Showing Posts For jungfreud.5167:

For real, Anet?

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Profession bundle weapons not auto attacking was something that affected many classes, so I can see how they would fix that first. It seems they are now getting around to the bugs, let’s see if they make further progress next week on elite supplies and other annoying issues before we complain too much.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Who plays a video game to “casually” run around a virtual world with your fake buddies?

Ever heard of grand theft auto? That game sold a copy or two, if I recall correctly. Regarding your rhetorical question, many people are capable of entertaining themselves given adequate space and tools. The carrot on a stick gameplay you seem to crave is well served by other titles.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

I don’t quite understand your post. Do you think they are never going to release new content? Are you expecting them to answer you before anyone else?

Patience, hard it is.

How can you even be sure of this?
Apart from the maybe 1-35 tiers most people are in the lvl 80 zones while those in the middle are barren wastelands. I would hazard a guess and say most of the playerbase is at lvl 80 and most have started an alt at least.

Heck I am a casual player with 2 level 80s. The only thing I can say is leveling is INSANELY easy in this game.

You are correct, but not for the reason you think. Most players are still in the 1-35 range with their first character. That is where “casuals” are. I have been playing 1-2 hours a night since release and I am level 51.

If you have two 80s at this point you are not “casual” under any definition of the word. But your failure to correctly gauge your own playing habits does shed light on why you are confused about where other players stand in the game.

Condition damage mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Good info, man. Keep it up. I am very curious to know how to maximize the effectiveness of condition damage builds. .

Gendarran Fields / Human Leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Yes, the human zones seem to be the worst for leveling (I have done all the starter and teen level zones). The dynamic events are too spread out, occur infrequently, and don’t link together very well, which over time results in an experience deficit. And they are boring for the most part, centaur waves or wagon trains. I was blown away when I did the other race’s starter areas by the cool dynamic events and storylines. The centaur stuff is really crap and lacks any personality whatsoever.

If you want to continue to level in a linear fashion without going back to other zones, I would recommend following a different race’s progression path for better results.

Condition removal on engineers seems too pigeonholed.

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


You can also just roll a human, they have a racial that removes three conditions on command. Elixir gun is also a really simple choice (fumigate plus super elixir light field pretty much trivializes conditions), and has a ton of other utility to boot. It may not do great damage unless you gear for condition damage, but it can do all the condition removal from the baseline without a single trait point.

Also, do not agree with people who are knocking kits because “they have to switch to them and lose damage”. Bugs aside, hotswapping kits is just like weapon juggling on other characters, if you can’t do it effectively you will never take your engineer to the next level.

Combos: great idea with no impact

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Yeah I think they did these combos the right way. If they were super powerful, the entire game would become based around activating and sustaining them. If they were easier to do, nobody would even care about them. As it stands they exist in a space where they reward extra planning and effort but are not required. Good mechanic in my opinion.

Condition removal on engineers seems too pigeonholed.

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


What do you want then? What ability would make you not feel pigeon-holed? An AOE condition removal on low cooldown in each kit and weapon set? Do you not see how that would trivialize conditions for the class?

Engineer: In-Depth PvP Guide, Tips, and Tricks.

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


This looks great so far, man. I’ll be keeping an eye out for more information.

Map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


In my experience, they scale to your level in that items can drop all the way up to your level. I did all 5 starter zones, and finished around level 30. I continued to receive mostly low level drops throughout but I did occasionally receive level appropriate items, both from drops and map completion boxes. Story quest items seem pegged to the level of the quest, though.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: jungfreud.5167


Great thread, I am experiencing many of these issues as well. In particular I was disappointed to see the bugs with the deployable turrets trait since that was important for my planned build.