Showing Posts For master.1607:

Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: master.1607


What balance? Gw2 never been a balanced game. All your updates making new op traits nothing more.

Are you gonna nerf;

- Druid HoT pets damage min. %50 and redesign signet of stone?
- Warrior adrenal health nerf min. %75 and removing second endure pain trait?
- Incrase dh traps cds min %50 and reducing shield of courage duraiton to 2secs?
- Removing engineer rapid regeneration trait?
- Removing mesmer restorative illusions trait and second block on shield and reducing shatter dps?
- Removing every single daze and immobilize hits from thief?
- Redesigning necro DS/RS and making it CD based skill? Like 6-10secs shroud with 60secs cd. Not endless and growing with vitality..
- Nerfing every single ele support skills-traits and removing obsidian flesh?

I dont think so. You gonna delete some amulets and useless traits. A few classes screw around like “ele dead” but actually nothing changes. Mesmer, warrior and druid stays on top op classes. Ele healbot, dh and nec will be nerfed as always.

If you asking us please dont do anything. You making worse with each “balance” update. Find talented devs and create a better matchmaking.

Kyhlo map vote for s6

in PvP

Posted by: master.1607


I love it. Great design and i have not any camera issues. There is no more teleport to roof or hide behind the window wall. Pure pvp ofcourse not for terrian slackers

2017 Solo q Class rankings?

in PvP

Posted by: master.1607


Go longbow warrior.

0 Risk, insane dps-condi-regen-mobility-armor-health-blocks anything you need.. Use stances spam longbow skills thats all

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: master.1607


Double endure pain – *Check
Insane regen – *Check

  • Berserker stance with endure pain + regen = god mode on (you cant blind,fear,interrupt or anything to do for stop him) – Check
  • Mobility(%25 speed, weapon and utility jumps) – Check
  • Top class armor – Check
  • Top class health – Check
  • Top class dps and condi – Check
  • Stun machine – Check
  • Blocks – Check

There are 2 more abilities missing stealth and teleport. I’m pretty sure you’ll give both or one of them on next expansion.

All these things are fine but please nerf that longbow now. It is op weapon since release. Lets check warrior builds in past and now.

Longbow – Hammer
Longbow – Axe-Shield
Longbow – Sword-Axe
Longbow – Greatsword
Longbow – Mace – Shield

Burn, immobilize, blind, dps, fire area, blast and it is becoming much more powerful with berserker trait.

I know you loving so much warrior. You are using it for all your official videos but there is no more fun in pvp. Just check your top 300 400 players and see how many of them used warrior in last season. Use your stances than spam all your longbow skills 0 risk..

Best class for pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: master.1607


Go burn guardian or core condition necro. There is nothing more

class counter list

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: master.1607


If you don’t know what to do there is no counter in gw2 also this is not 1v1 game too. Your team role is important thing. But if we talking about similar player level 1v1 on point here is my list for some classes;

Dragon Hunter LB/S+F or Symbolic
GS/M+S Power Warrior – Win
Necromancer – Win
Mesmer – Win
Thief – Win
Druid – Stalemate or Lose
Ele – Stalemate
Engineer – Lose
Revenant – Lose
Condi LB Warrior – Lose

Mesmer Condi Meta
Warrior – Win
Necromancer – Win
Druid – Win
Engineer – Win
Revenant – Win
Ele – Stalemate
Thief – Lose
DH -Lose

Necromancer – Win
Druid – Win
Revenant – Win
Ele – Win
Mesmer – Win
Engineer – Lose
Warrior – Lose
DH -Lose

Necromancer – Win
Druid – Win
Revenant – Win
Thief – Win
DH – Win
Ele – Stalemate
Mesmer – Lose
Warrior – Lose

Cant kill anything. Necro is most useless pvp class since release.

Like i said before your team role is important.
Ele – War – DH – Engi – Mesmer
Ele – War – DH – DH – Mesmer
Ele – War – War – DH – Mesmer
This teams never lost against like
Nec – Nec – Mes – Thief – Druid
Nec – Thief – Thief – Ele – Rev

Banned names with accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: master.1607



You banned my main account cek.5478 3 – 3,5 years ago. I wrote every couple months “i’m not gold seller or pvp-wvw hacker i just did a stupid mistake for JP” and you always used same auto response "bla bla bla user rules bla bla bla 3rd party bla bla bla terminate..

I’ll not talk about it dont worry. Rules are rules.

But i wanna ask, if you decide terminate my account why my account still exist? why i cant use my email for buying a new account or why my account characters still exist. I cant use my nicknames because all are bounded to my banned account.

Pretty sure i’m not only banned player You have huge banned account pool it means you have huge banned nicknames too.

If you deciding terminate please do it and terminate. Stop banning nicknames too. Delete all characters from banned accounts and set nicknames free please.

Freedom for banned nicknames!!