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CoF explorable mode path 3 too extreme

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


For the torch part, kill off all but 1 mob and just tank it while everyone gets ready. Then kill that one mob, wait for everyone to get ready again, and light the torches. For imps, send a tanky class to deal with them or just use arcane barrier to tank the initial burst. They’re bursty but you can take them out quickly in the time it takes for their attacks to cool down. It’s that easy.

The rest of the dungeon is pretty much a cakewalk imo. i currently would take any path but magg’s simply b/c of the frustration and rage that the magg AI brings during the run across the lava.

COF is INSANELY easy. All paths.

Speaking about melee

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


I’ve recently started going d/d in dungeons for the lulz. If I can do it as the squishiest class in the game, you can do it with whatever you are. I don’t think it’s that bad

Magg's behaviour in CoF Path 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


The worst feeling is when he’s almost at the magmacite, waiting for you to kill the mobs, only to run back into the fire after you kill the mobs…

Why punish for "speed clear"?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Can’t you get around the DR by just running two paths over and over?

Need a slight nerf to CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


An easy way to get by this is to realize that there are 3 monster by each torch. You kill 2 of the monsters, wait till everyone is ready, and then kill the third one. Then, you have a few seconds of time to sync up and light the torches. This is definitely the least pug friendly b/c you gasp actually have to be equipped with good gear to do it.

Gear checks like these are good and bad. Good because people who are just willy-nilly jumping into dungeons will realize that they have to go beyond their lvl 70 blues to actually do them. Bad because you’re forced to make sure everyone is well equipped and have SOME idea of fighting a tough pve-type battle without other people zerging things down for them.

I think every dungeon should have a fairly easy path, a medium path, and a hard path. Currently, route 1 and 2 are faceroll easy and 3 is between medium and hard. Making everything easy is going to make cof a joke (more than it already is).

(edited by kthnxbai.4076)

Dungeon Problems

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Am I missing something? Isn’t waypointing in dungeons free..? Why does OP complain about 3 Silver waypoints?

CoF Maggs bomb planting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


What I don’t like is that the bomb room is easily the hardest part of the path. Make it too easy and you’ll get the 15 minute exploit Magg runs that we’ve seen for so long. Sure, nerf that content but make the other parts actually challenging. I’ve been able to 3-4 man this room and that is just plain stupid. Maybe make the bombs in the grab-the-bomb event spawn in random locations in the room. Or you can try to find some way to make the lava room something more than “I sure hope Magg doesn’t bug out somewhere along the way”. Or you can make the devourer boss actually a challenge (the pet is there at the start). Magg runs are annoying because you’re essentially on auto pilot until the bomb room.

the slide to Dungeon Easymode... and so it begins...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Yeah, let’s make dungeons so hard and inaccessible that nobody but people with huge guilds and 8 hours a day can do them! Brilliant!

“Raids are the most boring thing to ever be in video games.” -Albert Einstein

Dungeons are better when they are fun. Fun is subjective but I am fairly certain that fun to most people is the ability to actually clear them without having to study, lose 5g on repairs, and lose the will to live.

Fun usually involves a challenge. That’s how grinds don’t become boring. People have played games like Contra and Super Mario for ages, when, essentially, they’re an never-changing dungeon. There was no loot. There was no achievements. Why did people absolutely love these games? Because they were challenging.

the slide to Dungeon Easymode... and so it begins...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Those elitists keep saying explorable dungeon are easy to them. The fact that Anet balancing the difficulty because majority of player feel that they are too hard or imbalance. I still have faith in them to balance this dungeon issue while not dumbing down the difficulty too much. We can only wait and see in months from now on how they manage to balance things out.

The point is that very, very few people have actually tried all the dungeons out. Many people also are running these with level 70 greens/blues. You shouldn’t be even remotely capable of doing this w/o at least level 80 greens imo (which are like 20 silver come on).

