of-sight. The other allows players to regain access to the innards of towers/keeps after their repair without having to go through the doors or walls or by using the portal of a living mesmer stashed inside, thus circumventing the entire gimmick of WvW—sieging.
That it’s “your own stuff” is not a valid defense.
As Dov touches on, I don’t think I’d really be all that bothered if Anet changed it such that these skills were obstructed. I imagine this would cause problems with clearly intended skill effects (that like of the ram mastery skill, Slam Impact) and would require more rework of mechanics than is currently on their schedule.
Exactly. This exploit would allow 2 mesmers to take any keep nearly instantly just by laying 1 dead mesmer at outer and inner gate. This would force literally 5+ players to sit there watching inner and 5 at outer gate to ensure you dont take the keep immediately.
So you are admitting to using a game exploit. On a side note. We have talked to a couple of brl members and brl does not support this kind of behavior. Good to see that this may just be 1 exploiting Mesmer instead of a guild/server supporting exploits.
I’m just happy this exploiter only accomplished to do so on paper keeps.So with this logic is hitting through the door an exploit as well? I have even been piked through a door as well.
Seriously you’re complaining about us taking our own stuff back. stop being mad and remember it is only pixels.
If you dont see it as a problem then why did you tell your guildmates that you would just change tags from brl to fn once they confronted you about it while yet again exploiting a keep? Exactly. You can make all the excuses you want but you know rezzing through gates was not a game feature anet meant to put in or condones. And you are taking this mistake, anet has not been able to fix, to its limits. You can also claim how you have been killed through gates as if that was an issue but you instead use that to purposefully kill urself for yet another gate rezz. 3 keep attacks in a row we find you dead right on the gate when the gate breaks. To the rest of dr. Please dont follow this bad apples ways and try to make this a norm. Using these exploits can quickly get other servers to turn on you. Also realize dr did take this mesmers ports multiple times. I just hope your commander did not realize how daco was getting into those keeps.
Just trying to confirm if this is a confirmed exploit within the game now or just a very frowned upon action within wvw. If this is an exploit in anets opinion, what is the best route to report this player. We have the players username with confessions with over 20 pics from 7 multiple attempts from this mesmer from yesterday alone.
Sorry DR but after the BRL mesmer tried to pull the die at gate stunt we decided to keep hills. You need to teach them how to hide in a keep properly and don’t res them if they die at the gate.
Nice job holding hills. Seems I wasn’t needed after all.
So you are admitting to using a game exploit. On a side note. We have talked to a couple of brl members and brl does not support this kind of behavior. Good to see that this may just be 1 exploiting Mesmer instead of a guild/server supporting exploits.
I’m just happy this exploiter only accomplished to do so on paper keeps.
brl mesmer getting rezzed yet again to take a keep. 4th or 5th time today alone that has happened. it is a female human. also another brl is supporting this Mesmer. All I know is if we have this same match up again our full focus in ar will be to full focus dr if they keep supporting these actions.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
brl Mesmer at it again at sm. brl is such a wonderful guild supporting gate rezzes.
Brl Mesmer probably time you stop dieing at gates and getting rezzes. really puts a bad name on you guild. you do it all the time
Hello chris rj. If what you are looking for is a server with some pride then anvil rock might be a server to consider. Our pve side is not the strongest but that is likely due to many of them coming back and staying in wvw. Our keep defenses are becoming widely recognized throughout tier 6 7 and 8. Servers that haven’t noticed finally realize by Monday and rarely attempt to take a keep afterwards.
This is one of our recruitment threads. You can see for yourself what servers are saying about us here.
GoM and SoR have had several transfers to AR, so please don’t be so naive to think that you’ve magically upped your game because of recruitment from one guild. That’s not how this game works.
We have had no large guild transfers. [Zero] is slowly returning, but not too many of made the swap yet.
Yeah I find it hard to believe there was not a huge amount of transfers since the last time AR were up against GoM. One week you are always with the outmanned buff and 2-3 weeks later you are the ones creating the outmanned buff on GoM players.
