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LFG Description Bugged [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Not sure if this helps but it seems to always put what your previous lfg was so if it the first time you are advertising party since logging in it will be blank but on all subsequent attempts it will put your previous description regardless of what you type. Example: I put “2,10,15 daily” in fractals it will start empty, I will then have to edit with the same description for it to post properly. Then the next time I advertise “DS taxi” in open world lfg for example it will default to “2,10,15 daily” I will then have to edit it again to get it to display the proper “DS taxi”.

Has HoT been worth the price?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


As others have said wait until some industry reviews and videos come out to determine if it is worth it. I personally think it well worth it in terms of content/new zones/elite specs. There is a lot to do for sure but opinions vary from person to person. A lot of players who enjoy the xpac are still actively playing it and not posting on the forums so beware of the negativity you find here as those players who do enjoy the xpac are playing it! Personally I would recommend it just due to sheer content and the fact that it is a breath of fresh air. It should be noted currently you can’t just jump into the new elite specs and the idea is you earn it as you play the xpac so take that as you will. Hope this helps.

TL;DR I find it well worth the money, I suggest waiting for industry reviews and videos to come out if you are really unsure.

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


We likely won’t see anything added like that until the next round of elite specs, and we have no idea yet what each class will get when the time comes.
And no the current stuff isn’t likely to change either.

That is disappointing, although I think adding traits for conditions for some hammer moves would be within reason. Not necessarily auto attack but just something to give me incentive to weapon swap to make the combat more engaging and fun.

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Additionally do you think given that hammer is the only current Revenant ranged weapon would incorporating traits that give it condition damage be viable? Just trying to brainstorm some ideas that could address the issue without adding a whole other weapon to the game as doing so may be impractical. The above suggestion is of course in addition to the torment on crit trait which I believe is not enough to make swapping out of mace/axe viable for condition focused builds worth it.

Ranged condition weapon Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Does anyone know if Anet is going to implement a ranged condition weapon for Revenant? It seems that the only choices for a condition build for Revenant is mace/axe and that there really is no option for a ranged condition weapon for weapon swapping purposes. Will conditions be added to one of the other weapons or are we stuck with just one condition based weapon set? If so that would be extremely disappointing. I get that Revenant was originally not going to have the weapon swap ability but the lack of a ranged condition weapon or second condition based weapon set period is a huge oversight as it discourages people from experimenting with their builds and focusing mainly on physical damage. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

TL;DR Will there be a ranged condition weapon set for Revenant? And if not will there at least be a second condition based weapon set (besides mace/axe)?

Map Warning for Unattainable Hero Points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I think the best solution would be having it so upon hovering over the hero point in the information, in addition to how far away it is, would be whether or not you have the mastery required to complete it, what mastery is needed, and what to be prepared for. If Anet wants to leave them a surprise as to content (champions etc.) at the very least allow us to see what mastery is required if any. An obvious frustrating one I have seen on map chat plenty of times and encountered in game is the you are not worthy nuhoch wallow one in verdant brink which you can reach gliding but cannot unlock without being worthy…whatever that entails I believe it is nuhoch wallow mastery, although this could be a mastery point I do not quite recall.

TL;DR Include in info on mouse over of hero challenge on map what mastery if any is required.

(edited by magicmooman.6409)

Buying the game early =! early access

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Heart of Thorns is considered one of the best and smoothest MMO releases in recent history (just check online). It’s very difficult to test and release an MMO and an MMO’s expansions and Anet has actually done really good job with Heart of Thorns in this regard. Almost all other MMO’s have way worse problems on launch day give the developers a chance to fix all the bugs many have already been addressed.

Please increase contrast of map marker icons.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


A good suggestion may I add that it is also extremely difficult to see where your fellow party members are one the map (specifically the minimap) as well especially if you are on different levels of the jungle floor, perhaps this can be addressed as well.

Guild Halls for very small guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I don’t understand the design decision behind making it so guilds with an average online player base of 2 to not be able to do activities together for guild favor. I understand not being able to complete guild missions solo, that isn’t exactly a guild, but making it a minimum of two people seems harsh. There are many small guilds who can’t even attempt to earn favor for their guilds dude to this design, well error in my opinion. A lot of people have small family or real life friend guilds where they play together and duo a good amount of content why put a barrier between these people who supported the game buying the expansion with the idea they would be able to continue their guild with the new system and not allow them to even advance their guild. Especially given that the previous system allowed duoing the gain influence and advance your guild. It just feels extremely unfair as even though I am in a larger guild I can’t advance my smaller guild composed of my closer friends because we just don’t count anymore as a guild. I highly encourage at the very least setting the minimum for guild missions to 2 so we can at least attempt to build smaller guilds and not just be forced to have all our smaller guilds just become a tag and nothing else.