If armor stats contributed much to dungeon run this is definitely wrong. This means rich people with the best armor like exotic that you can buy from TP will run the dungeon more easily than poor people with blue/green armor. I think they should balance the stats like they do in sPVP. This will makes people stop complaining that they have underlevel armor or getting wiped because of poor stats armor while still having repair bill to avoid people to zerging too much without thinking. So it will all depends on your skill not armor.

There is VERY little difference between exotic gear and green gear at level 80. I have a friend that bought a full level 80 green set for his warrior for 2 gold and is doing fine in dungeons. That’s NOTHING at level 80. Level 80 exotic gear gives you a small difference but not too noticeable.

There are literally people who can’t solo normal mobs in the dungeons (not even the silver ones. REGULAR MOBS). They are clearly heavily undergeared. This is stuff I could solo as a STAFF ELEMENTALIST even when I had a mixed bag’s worth of level 77+ gear (from blue to exotics). This was Arah too so they should have been wearing level-appropriate gear to begin with.

Another CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Its just as bad the other way around too. My guild was doing this the other day, we had 4 people, so we pug the last. Before we even reach the room, the pug dude had already glitched through it. We tell him we’re not going to exploit it. After hearing a big rant and several cuss words from him, we attempt it, and our first time fails.

He tries to get us to do a DIFFERENT exploit. And then another. When we refuse, another rant full of every cuss words in the book. We kick him, and someone from the party goes to pug someone else in Lion’s Arch to finish.

After asking the person if they were ok to do it legitimately, they HESITANTLY accept. We get to the room, they go “Oh, lets just do it <insert obvious exploit here>”. Seriously? Finally we managed to do it 2-3 tries later, but not without a lot of complains from the one pug.

Since there’s no banning threat, people are totally open about it. LFM shouts in lion arch specifically ask for the classes that can exploit it, even describing the exploit.

There’s a reason CoF armor is the most common dungeon armor in the game right now. It really cheapens the experience. Sure, Anet should fix it much much faster, but on the other hand, its pretty sad that 99% of the CoF running player base is exploiting it right now.

yeah i’ve experienced this myself. In my guild group, we’ve pugged the 5th spot, specifically told them we’re doing this legit. So the guy goes through the hole and DPS the last boss anyways, ignoring us telling him to stop. Kicked him and invited another. But in non guild majority groups, it’s lost fight. Ask them to try kiting the Magg room and they’ll say they’ve never successfully like that. Explain to them exactly how to do it. Nicer groups, even when they willing to give it a try, does it wrong by trying to live instead of keeping magg alive. They would run out of the door to reset the mobs all on magg. Once, had a group agree and then their ele ressed magg to the middle of the room. Oy.

you do realize that the intent was to kill the mobs in the bomb room and that suicide train kiting is an exploit, right?

the slide to Dungeon Easymode... and so it begins...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Hopefully they take another inch off the top of these dungeons so i can see all of your elitist rage quit posts. =)

It’s easier to call people who can do these dungeon “elitists” than to say “i am not good enough to do them”.

This coming from someone who has only done a few explorables, finding some tough but fair, some surprisingly easy, and some impossible

the slide to Dungeon Easymode... and so it begins...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


Those elitists keep saying explorable dungeon are easy to them. The fact that Anet balancing the difficulty because majority of player feel that they are too hard or imbalance. I still have faith in them to balance this dungeon issue while not dumbing down the difficulty too much. We can only wait and see in months from now on how they manage to balance things out.

The point is that very, very few people have actually tried all the dungeons out. Many people also are running these with level 70 greens/blues. You shouldn’t be even remotely capable of doing this w/o at least level 80 greens imo (which are like 20 silver come on).

Would like to run COF without the fear of being banned.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kthnxbai.4076


The “fair” method of beating the Magg room was to kite mobs and suicide train it. If I recall correctly, the creator of the dungeon has stated that this is not the correct way to do it and you’re supposed to DPS them down (which is actually impossible). So, in a way, you’ve exploited even doing your “fair” method.

Run 2 has been broken since release. I’m pretty sure VERY few people have done it the way the developer intended. Your best argument is that one way is less exploiting than another… which is poor argument.

(edited by kthnxbai.4076)