It is also rumored you guys have spies in teamspeak which is how you “magically” have your zerg inside the gates on every attempt DR or GoM make on your keeps and garrison but hey we always enjoy it when AR out number us 2 to 1 and we kick your kitten just like the old AR players would do to some of us.
This is just another reason people should consider joining anvil rock. We are very good at defending our bl. Our main zerg is rdy to move on a moments notice to defend their keeps. Now if any gom players believe I am spying on their ts all you have to do is pm allergic to grapes in game. I will jump into your ts you can ban me there. Since I was the only one I know that came from gom, that rediculous theory can be put to rest. I believe many other servers prior to this week can attest to us being very good at defending our bl. We do an excellent job defending. Anvil rock. Keep up the effort.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
GoM and SoR have had several transfers to AR, so please don’t be so naive to think that you’ve magically upped your game because of recruitment from one guild. That’s not how this game works.
This is exactly why anvil rock is the server to join at this moment. People cant accept that we improved so much mainly due to our pve players jumping back into wvw. As to the several gom players. I was the only one that I know of that left gom. And as for that 1 guild recruiting. We have gained 150-160 new members in the last month with most doing wvw a few times a week. If you are a good commander looking to make a big difference in a servers outcome then you too could probably get a lot of recruits if you came to anvil rock. Just something commanders should consider if looking for a new server to join.
On a side note guild asap here in anvil rock is looking for 2 commanders to join the guild. I am trying to get more in the zerg busting/ gvg mentality, but have been to busy leading the zerg. A lot of good guild potential for a competent commander. Pm or mail allergic to grapes, allergic to oranges, or allergic to bananas if interested. You would most likely have 20 players a night to work with.
Aren’t we all Anvil Rockers glad to have stuck through the highs and lows??? We are moving up in the world!!!!
Ah, your commander is allergic to grapes… this information will prove invaluable.
ok since I have pushed the back button 4 times and deleted this message in the process I will make this short. also none of my sentences will be capitalized since that’s the reason I keep going back a page. thanks for letting everyone know I was the commander in anvil rock. now I have had 8 people pm me since this asking to fight and telling me I am flawed and sloppy at commanding. now to answer so many gom questions. 1st no!!! we have not gotten 30+ recruits like you believe we have from other servers. we have gotten maybe just over 10 through the season. As to why our force has been strong late at night. we have had a few commanders step up the last couple weeks during primetime thus allowing me to assume command l8r at night with a good size force. now as for last night why we were so big in numbers 5 reasons. we were in first place, everyone knew bemo commander was on and he reacts slowly to keep attacks, a good trade off between commanders we have had a huuuuge farming spree the 2 nights prior, and because I was commanding. now if any of you want to make this fantasy you have about us having 30 people transfer to ar and make it a reality, please feel free to pm me and we can talk about why anvil rock is the place to join.
on a side note. we had no intention to take any of your stuff dr but you wouldn’t quit bothering us the last 2 nights. attacking overlook 2 times the night before and 1 time last night was no bueno. enough was enough. Good luck to both gom and dr on this close second place battle. Looks like it might go down to the wire.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
Was nice for gom to have sm with a wp for once. Tried to take the momentum to nsp’s blue keep but boy did they put up a fight. Great job prepping ac’s as fast as you did. 5 golems just wasn’t enough. Oh well. Maybe next week we’ll get your keep. Oh btw …." just between us" map hop sf late at night and you’ll get some good ppt off them. Anyways see you guys in the near future. GO GOM!!
Can we please just set it up to where 3 fairly even servers face each other. One server goes down a tier for getting last and 1 server goes up a tier for getting first. These blowouts can get rough to handle. Better yet why not make it to where you can have 1 free transfer to a lower tier server a month. You could then raise the price to join a tier 1-2-3 to like 3000-4000 gems to cover your loses. Let new players move around servers for the first week for free so they can make a choice which server is best for them. There are plenty of guilds willing to go to tier 6-7-8 except for the gem issue. These guilds know they will lose a good part of their guild unless they have a great community so they don’t move. If I read right you made top league gold rewards better then low league gold rewards. That’s going to divide us event more. More are going to the top because you give them more and more reasons to. Another possible idea. When buying the game make it to where you get a reward for deciding to join a server with less players. A simple 5 gold, and more will start the game on those servers.
