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Sound Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


I’d prefer just being able to uniquely turn off the Dreamer and Quip sound effects from user preferences (ie. have a slider specifically for gear sounds), but if that’s too much effort then replacing them with something less intrusive would be great. They are hugely bothersome for me, and having to constantly battle my sound volumes based on who is playing nearby me at any given time is very frustrating.

This! The thing annoying me most about The Dreamer’s sound is its shrillness and repetitiveness. Wouldn’t mind it every half minute or so, but every couple of seconds is way too much. (And I don’t think I’ve ever heard the Quip ingame.)

On the tangent note of annoying sounds I would love the above quoted “equipment/mini” sound volume or toggle implemented. I find the Job-o-Tron backpack and the SAB minis’ sounds extremely annoying. Another annoying sound is the Birthday Blaster. Someone the other day kept shooting it when waiting for Tarir, and the constant sound effect was annoying af.

Another thing you could look into if you’re fixing sounds is the frequency of certain NPC’s lines. There are some ridiculous examples where they say the same line every 5 seconds, which makes me avoid certain locations like the plague. As an example see the “You there, you look useful.” spamming at Valance Tutory WP in Timberline Falls. Something tangentially related, it would be a good idea to reduce the very popular bank/TP NPCs’ greeting frequency. It’s kinda annoying to do TP business for a few minutes in the PvP lobby, and hear the same Norn greeting lines over and over and over again. (Same with the Sylvari banker in LA.)

(PS. I know I could mute the sound effects/dialogue volumes, but I love the rest of the game’s sounds.)

Make that I can’t hear the dreamer sounds if I don’t have the weapon. If people made it and they enjoy the sound effect, that’s fine, but if I play with someone who has the dreamer, the auto attack sound is rather annoying in my opinion. Only the weapon owner should hear the sounds.

This is another good idea. Whoever likes the sound of these can consider the sounds an extra reward for actually acquiring the weapons themselves.

Offensive pet & other language names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


What is the correct reporting option for offensive pet names? I see some horrid ones every once in a while, and so far I always chose report character name, but I’m not sure the support remembers to check the user’s pet names as well. I want to avoid to be seen as spuriously reporting accounts whose character names themselves are not offensive ^^;

In a similar vein I usually just report offensive Hungarian character names with the above option. Stopping to create a support ticket while I’m in the middle of some event is way too much hassle. It would be nice to have maybe a dropdown list of languages in the report name option so that we could select the language, and support wouldn’t need to try to guess. I guess a text field to write the language and/or translation of the name would be even better, but it would be probably be open to trolling and abuse of the system.

API errors & bugs

in API Development

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


I brought this up for the GW2Efficiency developer, but according to him it’s an error with the official API:

The dyes’ lightness value seems bugged, and not actually reflecting the lightness of the colours. It results in bugs like this ordering. I checked the numbers in Photoshop, and the colours indeed aren’t ordered correctly by either the lightness or the brightness values.

Using the level 80 boost on a max lvl

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


I used the boost on a lvl 80 ranger, and got all the exotic equipment in the pack. Sadly I don’t remember the exact type of longbow anymore (it was half a year ago), but I’ll try to fill in the wiki page with the rest.

TT Trolls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


Came here to post about the same events. It’s really aggravating to lose 2 organised and well-lead runs because of trolls who seem to enjoy spoiling other people’s fun :/

Could you do something about it, ANet? (I don’t have specific suggestions because I don’t know what’s possible to implement.)

I mean, what the f— even….

@The dude: I guess you got caught in the profanity filter somehow.

(edited by kazerniel.6391)

We are temporarily shutting down servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


Thanks for the information!

I guess I won’t be getting Tequatl’s Tail Flail achievement today then xd I hope the servers will come back by TT

Offensive names in my language

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kazerniel.6391


I found this thread by google, as I have a similar issue. (I also happen to be Hungarian too :D) Just saw the “Dr Megbaszlak” character name, and reported it, as it would translate to “Dr I kitten You”.

Wanted to send a support ticket with the reasoning for the report, as I’m not sure English speakers would be able to google it (Google Translate couldn’t understand it), but I didn’t see any such category in the ticket creation menu, so I’m leaving this comment instead :P

Edit: forum profanity filter caught the English translation, but you can see the original if you click on quote D:

(edited by kazerniel.6391)