TL;DR Reduce guild mission minimum to 2 to allow smaller guilds to advance their guild. Do not invalidate small guilds and make them just a tag. We paid for the ability to further advance our guild not to remove the ability to advance our guild.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I’ve experience most of the content duo or solo and can say at the beginning I was getting rolled on several occasions. I was going in with all out zerker dps with an all out dps related spec and with no range. However upon changing up my spec to a tankier build and putting on some more tanky stats as well as having a ranged weapon I have been having a lot more fun and not getting downed that often at all. Yes the new content is more challenging but with the right stats I think most players will find it is definitely playable solo and not as uncasual friendly as you would think. I think the problem is that many players do not realize that they need to change out there gear and traits if full glass cannon isn’t cutting it as it definitely wasn’t cutting it for me. I highly recommend to all players struggling with the contents difficulty to give a different stat set a try and build more survivability into their spec and gear. I also believe Anet should perhaps put in some kind of pop up or hint letting players know that perhaps a change in build and gear may help before venturing into the new zones.

TL;DR If you find the new content too challenging put some survivability into your build and invest in both range and vitality and/or toughness gear. You will have a much better time.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Apparently they already have daily rewards and I did not realize this as it was not apparent to me in game, thanks for the clarification. Link below to wiki with details
It is limited to only the event based hero challenges which is what I believe I described as the difficult 2+ person challenges. Thanks for the thoughtful posts and if anyone has better suggestions than those already posted to give further incentive players feel free to reply.

(edited by magicmooman.6409)

HoT After the Hype

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I think the issue is that once players complete all the hero points and have all the mastery points for a map there is not much incentive for them to return, at least none that I have seen. I hope this will be addressed in order to help keep these areas populated.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Some replies are saying that the rewards proposed is how it is in game however I have not experienced this consistently, is there anyone who can confirm or deny whether this is true? And if it is true are the rewards adequate?

(edited by magicmooman.6409)

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I have a bad memory, so I may be wrong here, but last time I helped someone with his hero challenge, I believe I did get a reward. Not sure about exp though.

Yes, you do get event rewards from all of the Champion mobs, even if you have the related Hero Points already.

Are you sure about this? And if so do you think it is adequate or needs some tweaking to really give a valid incentive to players?

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I have a bad memory, so I may be wrong here, but last time I helped someone with his hero challenge, I believe I did get a reward. Not sure about exp though.

I do vaguely remember getting reward experience once from helping someone complete a hero point I already completed. However I only experienced this once and I have helped many players complete hero points since (friends and those I randomly ran in to) and have not been given any reward since so I’m not sure if it was a bug or some sort of fluke.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Way to exploitable, people would just pick an easy hero challenge and do it over and over. Only way to prevent that would to add some kind of daily limit but then the reward would have to be good enough to warrant even wasting time to go do it consistantly enough that it would even solve the base issue

I know the overall issue will be hard to address. I’m looking for a way to give incentive to players who are in the general area to go out of their way to help you. But at the same time I can see it being exploitable if there is no limit. I think giving a daily reward for every hero point may be a step in the right direction.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I always found it strange in the base game how when you help someone complete a hero point you got nothing, but since those could be all done solo it was never an issue. Just want to brainstorm some good ideas so this can be fixed for current and future content if this kind of difficulty is to be the new standard for hero points.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


Thanks, if anyone has some alternative ideas to what would be an appropriate reward for helping others complete hero points please post it!

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


TL;DR Give players loot for helping out with champs on hero points to give incentive to players to help others who could not have succeeded without help.

Reward players helping others hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: magicmooman.6409


I believe that the current hero points are well done given that you have at least 2+ people completing it together. This work out great for some (those players who play in a party and do challenges together) however it does not work for players who like running around solo and joining in on group content as they come across it. I think a way to alleviate this would be to provide a reward to anyone who helps participate in a hero point regardless of whether they have completed it. Give an incentive for players to jump in and help others with hero points they have already completed. Perhaps giving a champion loot bag as a reward would be a possibility for players returning to an already completed hero point to help others? I don’t believe a huge reward is necessary just give me and everyone else a reason to go out of our way to help other players complete their hero points. Anybody else have feedback or suggestions on such a system?