Showing Posts For kaazdinasty.8120:

P/P thief wvw roaming video +Build

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


nice to see a different view on thief p/p. I usualy run stealthless and need more protection in form of evasion and armor but this seems to work rather good! hope you have fun and thanks for the vids

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Best "wingman" profession for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


hard to beat? yes.
Not impossible though, also people should get the idea
out of their head that wvw is actual pvp, we got spvp for that
(where these builds are nicely balanced)

thats just the problem, balance means that every build is beat-able by every other build without it being harder or easier. if a build is harder to beat by standard regardless of how skilled the player behind it is, it is op.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(DF) Dagger Fall Thieves Guild in DB server

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


thanks! will be doing, whispering didn’t work

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(DF) Dagger Fall Thieves Guild in DB server

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


awesome! be whispering!

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Best "wingman" profession for thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


You obviously know nothing about warriors.
-900 hps is unrealistic, even in healing gear.
-50% stun uptime only with Hammer/Mace-Shield -> no mobility, and i mean no
-4k armor… lol and even if you could achieve that number, no damage, no healing.
-‘unparalleled mobility’, not true – good mobility maybe, and only with GS -> fewer stuns and utility
-Highest base hp together with necro, that’s true but not many ways of mitigation,
i.e. vigor only with unpopular traits and only with stances, no protection, regen when traited but useless without healing power.
-‘Massive repeatable burst’ only with GS/Mace-Shield and zerker stats
-> no survivability, very few disables, few support possibilities.

To me that sounds more like a kitten thief who didn’t bring stunbreaks to
a stun fight.

If traited and equiped properly the warrior can apply regen on banners,
together with healing gear and Hammer/Shield-Mace he can set up
easy kills for the thief, but is shut down completely by aoe cond spam
or blinds. (both weapons are extremely slow)

so you want to have everything? a warriror doesn’t need that stuff. by the way tried it out, the first post you responded to here was very achievable (in pve and wvw).

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Stealthless Gunslinger: Dueling Edition video

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


always nice to see one of your posts! it’s been a month since I picket up your build and compleetly changed my playstile from stealth assassin to p/p gunslinger! and I cant think of a moment in witch I regret it! awesome. I have even rounded up more kills per hour bbecouse i can take on more enemies!

in the video I noticed you awarded mercy to some players, did I see that wrong? (not killed them but only downed them)

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Thief ranged - How is it?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


p/p is not pure garbage, it has nice synergy with signet of malice. S/P + P/P is my goto setup for dungeons now.

Oh and you should not range the whole time because melee is better than ranged always if you can handle it.

PvE the dps for PP is rather low. The auto attack is condition damage based, while unload is direct damage based. It’s a weapon set that has an identity crisis. If there are multiple targets you’re far better off using a shortbow. If it’s just one you’re far better off using mele. There is hardly ever a good reason to use PP unless you’re just not skilled enough to use mele in PvE.

WvW/PvP… one boon which can be kept up 100% of the time with ease hard counters your PP weaponset (retal).

It’s rubbish.

Shortbow is pretty awesome… but thief is capped at 900 range which can be a problem at times.

as with any weaponset it depends on who is using it. I personaly have a great time in wvw and i am sure the person I got this build from thinks the same about it. If its not working for you then don’t use it. don’t come here and say that it’s not viable. you can see for yourselfs that in the right hands this is a good weaponset and very fun to play

and about retaliation: thats why d/p is in there.

If you find it fun that’s fine. That’s a totally different issue than what I was addressing.

I haven’t seen any vids of some one using PP against a decent player with much success. They have always been Vs. people that don’t know how to dodge or play in much of a meaningful manner (WvW has many of this type of player though).

Swapping to another weapon set doesn’t somehow make PP not easy to counter…

If you have some sort of logical reason or examples I would like to see them. Just stating that I shouldn’t say what I said without you giving any counter arguments to my reasons for thinking it’s a bad weapon set is just meaningless.

you are right that only pp is easily counter-able but you don’t have to stay in pp thats what I mean. i was referring to the build actually. for vids you can look at my first post here. I haven’t played dungeons with it and cant comment on that but this build has great mobility so you’ll be able to at least survive. I used to play a d/d and then a d/p and while those had really good single target damage they lacked the survivability I have with this one (even with stealth). with my d/p i could take more enemies than with my d/d but still not as much as with p/p. yes it has less damage but more mobility and sustain. to single targets it’s harder but not impossible as it has enough survivability to withstand a backstab burst and repay the aggressor with interest.

almost forgot: unload follows a stealthed player if started when out of stealth. nice agaist thiefs

But if it’s so easy to counter… why bother with it at all? Get yourself another weapon/set which offers you something more.

