“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Showing Posts Upvoted By malachi.7503:
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
They know about it and are working on it:
OP, I think you need to reread the definition of Insider Trading. Your accusation has nothing to do with the company manipulating RL stocks and securities using insider knowledge.
As much as players might want them to be, weapon/armor skins aren’t stocks.
While you’re rereading Insider Trading, I strongly urge you look up the term Libel.
Yeah…see, thats where things get to the point of ‘it just doesn’t matter’. Because it is a game, or form of entertainment, the same ethics and laws that govern a real world economy don’t apply. Thats what you are saying. And most likely, John, nor Anet, will do anything about this. So, it obligation or question of economic “fairness” resides with the community.
I’m saying that since real money is being used in THIS economy, it does matter. It matters alot. Since your basic player is being manipulated by a corporate entity.
Take it as you will.
No, I’m not saying it doesn’t matter. I’m saying that because of the parallel you’re seeing you’re making an accusation of a very serious crime that is inapplicable in this situation. This situation has nothing to do with RL stocks and securities.
At the very least your post violates the forums Code of Conduct… but it could stretch into Libel. I don’t think you fully understand the implications of your choice of words.
(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
OP, I think you need to reread the definition of Insider Trading. Your accusation has nothing to do with the company manipulating RL stocks and securities using insider knowledge.
As much as players might want them to be, weapon/armor skins aren’t stocks.
While you’re rereading Insider Trading, I strongly urge you look up the term Libel.
You seem to have some weird assumption, that rng averages out over long time for everyone and makes outliers disappear. That assumption is wrong. Oultiers will always exist, and over time differences between high and low ones are only going to get bigger.
Actually that is true. Random number generation systems (since none are “truly” random) do tend to show a mean and do tend to average out in the middle or around specific numbers. This is seen with pennies. The odds of one side or the other are equivalent but the odds of them actually being equivalent go up, not down, with every iteration supposing a base set greater than probably 1,000 trials.
Interestingly enough this is also seen with the lottery. Some numbers do actually come up more than others. In a lottery system such as this it isn’t crazy to assume that most of your rewards will fit a distinct set. That is not to say that it explains great luck or horrible luck but instead to express that outliers over time do indeed disappear things tend to shift to the inside.
We call it a bell curve, or as you put it, Gaussian Distribution.
You’re basically agreeing with me. I haven’t said that an account that is an outlier today will be an outlier tomorrow. I said that there will always be outliers, and the more “rolls” we make, the greater the difference between low and high outliers will be.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I think mentors are a great idea for this game. There’s a lot to learn, and a lot that can be overwhelming for a new player. Asking in map chat doesn’t always yield beneficial results, and can lead to frustration for a new player.
The problem is, the current implementation of Mentors is just a simplified version of a commander tag. That doesn’t really help new players, or provide them a method in-game for asking questions and getting answers from veteran players who enjoy helping new players.
My suggestion is change it up. Rename the current ‘mentor’ tag in the masteries to jr commander, since that’s all it is.
For the actual mentor role, require a player to have 80%-100% map completion, have a certain amount of hours played on their account, have a certain level of achievement points completed, and have opted in to be a mentor for new players.
Add a new chat channel for new players, and mentors. This channel would be for the purpose of connecting new players with veterans to help assist them in getting familiar with the game and answering questions, as well as having someone to adventure with who can show them around.
Mentors should have access to this channel whether or not they’ve set their status to available as a mentor.
Add a new LFG option for new players to seek out and find mentors who have turned their mentor status to available.
This is just a rough sketch of an idea with room for improvement. I’m sure our community and the team at ANet can come up with some great ideas on how to make something like this even better, but it would certainly go a long way to improving the new player experience to have access to the mentor channel.
(edited by Sondergaard.8469)
One is a utility skill. One is a trait that uses the same utility function when you are under control effects.
Here’s my take..
I think they should have came out with a rifle-toting ranger/sniper with the following skills:
#1: normal shot, but apply torment.
#2: standard rapid shot – applies 5 shots
#3: chill shot which also applies weakness
#4: mow ’em down shot – shoot up do 10 targets using bleeds, almost a cone-shaped aoe. Also give it a machinegun sound effect.
#5: long-range deathblow (sniper shot) which would do massive damage as well apply bleeds and weakness.
or #5: “Cloak of Death” would cloak you and your pet for 6-7 seconds which allows you to fight while cloaked.
Healing – healing salve that applies might or a condition remover to you and your pet
Another skill could be “Tracking your quarry” which would allow you to stealth to your target.
“Hunter’s Blind” would be another skill, which would be like a shadow/refuge that could grant healing/condition removal.
