Showing Posts For lezard.6071:

Feel bad killing a player repeatedly

in WvW

Posted by: lezard.6071


Also, if he’s trying to do a jumping puzzle, he obviously doesn’t want to fight and you were being a nuisance, he was just trying to make some tokens, for a legendary, i suppose, while you were being annoying.

WvW Incentive?

in WvW

Posted by: lezard.6071


Its to a point with whos e-unit is bigger “mines bigger than elvis.” & what server has the most people.
The mechanics of it have grown stale. Where is the inventive? Every week it seems like more and more people are leaving the game.

The last patch added ranks & abilities. Well the ranks dont really mean anything and most of the abilities are not worth leveling up.
The new armor was recycled skins and It takes you longer to grind the gold in WvW then it does the badges of honor.

So whats the point? it just seems like the mechanics of it are broken. Why dont you at least add a dragon event to it for people to fight over or bring back orbs even though orbs was rather stale to begin with. & why cant there be a super badge of honor prize? Like 750 badges per item sorta thing.

It would really be nice for the 1 Dev controlling WvW to come out and give us his thoughts on the direction of WvW and where its headed.

[You were born in the long winter, you’ve never known anything else. But now… Summer is coming!]

WVW IS NOT PVE, GO AWAY PLEASE. This mentality is what’s ruining WvW, It’s a PvP zone for people who wanna fight the other servers on a large scale, I would even go as far as to have them remove the majority of the Keeps and Towers so we can have less PvEers like yourself. Go back to your boring PvE. You don’t like WvW? Fine, stay away, like I do with PvE. You PvEers are the ones who are bringing about this zerg mentality because the vast majority of you are so afraid to fight someone that you do what all scaredy-cats do and group up until you completely outnumber the opponent to the point they have no chance and then turn and run from anyone not afraid to steamroll you. Once again, WVW IS NOT PVE, GO AWAY PLEASE.


Ah, speaking of zergs.


Revamp Cof dungeons and remove boulders trap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


Dear Areanet,
I personally feel that this dungeon need some revamp,coz majority of the pple are just looking for mesmer and warr in for a speed run! Other classes need some love too!If this goes on, everyone will eventually roll only mesmer and warior!What’s the use of having other classes!


New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


This used to be my favorite dungeon before update, just do what i did, move on to another dungeon, i play this game to have fun, not to frustrate myself.

Death isn't an option here

in Guilds

Posted by: lezard.6071


Wow, now THAT is hardcore.

AC EX Lvl 35 complete (See other thread)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


Can’t wait to watch the hodgins/burrow part.

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


Here’s a thought:

A boss fight should NEVER be decided by a NPC, whether it works properly or not.

I agree you might want a dungeon to test our skills as players, but don’t make the fights being decided by a stupid AI.

To all the PvE exclusive players...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lezard.6071


Let me tell you, i’m also on GoM and i try to answer your questions as best as i can.

on any server.
1.) what made you choose and stay on the server you’re on?(guilds and friends aren’t a valid reason since transfers were free for four months)

A friend from another game recommended me this server so we could play together.

2.) what will it take for the wvw players to get you into wvw?

Nothing, i don’t like WvW, don’t get me wrong, i used to live in Heart of the Mists, but WvW is just not my thing.

3.) wvw benefits your dungeon runs, do you not agree that helping us get the buffs you benefit from is the right thing to do?

I run a lot of dungeons, and i didn’t even know we get buffs from WvW.

4.)is it the repair bill that scares you out?(i know pve players with upwards of 200g, so the fact that they’re scared of a 10s repair bill is confusing)

That’s also a valid reason, the times i went to WvW, i had to spend a lot money on repairs due to being zerged everytime, so i find it ridiculous that i have to spend my hard earned gold on repairs due to being involved in 20 vs 4 fights.

5.) why would a risen priestess of milandru be impressed with your Sunrise?

He won’t.

6.) to my GOM bros specifically, some of the PvE guilds on our server are upwards of 300+(and active), can you grasp how much of a difference just 1/10 of your guild members would make if they were active in wvw daily?

You’re right, but not everyone likes WvW, i don’t even find it fun.

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


I used to use this dungeon to level up my characters past 40, i doubt any parties would take me now, as this dungeon is right now, no one wants someone lower than 80.

The new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


You forgot to mention some things about the boss in path 3:

- The rocks AOE cover the whole screen, there’s no way to run away from them, and if you’re caught, you’re dead.
- The NPC Grast will create a barrier when the rocks are falling, however, you can’t tell when he will make it, in my experience, he may make the barrier after you’re all dead so it’s useless, or he might make it in time and get shelter, you never know.

AC was the dungeon i enjoyed the most, now i don’t want to go there anymore, their idea of fun, is what i consider frustrating, especially for a level 35 dungeon.