Showing Posts For jamsighter.1948:
Why doesn´t Arenanet show the actually numbers of votes ? This voting seems very suspicious to me especially since you could cheat by using proyxies/changing ip´s and delete cookies to vote infinite times.
A full team going there also doesn´t match the purpose of an allstar tournament, where the top players of all teams represent their region.
Also the fact eu can vote for na and vise versa doesn´t make it a fair voting. In addition the rules said you can vote once per account, while in reality everyone could vote without even playing the game.
As long as I don´t see the true result I´ll be really disappointed and even then it´s neither representative nor valid.
I know Mesmers are not in the best state due to s/d thieves, but stowing the weapon on greatsword to avoid the aftercast of greatsword autoattack is actually an exploit that should be looked at since not everyone is playing thief.
And for all mesmer players it must be annoying to stow weapon constantly just to get the maximum dps out of it.
basically they should lower everything drastically
Start with sigils so that you can switch them out at will, they shouldn´t determine builds..
Currently 2 classes are underpowered , necro and ranger. GW2 has seen many periods with an unviable class such as warrior for the first year or ele for before that last major patch.
And even the build diversity is small. Basicly everyone who can´t stack 25 might or perma procs air/fire is unviable now except for engi maybe. Parrot was op, but atleast it kept the weaker builds in the meta.
Don´t get me wrong, but I can just vote for the worst NA palyers so I can see my region winning? And whoever got the most facebook friends wins this election?
And why can NA players get voted for Eu like denshee? Isn´t it an unfair advantage when Na community can pick Eu players?
(edited by jamsighter.1948)
Can we please get zapdos and helseth. wanna see them playing in the same team
^this + sizer , warrior and guard
best players and Eu meta comp gonna be easy win