As far as mobility… I presume you’re speaking about the range and not the actual ability to move around, which is far greater with a dagger (heartseeker). I have had less issues staying on the target with a dagger Vs. PP because of that. I started out with PP oh so long ago, so my gained experience may well also factor into that.

As far as it channeleing… the channel is part of why it’s so easy to counter. That long attack time gives your opponent a long period in which they can mitigate the unload damage. Once you get better at predicting your fellow stealthers you’ll be able to do things like C&D/Backstab them while they are stealthed.

so you are assuming that a build only needs one weaponset? pp is counterable with one buff, sure but long can a foe keep it up if he is not spect for it? besides if retaliation is on why is it a shame to switch weapons? and no, i’m talking about the ability to move around. have you even seen the build? and yeah heartseeker offers mobility but in cost of initiative. besides, you need less mobility with pp because of the range. again look at the build. and yes long channel but again: weapon switch, it may not be an argument for pp but it is for the build. anyways i have yet to see an substantial amount of interrupt builds out there. most chars have some but not enough to counter unload.

just on a sidenote sas was talking about the build I posted here (first respond) witch is not full berserker.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Thief ranged - How is it?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


p/p is not pure garbage, it has nice synergy with signet of malice. S/P + P/P is my goto setup for dungeons now.

Oh and you should not range the whole time because melee is better than ranged always if you can handle it.

PvE the dps for PP is rather low. The auto attack is condition damage based, while unload is direct damage based. It’s a weapon set that has an identity crisis. If there are multiple targets you’re far better off using a shortbow. If it’s just one you’re far better off using mele. There is hardly ever a good reason to use PP unless you’re just not skilled enough to use mele in PvE.

WvW/PvP… one boon which can be kept up 100% of the time with ease hard counters your PP weaponset (retal).

It’s rubbish.

Shortbow is pretty awesome… but thief is capped at 900 range which can be a problem at times.

as with any weaponset it depends on who is using it. I personaly have a great time in wvw and i am sure the person I got this build from thinks the same about it. If its not working for you then don’t use it. don’t come here and say that it’s not viable. you can see for yourselfs that in the right hands this is a good weaponset and very fun to play

and about retaliation: thats why d/p is in there.

If you find it fun that’s fine. That’s a totally different issue than what I was addressing.

I haven’t seen any vids of some one using PP against a decent player with much success. They have always been Vs. people that don’t know how to dodge or play in much of a meaningful manner (WvW has many of this type of player though).

Swapping to another weapon set doesn’t somehow make PP not easy to counter…

If you have some sort of logical reason or examples I would like to see them. Just stating that I shouldn’t say what I said without you giving any counter arguments to my reasons for thinking it’s a bad weapon set is just meaningless.

you are right that only pp is easily counter-able but you don’t have to stay in pp thats what I mean. i was referring to the build actually. for vids you can look at my first post here. I haven’t played dungeons with it and cant comment on that but this build has great mobility so you’ll be able to at least survive. I used to play a d/d and then a d/p and while those had really good single target damage they lacked the survivability I have with this one (even with stealth). with my d/p i could take more enemies than with my d/d but still not as much as with p/p. yes it has less damage but more mobility and sustain. to single targets it’s harder but not impossible as it has enough survivability to withstand a backstab burst and repay the aggressor with interest.

almost forgot: unload follows a stealthed player if started when out of stealth. nice agaist thiefs

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Thief ranged - How is it?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


p/p is not pure garbage, it has nice synergy with signet of malice. S/P + P/P is my goto setup for dungeons now.

Oh and you should not range the whole time because melee is better than ranged always if you can handle it.

PvE the dps for PP is rather low. The auto attack is condition damage based, while unload is direct damage based. It’s a weapon set that has an identity crisis. If there are multiple targets you’re far better off using a shortbow. If it’s just one you’re far better off using mele. There is hardly ever a good reason to use PP unless you’re just not skilled enough to use mele in PvE.

WvW/PvP… one boon which can be kept up 100% of the time with ease hard counters your PP weaponset (retal).

It’s rubbish.

