Showing Posts For hydrangea.9136:

Suggestion: Mystic crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hydrangea.9136


Mystic crafting lore: something happened to zomoros so mystic forging is gone(left here some thinking space) No worries an asura has invented: mystic crafting.

Mystic crafting basics: All current mystic forge recipes are now done via mystic crafting. Possible other features: scavenger hunt items for new legenderies go here,
new legenderies go here. All mystic forge conducts are now mystic crafting stations. Must be forgetting stuff here but the this is the general idea.

Pro’s: Posibility to remove all rng for expensive stuff. Example the legend now cost 1000 staffrelics (for stacking to 250) to complete. 1 gold staff is 1 staffrelic, 1 exotic staff is 4 staffrelics.

Con’s: Another grind to 400-500 crafting proffesion.

Feel free to add constructive idea’s. Greatings, hydra

Dungeon achievement progress

in Suggestions

Posted by: hydrangea.9136


Simple suggestion: be able to see what paths you have completed and wich paths not per dungeon. Now we can only see the numbers of paths completed not wich one. This must be saved some where, so why not make in visible in the achievment pannel?

Could not find this suggestion by search maybe it has been sorry if so.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hydrangea.9136


So a: legendaries are to hard to obtain were making it more easy and b: to many have legendaries already so there is a need for better armor

Two statements that are opossite but yet they put it in. Why? I don’t know.