Showing Posts For insomnia.8563:
I seem to disconnect, every time i open my mail. Which is even more kittened, when i have to do it, to continue on the story.
4 time has it happened now
But that can be hard to do with the freeze and all the slow… The next quest (frozen out) is just kittened . Getting attacked by groups of veterans, that almost ignores your rolls. I roll and they just jump me. Its like they are trying to screw over the players and making sure they die. The game isnt really enjoyable, its a pain. You arent ment to enjoy the story, and not have the feeling of, you can’t wait till its over, which is how i have it
What a kittenty designed area. You cant move anywhere without getting attacked. And before you kill all the mobs you aggroend (due it the riducules amount of vetaran mobs) the old onces have respawned. This is part of the reason i stopped playing this game. Its so poorly designed when it comes to these things. How the hell am i ment to find a path, when im constantly are getting attacked. Its a special level of stupidity and incompetency that went into that area. Im impressed the game is still alive with suck kittenty design.
That area is prof that the developers arent playing their own game.
(edited by insomnia.8563)
just tried season 3. some of the story fights are a joke. same with the area and mobs.
I have to get past the boss, but i move so ridiculesly slow, and there is an army of mobs attacking me, while i move, so either i don’t make it, because you move kittenedly slow, or i get killed because of the ridiculesly number of mobs attacking me. And if i manage to get out near it, the bosses aoe just knocks me so far out, i lose connection with the stone in the middle. Congratulation for making a worse fight than the previous onces
2 out of the 3 “companions” that goes with you, does absolutely nothing, when you are fighting justiciar adrienne. First it was Marjory and Rytlock. Then i reset it, and it was Rytlock and Canach
(edited by insomnia.8563)
Im at the mordremoth fight. This is just ridicules. First of. These bosses have WAY to much hp. I have done raid bosses that are faster to get down, than these. I got hit in the air with 1 kittening rock. Landed on the ground, and died pretty much right after. Now i have to start all over. That is just kittened. The fight takes insanly long. Again, no idea what so ever, how to design a prober boss/mob fight. That a joke
this is getting ridicules. 1-2 and im dead, just due to the shear amount of dps some of these mobs do. I have 25709 hp. I dont know if that is alot, or low. And about the game. My gear is from drops and low level fractals. And if you need higher rank for the story. Well, that is just poor game design. Not all run around going for end-game gear.
I have played various mmo’s, and i must say. This game proberly has some of the worst mob designs
this is getting ridicules. Im at chapter 16 in hots. And i ran into a few mobs and got killed in 2 secs, due to the damage output. Know i have to start way back, because this area barely has any points to spawn at. And it will take forever to get there again, due to the ridicules amout of mobs you run into. And because some dumb kitten idea, that you have to get slowed so much. Im done for today, because this is just to kittened.
And have barely been able to run past pocket raptors. They seem to see me from quite the distance. And cone, aoe damage just isnt enough. Its attack, run back. attack run back… kittened, that you have to do such work, for a mob that spawns all over the place, and gives no reward
and then you have these kittened pocket raptors, that just overrun you and do a kitten load of damage. And it dosent matter how much damage i do. They take me down before i can kill them. What is the fun of walking towards a group of 20 mobs, and killing only a couple of them at a time, before you have to flee, because they do insane damage. Developers, play your own game, and you will see how stupid those mobs are.
And i have used knockback vs them, and starting off, by shooting at 1, and then switching to a melee weapon with aoe, and knockback. To no point. And can people be this bad at developing mobs
And arent these quest ment to be for a single person. Yet some of them don’t seem to be
Sometimes you just get overrun with mobs, and cant do a thing. And the problem i have with them, is, pretty much every single one slow you, which is a pain, when you are trying to get from A to B, and have to run pas a million mobs you aggro
Im on the quest Mystery cave. What a joke, this quest is so god kitten ridicules. A mob spawns that you can’t kill, that puts out your flames. How fast the AOE’s pop up, and the time it takes to place the fires is a joke. Seriously, how the hell can this quest be done. Plus the kittening perma slow is there, so it takes ages to walk around in that ……. circle… Who ever designs these things, in this game, have NO buisness developing games. What a joke
And now i can’t progress in a quest, because they apparently are tied to events, so now i can just sit and wait.
Tried another event in the silverwaste. What a joke. The area is CRAMED with mobs, they kill you in a blink of an eye. It is as if you are just thinking of ways to screw over the players
It seems like you are just trying to screw over the places so much. Seriously, every single mob gives you a 10 sec slow. And some areas are just cramb with mobs. You can’t run 10 meters, without getting attacked by a mob, and then slowed. That is just a dumb idea. Who ever came up with that have no buisness in the game industry. And so many mobs with knockdown/knockback. Are you trying to screw over the melee players. I mostly play a warrior, and many times it just seems better to use a gun, because it is easyer to avoid the aoe’s, and other stuff the mobs use. Like being all over the map.
I recently did hidden arcane (or whatever it was called) the idea of having to pick up something and put on a mob is alright. But it just goes on for WAY to long. Its like having to do a raidboss special avoid etc mecanic, for 10 mins. And then 1 of the fights you can’t do anything for 15 secs. What is the fun in just having to run around and avoid various circles on a ground, and a mob comming for you. Some fights just seemed to be designed for the pro players with endgame gear, or you are just screwed. And this is in the solo content. such a dumb idea. So poorly executet. Alot of the quest just isn’t enjoyable due to the fights that are in them. They are just stressful.
And then you have to go to certain areas in the world, which is fine. Except that some insane mob is just standing in the way, because some event is going on, and it creams you. Try and play your own game, and you will see how poorly some of these things are. I highly doubt you play it yourself, or they would have been better made.
(edited by insomnia.8563)
I must say, using tap to switching target, have been done poorly. I have tried so many times now, that it picks a target, not near me, and that i’m not even fighting
Whoever designed this piece of …. i highly doubt plays the game. Add a kitten load of mobs, in an area with kittenty walkmesh, and you aren’t allowed to get attack. that is impossible