Shortbow is pretty awesome… but thief is capped at 900 range which can be a problem at times.

as with any weaponset it depends on who is using it. I personaly have a great time in wvw and i am sure the person I got this build from thinks the same about it. If its not working for you then don’t use it. don’t come here and say that it’s not viable. you can see for yourselfs that in the right hands this is a good weaponset and very fun to play

and about retaliation: thats why d/p is in there.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Thief ranged - How is it?

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


I use this build for my wvw thief and I’m really liking it. it’s from taquito bandito. a p/p thief witch I encountered on the forums. it’s very mobile and durable while retaining that burst damage you need. you may have noticed that it’s a no stealth build but you can still get steath from the d/p combo: blackpouder+heartseeker. i will always keep that ofzet for situations where more burst is needed, so in the case of healing warriors and retaliation guards. while not being fully ranged and a little expensive I stronly recoment it its a solid build and I’m having a great time playing it! a plus is that is very evasif, you are able to dodge A LOT, and gain maigt and +10% damage for doing zo. zo while you arent in stealth you still anoy the crap out of players if you time your dodges!

I’ll just put a video here

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

I find this statement highly offensive and wholly untrue. You hurt my soul

it’s just my personal opinion and i’m indeed trying to faceroll people in it. Sorry about that. it’s gotten out of hand

ps: best name ever made me lol

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

OBVIOUSLY kaazdinasty has never played a warrior and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with thief his playing seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the thief

funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

does power afect crit damage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


I found the answer in another threat

Damage = [Power * (1.50 + Critical Damage) * Critical Chance] + [Power * (1 – Critical Chance)]

this sugest that power is directly added to the base damge.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

does power afect crit damage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


this qwestion has been bugging mee a long time and I haven’t found the anser to it sow I’ll just ask it here. now i know that
Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)
but is power aded to base damage here?
Critical hits do increased damage. Critical hits default to 150% of base damage and this amount can be increased by the Critical Damage player attribute(wiki quote)

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Now that Quickness was nerfed, can we....

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


Every other class was affected by this nerf. The warriors were hurt the most since a lot use it.

Thieves have MANY other viable alternatives and if all else fail..restealth restealth resteathl and use the weapon. abilities that have no cooldowns unlike every other class in the game.

If you thought the thief ‘nerfs’ in this patch were significant..I’m afraid you were relying too much on handicaps.

how dare you say that the warrior was hurt with this nerf! thier banners got twice as strong, kick skill got buffed and quickness was extended for 1 sec. we got reveal and basilisk venom was nerfed! our main source of damage got nerfed! I have a main thief and a dungeon warrior with witch I recently joined spvp. I got supriced how easy this class is it’s totally overpowered in both pve (reason why I roled one for dungeons) but even more in spvp its insane, there is only competition from other warriors.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Thieves got shafted

in Thief

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


these changes in the last update (uhum reveal i’m looking your way) hurt my PvP and also PvE (still a little but not a lot) so badly. I am completely of my game. I hate that reveal it makes no sense it takes away what is most important about the thief the freging stealth!

now there is completely no reason to roll a thief for DPS the warrior always does it better. They even bring more support besides the higher DPS

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Looking for guild on Whiteside Ridge.

in Guilds

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


I own a small guild with a couple of friends witch all play casual. we have around 21 guild members and are always there if you need any help. some of us have lots of experience in both PvE and PvP and can also help with builds. we have some crafters (including myself), and are always looking for active fair and honest members who want to have fun and meet new people. if you want to join us you can best sent a mail in game to me. we would love to have you in the guild.

hopefully see you in game.

(of course a mail to my account here would also be fine I check the forums regularly.)

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)

Are charr the oldest race in tyria?

in Charr

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


the jotun are the oldes then the dwarf, trolls and giants then there come the charr

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

"Charr need no gods" taken out of game?

in Charr

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


First of all atheists doesn’t acknowledge gods so I think you should read up on what ‘atheist’ means. Second of all charr doesn’t acknowledge gods either.
“They have renounced all gods as false and instead view all of life, from magic to combat, with a hard, cynical eye” – taken from gw2 wiki
Meaning they do not beleive that the gods are truly gods but false godwannabe’s. They may acknowledge these ‘gods’ as powerful creatures, but they don’t acknowledge them as gods.

they actualy do acknowlege them, they killed their own gods.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

New bug with Mystic Forge?

in Crafting

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


if you bought the swords with karma thats your problem the ingame currency karma and all things you buy with it are worth less in comparison than those bought with gold ( the MF also uses comparisons with ingame currency ) drops in rarity are to compensade that.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

(edited by kaazdinasty.8120)