Showing Posts For katistar.2507:

Mass Exodus?

in WvW

Posted by: katistar.2507


if you left your server for league/season: PLEASE dont come back! unless your inbox is constantly spammed with ‘we miss you, come home’, just stay where you went, or go somewhere else.

heres an analogy: your significant other breaks up with you saying ‘i think we should see other people’… a few months later these other people turn out to be not so great and they come crawling back to you. you dont take them back, you laugh in thier face and say ‘have a nice life, see ya!’

so basically youve moved on and so have we, have a nice game :P

NA Group of Friends Looking for New home

in Looking for...

Posted by: katistar.2507


I hope you will consider Dragonbrand, you sound like a good group of people and you could fit in and hang out with our good groups of people

To answer your questions from a different DB perspective, ill offer my own insight as well as what youve heard from a few of my servermates.
Your 15 man group would be ideal. That seems to be very common on DB and works well for us. Often, this 15 man group gets along well with that 12 man group and they occasionally team up with each other and play together. Then they split up and work together seperately. We have a few larger guilds that take care of the zerg-work, and we have plenty of small groups and roamers too. The majority of people get along well enough and help each other, the ones that dont seem to either stop playing or transfer to tier 1..
Dragonbrand would support your crazy events with few exceptions. Obviously if you selfishly interfere with the regular functions of WvW we might give you a hard time about it (if your naked dance party in Garrison was distracting you from calling out that Garri was under attack people might give you a ‘wtf?!’ or two). If you needed to run around as a 15 man Quaggan zerg i think you might get some followers.. Im not sure we have any quirky fun events going on and i personally would welcome some and hope to enjoy your antics.
If I could change one thing about Dragonbrand… I dont know. Im quite happy here, i think im going to have to go with more fun wvw events. I think we would get a kick out of that. As Orswich said, weve become more light-hearted since the league started and our more ‘hardcore serious business, if its not done my way i will rage and hate’ players seem to have moved on to ‘gold-er pastures’.. I think if i were going to change something id want to find more ways spice it up out there and bring people together for silly fun time (while still being serious enough to not lose too bad at the time) :P

feel free to get ahold of me in game. we would be more than happy to set up a time to meet with you and your friends in our public TS3 if you wanted to actually stop by and hang out for a bit. or if you just have any more questions id be happy to help. i hope you find what youre looking for, and i hope you find it on DB cause you sound like good friends to have

<3 – Yalta [ALS]

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: katistar.2507


here is Snufulls and Yaltaa being SUPER!


Petition to move Anvil Rock down next week

in Match-ups

Posted by: katistar.2507


The ALS-transfers finally realized that we didnt fit in on Anvil Rock. We wanted to turn it in to something that we would enjoy more, and we tried very hard to do that. We met a lot of resistence. When you have to fight your enemy AND your allies it makes playing much more difficult to enjoy. I don’t blame any of the people on AR for not wanting to conform to our playstyle, afterall Anvil Rock is recognized as THE PvP server for NA. Of course the people there want to solo-roam and do small group stuff, fight-clubs and 1v1’s, they LIKE PvP!! Those of us at ALS that dont enjoy that as much couldnt and shouldnt try to make them do something else. That is why we decided to move. Plenty of ALS decided to stay on AR because they DO like that style of play. I think after a week or two of adjustment and hopefully an appropriate matchup, AR will finally be able to place in a spot that allows for the PvP style play that they are seeking. The larger-group style tactics that ALS-transfers were seeking was keeping AR from being able to have PvP style WvW and with us leaving maybe everyone will fall into a comfortable form of gameplay. We are finding what we were looking for now, on DB: cooperation between the large guilds, the importance of using TeamSpeak, Large-group and Zerg-group tactics. Its very nice, its what we wanted to turn AR into, but why try to change a server that is happy with a different playstyle and doesnt want to change? I really hope those of you on AR that are upset with ALS will understand that this is what is best for all of us. And I hope that in the next few weeks you will finally be able to start enjoying WvW after all these horrible months.
much love and i will miss you guys regardless of how mean and troll-y you were to me even though im so nice :P
and i will miss the nice ones of you more
- yalta [ALS] <3

(edited by katistar.2507)

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: katistar.2507


basically, ALS (in general) decided that trying to ‘change’ a very serious sPvP server into a serious WvW server wasnt a good idea. AR is very good at PvP but for the playstyle that ALS is looking for, its just not a good fit. i have never trolled anyone for changing servers, just as i wouldnt troll my real life neighbor for moving to a new city for a different job opportunity. ALS seriously weighed the options and made the decision based on the group goals and the desires of the other servers. It seems like it will be a good fit. if its not we will do our best to make the most of it.
i personally want to wish the best of luck to Anvil Rock and also our rival servers. i am here to enjoy the game to the best of my ability, and i hope you are all able to do so as well, regardless of the circumstances you are given.
thank you for the fun times and the less than fun times.

-Yalta [ALS]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR - 25/05/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: katistar.2507


To the Ebay Necro from [spe],

I was the little pink necro, the one with the little cat, that you killed twice while you were on Yak-sniping duty in ARBL. Sorry my friends came and killed you when we were hanging out on the road after the first slaying, I was telling them about you and I didnt know they were gonna show up to see for themselves. They were also impressed by you after that fight. I was going to try to reach you and ask for some necro advice or even to just chat about necro-ness, you were wicked. Hope you see this or one of your guildies relays the message. If you do, try to get ahold of me, id like to duel sometime (even though I know youll probably kill me), but a proper duel would be fun. Thanks for making this stale WvW matchup a bit of fun, hope to hear from you.

-Little Pink AnvilRock Necro