Showing Posts For lZoranl.6859:

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I canceled a transaction totaling ~20g and the money from my buy offers never showed up. Im not the only one this has happened to.

I just got 20g from the tp, maybe it was yours?

Well if you think it is you can freely send it to me ^^

OK, just post a screenshot of your missing 20g, so i can confirm that you are the rightful owner.

Alas if I could post a screenshot of what I’m missing I would…

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I canceled a transaction totaling ~20g and the money from my buy offers never showed up. Im not the only one this has happened to.

I just got 20g from the tp, maybe it was yours?

Well if you think it is you can freely send it to me ^^

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


Ive been getting money in the tp. I feel like there’s a delay of about a half hour..

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I canceled a transaction totaling ~20g and the money from my buy offers never showed up. Im not the only one this has happened to.

Warrior bug - Berserker's power

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


Using the longbow Burst (Combustive Shot) Does not give Berserker’s Power when traited.

Loss of Stax for Classes with single Wpn Set.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


If you have the stack sigil on your underwater weapon you don’t lose the stacks when you swap weapons.

List of 150+ QoL Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


Being able to use the same weapon in mainhand on the first weapon swap and offhand in the second weapon swap would be nice.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I would kill for any expansion so…

Possible Solution for Celestial Traiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I wouldn’t complain about getting another 5 trait points but I doubt they would go for it and I’m sure there would be some issues with balancing and whatnot. But, what you’re saying makes sense. People that do Celestial traiting do get shafted but then again I doubt many do that in the first place so…

It's Not 10%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


My zerk thief that has 101% cd as of now. After the patch it will have roughly 966 Feroicty and since 15 ferociry is 1% cd my cd will be 64%.

Now assuming my non crits are 1000 my crits are 2510 currently
After the patch my crits will be 2140.

The damage reduction is closer to 15%.

That is some wrong math right there. First of all your number for ferocity is just wrong.

Exotic Armor = 224 ferocity
Ascended Trinket = 376 ferocity
Exotic Weapons = 128 ferocity
Superior rune of the Scholar = 100 ferocity
30pts in Trait = 300 ferocity

Total = 1128 ferocity not 966. So 75%

Your second mistake is about the math itself. You calculated like if you had 100% crit. But you should probably be more around 60% on a zerker thief. So with you 1000dmg that give you.

Right now you would do on average = 1000 × 2.51 × 0.6 = 1506 dmg
After path you would do on average = 1000 × 2.25 × 0.6 = 1350 dmg

So 10.35% less dmg.

Anet didn’t bullkitten us. They said that its gonna be a 10% nerf on full dps toons and it is. BUT, you can also speculate on buff, sigil, boost, etc. All those things that a lot of people are using in dungeon and wvw. When we take into account everything and not only the basic full dps build. Then you get a nerf of between 15-20%.

Of course this is not the actual numbers for 2 reasons.
1) Speculation on some buff. How many ferocity will the banner of discipline will give us, how many from Buttersquash? What with the crit dmg in the traits? Etc. We don’t know, we speculated. Don’t think that most of us are in the wrong, but Anet could surprise us.
2) We didn’t min-max the builds post patch yet. Ya its a 15-20% nerf with the current meta, but the meta could change. I can use more power and less pecision post patch and this change in buff, food, trait, etc could decrease the nerf a bit.

First off my math isn’t wrong, I calculated for my personal build where I use divinity runes and 2 celestial rings which in fact give me a total of 966 ferocity ( assuming divinity runes lose their cd addition and just get a total of 60 ferocity for all 6, and without the massive 6% boost celestial gear is getting) moreover I never said I was a balls to the walls zerk build if i was my cd would be much higher than 101% so you are wrong there as well. Lastly adding in crit rate is unnecessary because of how math works.

So as I said pre patch crits are 2510
Post patch crits ate 2140

2140/2510 = 0.852 which means that post patch my crits are 85% compared to pre patch.

Now with your genius idea to incorporate crit rate (my crit rate is 52% btw)
2510 * 0.52 = 1305.2
2140 * 0.52 = 1112.8

1112.8/1305.2 = 0.852 = 85%

Crit rate is negligible in the calculations because it remains static.

So in fact I personally lose 15% damage maybe its just my build but either way its more than expected.

Sweet when did you get access to the build before everyone else?

If you do not have access, then do not pull out numbers you have no concept of.

This is all speculation as it should be taken as, and the numbers that I have no concept of I got to logically since if they are changing CD to ferocity I would assume it would be the same as the lesser stat in pieces of gear. (seeing as there is no gear with CD as the main/higher stat yet)

This isn’t just zerker people “crying” that we’re losing our damage or whatever its just that if it was 10% I wouldn’t care, but the fact that my current build is rendered basically crap I am kittened seeing as I have worked to get my ascended trinkets and my infused rings.

Moreover the 6% boost celestial gear is getting is absurd if they really wanted to boost it and make it a viable option now that the CD is getting nerfed they should at least boost it so that Runes of divinity give +15 to each stat, the rings give + 68 to each stat and the trinkets give +60 to each stat.

(edited by lZoranl.6859)

It's Not 10%

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


The damage reduction that zerk builds are getting isn’t 10%

Now assuming valk legs will have 67 power 48 vit 48 ferocity add up how much ferocity your zerk build has, assuming we get 300 ferocity from 30 points in the crit damage trait, My zerk thief that has 101% cd as of now. After the patch it will have roughly 966 Feroicty and since 15 ferociry is 1% cd my cd will be 64%.

Now assuming my non crits are 1000 my crits are 2510 currently
After the patch my crits will be 2140.

The damage reduction is closer to 15%.

In order for the damage reduction to be 10%, 1% cd needs to be roughly 13 ferocity

Do the math yourself, Add up your potential ferocity assuming that it will be the same value as the lower stat of your gear.

So althea’s ashes for an example:
(pre-patch) – 91 power 60 precision 7% CD
(post-patch) – 91 power 60 precision 60 ferocity

I know an extra 5% doesn’t sound like much but test it out yourself and do the math.

Clarification :I just wanted to make this so people who use Crit Damage as their primary source of dps know that the their damage may be reduced more than 10% (varying on their builds) My Thief loses 15%, my Ele 13% I’m sure some one out there is going to lose more.

Also Celestial gear needs a bit more than a 6% boost. There is a lovely long comment with calculations on the dulfy website ( by Cynar Valdyr showing how 6% is nowhere near enough.

(edited by lZoranl.6859)

Feedback/Questions: Legendaries in Wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


We still haven’t talked about crafting Eternity to unlock Twilight and Sunrise skins and selling it for 4000g

Is that fair?

I feel like an easy fix for this would be if the person binds twilight/sunrise prior to the creation of eternity that eternity also because bound upon creation.

Feedback/Questions: Legendaries in Wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I do agree that people who have made duplicate legendaries should be compensated in some way but the whole I made 2 you need to make 2 to dual wield seems a bit juvenile.

Allow "rerolling" of duplicate fractal skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lZoranl.6859


I was literally just about to post something about this.

-Since we will have a “wardrobe” with all our skins and the ability to use them as many times as we want would that change fractal skins into unlocks and make having duplicates unnecessary?
-Could those of us who have gotten multiples (2 maces ftw) but not other skins get to “roll” for or choose a random skin?
-If it is unlock based would we stop getting fractal skins as drops after we have “unlocked” all of them?
-Would we stop getting the “blank” fractal weapons as drops and get a consumable or just something that says we have unlocked a skin?
-Could fractal skins become tradable?

Questions I’d like answered…

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: lZoranl.6859

lZoranl.6859 for all your temple needs…