Showing Posts For meissa.4239:

The Guild Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


Those sound like issues with the guilds you’ve joined, rather than the mechanics of guilds in GW2.

What would help is if GW2 provided tools for guilds to recruit or members to search for guilds. At the moment, unless you read the ‘right’ post on reddit|forums|world-specific-website or unless you’re in the right map and the right time, you have no way to connect to new guilds.

LF-Guild/Recruitment tools won’t, of course, guarantee that people will find a good fit; they would increase the chances.

some way for people to find a guild/for people to advertise their guild [other than spamming map chat lmao…] would be really great.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

What WEIRD stuff do YOU do in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


if in a story instance where the group is all standing in a circle talking, i have to stand in the circle and be part of the group. also, sometimes ill dance during serious scenes/discussions, just because.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

All I want for Christmas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


greataxe/war axe would be. so cool.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Underwater Combat Needs Fixing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


yeah underwater combat sucks… tho idk how exactly it could be fixed, i do like the idea of being to fight on the actual ocean floor, since one of the things that sucks is movement. but it being seen to in general would b nice.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Merchandise Ideas - Open (even if the survey is closed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


ur chessboard idea sounds really cool tbh :0 if they did that id have to finally get decent at chess tho lmao…

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: meissa.4239


my asuran thief, alula! at first i wasn’t sure what direction i’d take with her but then the infinity ball personal story happened and i knew what i was going to do… im v happy with it.


“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Suspended for AFK farming

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: meissa.4239


tbh i used to not really care abt people afk farming bc they must make very little, but then. people farming blade shards. gklasdgjs. especially when they kill the aetherblades before i get there making my life just that much harder.

i try to just ignore them but when you’re running around burning aetherblades to death and get 1 blade shard every 10 minutes maybe annoyances stack up. basically it made me realize just how p unfair and annoying it is :\

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Glider Suggestions? Share Them Here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: meissa.4239


i really want spinal blades gliders and/or a twisted watchwork glider tbqh

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Which Title Do You Display? and Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


it depends on the character; i generally have somewhat detailed personalities picked out and all for each character(I don’t RP, though I guess it’d be cool, I just don’t have a life), so i go from there. for example, my thief is going to have either “the be-all and the end-all” or “been there, done that” because she’s somewhat very conceited and snarky.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar

Miniatures in Gemstore [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meissa.4239


sieran… i love her so much anet why dont you love her too ;~;. the shatterer would be cool too.
mostly though i REALLY want bioluminescent lurchers. they look so cool and i would love the feeling of constantly fearing my mini savagely destroying me in one fell swoop. gets a good adrenaline rush going, you know?

“Caithe, someday you’ll see. Tyria needs me.” — Scarlet Briar