It is self centered because it is what I want them to do for the druid I want them to make it more fun a better spec, everyone is just looking at the one thing and the one thing only how great a support class this is , well guess what I do a crap load of things solo and druid has one of the best mobility skills in the game this I support fully, after that is is all about help me help me save me I am hurt save me, I get it is a MMO but 99.999999999% of the time people are running solo and doing their own thing. This is where natural strider comes in and is perfect but using that an d switching back and forth to do something is crap. Anet did not think about the ppl who like to do this kind of stuff solo and that fact that PVE is almost done solo to the point all the time. The focused on heal heal heal and ppl think that the ranger did not have good heals well they did, but now we have a monk that runs around in medium armor shooting a bow or a staff, the skills the druid has to not combine with anything the ranger has the druids only attribute not skill that has a coni on it is a master level and the person has to be dazed knocked back or the such and this is done mostly with the LB. and then with the ote rclasses coming out with higher level condi then the ranger the ranger is now useless which most ppl though any ways and I liked to prove them wrong but now I can not do that because of all these specializations. so is is self centered yeah I want the game to play the way I want because I am the one playing it. Truly look at wha the druid dose and look at what everything else dose and you will see that there is no way the druid was even though about correctly anet threw it together to get the ranger something quick this is why it was last they new that they had nothing good for the ranger
Typical DPS mentality. Cursing inwardly here…
!!!1121211!!!My class doesn’t do super large damages, therefore it sucks.
Fact: Druid(and Ranger by extension) is one of the best – if not the best – solo classes in the game. Off the top of my head, only Reaper comes close to the same combination of damage, survivability, and CC – and it lacks the mobility that Druid boasts, to boot. It is bar none the best support/healer available. It is not the best damage dealer – but that is okay, because it gains so much it doesn’t matter.
Your problem is entirely on your lack of understanding of how to play a solo Druid. So listen up and listen well, because you either need to learn to play your class or choose one that actually suits you.
You don’t stay in Celestial Avatar form the entire time you use Druid solo – it is purely a utility for healing when necessary. For the love of god if you solo Druid, do not use staff. Staff is entirely for healing Druid, just as you do not use Greatsword when you want to play a DoT Reaper or Staff when you want to play bunker Tempest. You don’t use all your utilities and traits on healing.
You build a mostly standard power or condi ranger, but swap out a spec – in my case Beastmastery – for Druid. You have 3 clear choices for the druid traits – mobility, survivability (Healing/self healing makes you sturdier), or damage. You only slot 2 spirits+%damage glyph when you want to support, and you don’t support solo. Otherwise, use other utilities – the only necessary one is the %damage one. Playing solo Druid does mean you’ll lost a bit of damage compared to a normal Power or Condi ranger – but this is amply made up for by the massive boost in survivability Druid provides.
Druid is one of the most versatile elite specs – it offers healing, mobility, damage, and support! The only ones that offer the same versatility I can think of are Herald and Tempest. The next time you deem it necessary to demand changes to a spec or class, at least learn how it works in the situation you’re complaining about it in.
I would recommend a Writ of Experience each time you reach full exp.
So you atleast get 5% of it back to use on another character.
I’d like an optional private message whitelist.
Are you in my friends list? My guild? My list of OK-to-pm-me-accounts? If not, then incoming private messages are automatically blocked.
On my account page. There you will see link named game content. On that page is place to link account. The link is at bottom of that page.
(edited by Qugi.2653)
The bags are still RNG .. so you may get leather, or other mats. From the dredge bags
i would say maybe 1 out of 5 or 10 gives leather.
Ettins in Timberline are also bad to kill, they have a lot more HPs than other mobs,
so try maybe the dredge in dredgehaunt cliffs. I just kill them when i’m there to
harvest iron ore ^^
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
1 & 2) No, XP you gain before unlocking masteries won’t count towards them.
I know this because I pre-purchased HoT but when it came out I was too busy with Halloween so it was about a week after release that I actually started playing it. When I unlocked masteries I had no progress on any of them – the HoT ones or the Pact ones.
3) Hero Points have nothing to do with masteries. Their only use is to unlock skills and specialisations (traits).
I’m not sure what you mean by putting yourself at a deficit. Getting to level 80 will get you enough points to fully unlock all the base skills and specialisations, and completing hero challenges will give you extra ones on top of that, which can then be used for the elite specialisation. According to the wiki there’s a maximum of 1012 hero points obtainable, and it only takes 648 to unlock all your skills and specialisations, including the elite.
So the “worst” thing that could happen is you unlock everything and still have points left over. If you’re short of points to unlock everything it just means you need to do more hero challenges, not that you’ve done ones you shouldn’t have.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
1. I don’t think so. Definitely not HoT Masteries, of course.
2. I don’t think so.
3. No. Just the opposite; you will be ahead of the game, so to speak.
Good luck.
Contact support immediately. Sometimes things get “stuck”. They may be able to manually flag your account.
It takes 24 hours for the names to become available again to everybody after deleting a character. This gives the original creator enough time to remake the character without the worry of the name being taken by another player.
Deleted character name still belong to account for 24 hour. After 24 hour any one can take it.