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Graphic issues with Geforce GTX 970 Strix

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huebers.4150


I have been playing GW2 since it was released with no problems.
Recently I bought a new PC.
It’s a Intel Core I5-6400 cpu, 8GB ram and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 Strix.

Since i installed GW2 on my new PC i have the following issue :
Ingame the graphics look great but it seems like there are tiny waves/winkles on my screen.
Most notable when looking at the sky.
I tinkered with all the settings, turned them on and off, tried all different settings in the graphics menu.
The issue persists.

It happens on all maps, both Tyria and HoT.

I dont have this issue in any other game (been playing Batman Arkham Origins in the meantime) or when i visit the internet or use the desktop.
So it seems GW2 related.

Maybe u guys have an idea i haven’t tried yet.

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: huebers.4150


Same problem here,
EU server Desolation
error code: 42:0:9001:4103

Hope this will be fixed soon (don’t doubt it)

Didn't get Karka reward in the mail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huebers.4150


Thank U Arena net for keepimg your word.
Just received my package, and i am very happy with it !

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: huebers.4150


I supported multiple tickets and havent received anything yet.
A-Net ?
Any word on this ?

Cyan to Yellow gradients on screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: huebers.4150


I have the exact same thing.
Can’t even do the fractals, because after the 2nd fractal i crash …

I attached a dx diag


"Killing the Ancient Karka" Game Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huebers.4150


Same happened to me ; after 10 crashes i crashed the last time just before the final fight.
At first i wasn’t able to start guild wars 2 again.
When i was able again, after 5 min or so, i rushed to the fight but was too late.
I made a screenshot and filed a bugreport.

I liked the event, just sad i have nothing to show for.

Crashing after 2 stages of FotM dungeons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: huebers.4150


I have done the new dungeon now a couple time with my guild.
Every time (and really : every time) after the second fractal while loading the 3rd I either crash or get stuck on loading screen.
So, this way, i will never be able to finish level 1.

Is it possible, that after a crash, u can rejoin the party in the dungeon ?

In all other dungeons this works fine, but when u crash in FotM u can’t rejoin your party.
Is there a way to rejoin your party ?

If i re-enter the dungeon while my party is still in there, i enter the dungeon alone and when I jump in the mist i have a private instance and can’t rejoin.

Edit : i hope i posted this in the right part of the forums, i posted in tech-support because of the crashes/freezing.
If this post belongs in another part, please feel free to move it.

(edited by huebers.4150)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: huebers.4150


Sad to report i have a similar problem.
I am running a Windows 7 32 bit system with a Geforce GTX560Ti.
I already had some crashing issues, like in WvWvW when it was very crowded.
Since this weekend (related to karka-event ?) it has gotten worse.

I did the new dungeon, which i love, but i always crash after i have done the second fractals.
Strange thing is : when u crash in other dungeons, u can relog and rejoin your group.
When we tried this on the new dungeon, we were all kicked out.
So i guess i will remain stuck on level 1.

Yesterday on the one-time event with the Karka i joined ; during the event i crashed about 10 times.
Worse thing was that i did the whole event, but when the final assault on the karka came i crashed again and then i could’n log back in for a few minutes, resulting in the fact that i didn’t get the chest because i couldn’t log back in before the karka was killed.
So basically i did the event for nothing.

This is killing the joy i am having with this game.
I don’t even dare to do a dungeon with my guildies because i might mess things up for them.

Attached is my dxdiag.

Hope someone has a solution.
Already tried :

  • running the game as admin
  • expanding memory
  • decreasing all graphic settings
    To no avail.


Almost no sound when playing Guild Wars 2

in Audio

Posted by: huebers.4150


Topic can be closed.
Found the problem.
Problem was in my computer, at the speakers u have sliders.
Under advanced settings (more) mixer there were 3 sliders (1 for speakers, 1 for system sounds and 1 for Guild Wars 2).

The slider for Guild Wars 2 was set to off.
Turned it up and everything is working now.

Almost no sound when playing Guild Wars 2

in Audio

Posted by: huebers.4150



I have been playing guild wars 2 since releaseday and never had any problems.

A few weeks ago, i presume after an update, the sound was almost unhearable.
Since then i have to set the volume of my speakers to max and then i can barely make up some sounds.
This effects all sounds (ie environment, dialog, weaponsounds, music).
Even at the start up screen i don’t hear music anymore.

I tried to tinker with the ingame audiosettings but it didn’t help.

This only happens in Guild Wars 2.

In guild wars 1 i have the usual sounds.
When i play another game, like dead island, all sounds play well.
Music —> same, no problem.

So i guess it’s GW2 related.

Anybody experienced this issue and know how to resolve it ?
I would be very thankful !

Cannot Log Into My Character~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huebers.4150


Add me to the list too, desolation server, norn guardian.
Upon entering the loading screen comes on and then stays there indefenitely.