Showing Posts For kekec.6835:

Warrior roaming clip

in Warrior

Posted by: kekec.6835


i have to try sword off-hand.
u can block with sword every 15 sec vs shield 30

Balanced stance not a stance!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: kekec.6835


why is balanced stance not a real stance? stances should not be removable/transferable/transformable.

Shield Stance's Cooldown.

in Warrior

Posted by: kekec.6835


in a “big” wvw fight u need berserker stance and stability to land earthshaker.
else u just get blinded, feared, knocked down mid air..

yeah warrior can equip whatever utility he wants.. right (read above)

plus, engi is ranged he does not need the mobility, stuns to stay on the target, warrior does.

Shield Stance's Cooldown.

in Warrior

Posted by: kekec.6835

kekec.6835 (900 range, blast finisher, cures immobilized, crippled, and chilled, F ability 5sec burn) 20sec CD (900 range, knockdown, leap finisher) 40sec CD

(edited by kekec.6835)

Pugs Vs Premades and 3/4 on 5

in PvP

Posted by: kekec.6835


the only way you can gain ranking is if u team up with 4ppl and farm ppl solo queueing.
and abuse the current matchmaking system.
as long as premades play vs solo queuers and you get punished for losing 3v5 its impossible to gain it, because 50% of the games are like that. and if you can win half of the games that are balanced, you are lucky to win 3 out of 10 games.

(edited by kekec.6835)

Pugs Vs Premades and 3/4 on 5

in PvP

Posted by: kekec.6835


Stability does not work...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kekec.6835


sometimes stability just doesnt work..