There has to be ways to even out the server’s. Basically what I am trying to say is there are sooooooo many ways to start evening out the servers slowly but surely. It’s up to the dev’s to figure it which way is best. Dev’s need to give incentive to switch and or start your account at tier 6-7-8.
Got 100g saying that if I get 2 weeks to set up in gom, gom can and will beat ar once we match up in the silver league, Care to wager?
is last transferring to GOM?
1st off LOL, GoM and DH are double teaming us and we are in 2nd place. No last will be staying in AR, Highlandria has already moved to GoM, and with this comment is no longer considered part of Last or affiliated with us. Dissapointed to see him try to push down AR but ill make sure AR will be put back to its Former glory. Have fun in GoM high i look forward to wiping you…
Why would I want to be affiliated with the leader of last knowing the second I say something you do not appreciate and or send an account over to another server just like you have done with 2 of your other accounts. . You will just kick another guild leader from the guild. You got accounts in other servers as well so don’t play like you can do w.e you want and I can’t with my other accounts. I event told you I would still be there for last giving a good amount of effort to the guild before that move event happened. Yes my amount of time commanding did slack and this is the main reason why over the last 2 weeks. I event was on my other commander account the next day commanding for 3 hours after this toon transferred but that wasn’t enough for you. You sit on your toon calling literally 98% of people in ar trash while I tried pretty kitten hard going broke to ensure some sort of success in the server. WAR? MERC you name it. Just about everyone has been called trash. Oh don’t forget zero. To zero. Good job and quick Reactions in gom borderland. Tfh and those with tfh last night. Great hold inside hills taking that wp. You totally deserved to have and keep it all last night. Shiny has called you trash too zero, but do not listen to him. Shiny. you spent plenty of time complaining about the suck level of ar while on other toons. I was in their trying hard to give a good time for the people of anvil rock. Now that things are going half well in ar you decide to show some descent effort toward the guild and server. Think about it guys. How often did you see shiny on those first few weeks we were there? Exactly. Many days you kept talking about leaving ar due to anvil rock sucking. We were suppose to go into anvil rock as a team and I finally said enough is enough. I’m tired of you being an ^&* to everyone. I can’t sit in wvw every single day getting pm’s about how your $#@$ moves are getting everyone upset. WAAY to many pm’s from people upset at you and or our/ now your guild. You have tarnished my effort toward the server and everything I was trying to do to create a good atmosphere. You pushed me to my limits. I like to be in a place where we can all enjoy ourselves in one way or another in gw2, but I’ve had enough in ar. For those in ar. keep up the effort. This is the reason why I left and why I do not see it fitting to join another guild in ar. It will be way too much drama. I will still help you or anyone else or any guild in ar. Just pm me any time. You guys know me half way descent. However I can not come back to Ar. sorry Guys,
On a side note. I failed you guys as a guild leader and commander. I should’ve listened to you all and kicked shiny while I had the chance. I messed up. My apologies. Honestly. Best of luck to ar. Keep it up. I just had to show one way or another I am not coming back.
Got 100g saying that if I get 2 weeks to set up in gom, gom can and will beat ar once we match up in the silver league, Care to wager?
(edited by highlandria.7941)
I am normally on anywhere between 4pm-6 am est. ( Time can vary based on what is needed.)
What I am looking for.
1. A server between tier 5-8. (possibly tier 4)
2. A guild that will come every time to save a keep if it can be saved.
3. A server that has the ability to have 6-8 minimum on ebg at all times. ( My preferred map)
4. A server that has some sort of communication. Preferably one that is easy to communicate to other guilds with.
Please feel free to either pm me, mail me or post here. Pm’s preferred. Hope to here from you soon.
(edited by highlandria.7941)
On a side note. % wise how many people do you believe are on gw2 and are drunk or high on sunday at 7pm est.
My guess 32.4%