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Do You Skip Vistas and Jumping Puzzle Scenery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I don’t mind the vista scenes, but I hate jumping puzzles. If I wanted to play a platform jumper game, then I would have bought one.

As well, jumping puzzles really detract from any role-playing element in the game. Yeah, so I go from being a noble to Mario just because I want to see something? How ridiculous! If these were optional mini-games, then fine, but as it is, you can’t cartography-type achievements without them.

The real problem: The combat just lacks depth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


Also dodging and movement whilst casting. That adds a whole other level.

Dodging would add depth to the combat if it mattered, but it doesn’t. If you don’t have the numbers to beat your opponent, then all dodging does is delay the inevitable by a few seconds and if you do have the numbers, then you don’t need to dodge.

The real problem: The combat just lacks depth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I agree. The combat in PvE lacks any depth at all for several reasons.

In events, unless you are playing with a large group of friends or fellow guild members, then there is no way to co-ordinate your actions with other people. There is no time, and even if there were in-game voice capacity to talk to whoever is in the area, you would probably find people saying ‘we don’t have to work together like that because there is no leader’ sort of thing. All the fights are exactly the same: a big scrum with zero finesse.

There are so few skills and no secondary classes so everyone ends up using pretty much the same skills, especially since some of the skills just don’t work very well. I really miss the secondary classes of GW1. It added real tactical choice to people’s builds.

Then there is the healing, or lack thereof. With no dedicated healing class, everyone is responsible for his own healing, but that healing is weak. Further, even though healing can be shared, in its own weak way, no-one knows whose responsibility it is to do it. So maybe, for example, maybe an elementalist will cast the spell to make a healing spring or maybe not; it’s not his job to look after others, after all.

All this leads to combat simply being a game of numbers. If you have enough people to beat a particular monster, then, really, it doesn’t matter much which skills they use. If you don’t have enough people, then you are probably dead.

GW1 was a much better game than this, and far more replayable. Really, I wish they hadn’t gone into GW2 but instead had put out the Utopia expansion for GW1.

Why the need to make everyone PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


Smackjack said:

‘then dont, like marnick already stated and it is true, you dont even have to PvP when you enter WvWvW. You can just wonder around and avoid contested camps and other
points and go for the puzzles and locations with mobs etc and find poi’s.

I even remember running around the WvWvW maps when it had extremely long que’s and i had been running around looking around for a hour and not run into a single enemy.

It is not like the game forces you to take over keeps and camp or dolyaks to do your pve completion. So what is next ? i dont like the danger of running into other players ?

man up.’

(Sorry, for some reason quotes aren’t working)

My reply: this isn’t my way of having fun. I don’t like PvP. What’s that to you? Why be so insulting? In which way have I threatened your view of the world?

I don’t think that I should have to run around WvW avoiding combat. And what happens if an area I need to explore is contested or held by the enemy camp? Then I am forced to participate. As I said, that isn’t my idea of fun. If it is yours, fine, but since one of the goals of the GW2 team is for people to have fun, in my view, forcing people into PvP areas doesn’t accomplish this.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


firing up gw1 after loading up gw2 is like going from a garbage bin meal to a 5 star restaurant.

That’s a bit harsh, I would say. GW2 is probably just fine for those who can play at times others can and who really enjoy PvP. It’s not so great, though, if you don’t fit that profile.

It’s very much as if the developers decreed that their idea of fun was the be-all end-all and that anyone who had any other ideas or requirements could just forget it. I never had that feeling with GW1. Certainly GW1 wasn’t perfect, especially when PvE skills were nerfed due to PvP concerns, but it was a better fit for the casual gamer.

Why the need to make everyone PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I agree with Krosslite. I don’t have a desire to do PvP myself. It’s just not something in which I am into. It’s not that I find it hard or simple, it’s just that, to me, it’s just not fun.

That’s the whole point of a game, isn’t it? To have fun. Why should I be forced into someone else’s idea of having fun.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


No, I’m afraid not. I was really looking forward to GW2, but I must say that I am disappointed.

I don’t like being forced to play in big groups to participate in events. I don’t like being forced to participate in PvP in order to fully explore the world. I don’t like jumping games. I am all for being sociable, but not for being forced to be social.

There are things I love such as the graphics, the towns, and the item shop, but the things I don’t like outweigh the things I do like. I’ve actually quit playing. I found GW1 to be a more exciting game and to fit my style of play better. Since I usually play when others don’t, I can just get together my heros and henchies and go out and have a good time in a way that is just not possible with GW2.

Amazing. Dont listen to nay sayers and gloom bandits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I agree about the constructive criticism and here’s mine. In my opinion, more must be done to cater to people who play at times when not many people are around. There are some events I just can’t do because of the need for big groups to do them.

The most logical thing would be to bring in mercenaries and heros in some form or the other. It could easily be done in the context of the personal story. It could be done in such a way so that if you encountered a big group and were doing an event with them, your heros and mercs went off scouting or something like that, so as not to turn the events into hero army attacks.

This way, people who found groups with which to play could play with them. People who, for whatever reason, couldn’t play with a group, could play by themselves.

How interested are you still in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I’m losing interest by the day. I still love the graphics, the music, the towns and the crafting system. The personal story is so-so.

I hate the jumping games, but if that were the only problem, then I would still consider the game to be wonderful.

The biggest problem is the need for big groups to do some events. It’s a wall I just can’t get over. At the times of day I can play, it means I just can’t do some events.

I know that the GW2 team says that MMORPGs are supposed to be social games. Fine, but there is a difference between being social and being forced to be social. I’m willing to play in groups, but I often find there is no-one else around.

I’m afraid, therefore, unless things change, that I won’t be playing for much longer. GW1 was much better than this game. It had a much more coherent content, and if there was no-one else around, you could still gather up your heroes and some henchmen and go out and have fun.

GW2: my feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ladague.1456


I must say, I agree with the original poster. I had really looked forward to playing GW2, and I was a beta tester. It was fine in the beginning, but the thing that gets me is the need to have a big group around in order to do some events.

So, someone might say, join a big guild or hang around until a group shows up at whatever you want to do and then do it. It’s not that easy. I tend to play at times when others don’t. There’s no point in joining a guild when the other guild members can only play when you can’t. Hanging around waiting for groups is boring and wastes what little time I have to play.

As well, there are basically no tactics to these big fights. Everyone just piles in. It was fun at first, but it has grown boring.

The other thing that is boring me is the jumping puzzles. I don’t like platform jumpers and I never have. I don’t see why, just to look at a panorama or get to a place, I should have to jump around as if I a playing another type of game.

The graphics are still beautiful, the crafting system the best I have ever found, and the towns are absolutely marvellous. It’s not enough, though. I feel so disappointed.

Possible exploit? People dying repeatedly in Divinity's Reach

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ladague.1456


It’s definitely an exploit of some kind. A few characters seem just to jump up and down and then sometimes die. Other characters around them all dip at the same time to raise the dead character. As well, the bots that die often quickly disconnect after they are raised, maybe sometimes before they die, making it difficult to report them.

I’m Steve The Cynic’s guild mate, by the way, the other one who was with him when we discovered the exploit. I, too, thought it was just some people playing around for a few minutes, but then it just didn’t seem right at all. Other innocent players are clearly doing a bit of raising and then wandering off. Others are standing around puzzled.