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Countless recent video about BLU

in PvP

Posted by: Luman.2380


Blu isnt bad at shoutcasting, but countless makes a huge point in that you dont ever hear any skills being called out that were used to make a play. Its just “he is taking damage, now he is taking damage, now he is in the downstate” so on and so forth. The game can get very cluttered, but you dont need to call out everything. Just call out what was actually done in order to kill the other players. Have some insight of the game like you actually know whats going on. There is never anything said about what skills players are using in order to make kitten happen which is just boring. Blu is by no means bad. Just stuff to improve on. Not just Blu, but the other casters as well

Quilja – Apex Prime [APeX]

Practice interrupting healing skills

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Interupting heals should be encouraged, however I have noticed most heals used are either very fast, never “used” or uninteruptable (and i mean uninteruptable in the sense that you see the heal then push interupt, also discounting armour proc nightmare).

Mesmer, Necro and Ele (if they are using the channel) seem to be the only classes you can actively aim interupts at their heal.

Before anyone goes on about GW1 I actually played GvG then as mesmer and you cannot draw the same distinctions in cast times. In GW1 you couldn’t cast while moving so there was a VERY clear indication when they were casting. Also no one interupted a .25sec cast from reaction it was purely from quarter knocks or counting off an aftercast or diversion ticking off, hitting anything below .75secs (mesmer fast cast or 40/40 sets) came from positioning and chars stopping to cast again.

I’m a fan of interupts and think they should have a more active role in the game (I mean targetted interupts for the sake of stopping the skill NOT i want you stunned oh look i hit a skill too how pro). With this though need more work done on cast animations, work done on Asura (seriously playing one is like having taken a magic potion and suddenly you hit 50% more of your stuff) and work done on risk/reward for using interupts (maybe increase base recharges and reduce them if you hit something) but also less LOL effects from just interupting an auto or w/e Halting Strike and Confusing Suggestions and casting Chaos Storm is just silly. Also reduce the activation time of as many interupts as possible i think it would be nice to be able to use them to interupt not just “hope they cast something about now” cause a lot of them have travel time – and i mean the dazes mainly here.

Interupts I hope will have a bigger place in GW2’s future, but not the Earthshaker/Chaos Storm variety.

gf left me coz of ladderboard

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


all is vain

Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

(edited by BLUna.7928)

How to Tell the Victor...

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Top 2 in solo queue leader boards are mesmers.

Anyone enjoying new match making?

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


For ~90% of the PVP population (non leaderboard players) this new match making was good and made games more fun. Hopefully because they are enjoying it more the playerbase as a whole will expand…

However, in the meantime, for remaining veterans… games are cringe worthy. It’s like a basketball game with a mix of highschool and kindergarden players.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

Matchmaking Changes + MMR/Leaderboard Reset

in PvP

Posted by: YourFriendMarvin.4127


Looks like my top wins NA is gonna be reset…

#MostTeamQueueWins before December 2nd, 2014 Patch
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