Showing Posts For metalhead.9385:

Guardian ranged options

in Guardian

Posted by: metalhead.9385


I agree with a Holy Cross Bow type of weapon I also agree with Javelins its cool unique, would fit a middle range weapon one thing I want on it though.

You know how necros get a sickle graphic on the staff when they pull it out ( which is awesome) I want a flaming blue Javelin

some thoughts on Spvp and dueling/ arena

in PvP

Posted by: metalhead.9385


thoughts on spvp.
simple idea long post sorry ( well the idea is simple)
Ive noticed that the main strategy for playing spvp is either being a bunker build and sitting on a cap Or being a Glass cannon and roaming with the pack, capping points

I dislike the way the game is designed and I think I can decrease the value of bunker builds and eliminate the roam around thing and make the focus of the game taking ground and HOLDING ground as one would in a battle, rather then taking ground and then leaving soon after.

My idea for this is reducing the rewards for capping points. I believe it is currently 10 points lets reduce it to 1 point. Then there will be virtually no point in roaming around because the fastest way to win is to keep points not take them.

that being said Bunkers become less valuable IMHO, the major advantage to a bunker is you can have one guy cap a point and hold it long enough to wait for help assuming there is no more then 2-3 roamers trying to take it. A Team with two many bunkers will not have any capping power, if they get beaten to a point or kicked off a point, A team with many bunker builds will have trouble reestablishing hold since the name of this game is who can stay on the hill longest.

I think with a set up like this we should see a focus on smaller battle as well. Not so much zerging, the reason for this is no team could afford to leave points completely undefended, we will see teams coordinating and splitting up to try and take the majority of various points. Some maps have many caps we may see as small as 2 man teams for each to take and hold a point. Which means more strategic battle for everyone not Blink and dead because 6 people zerged you.

We also may start seeing more variation in builds I think builds that are more middle ground on offense/defense will become popular since you will need both. Right now I think most people will agree the generally speaking your either glass cannon or bunker, or most people are.

In addition point defenders should recieve points for spending certain amounts of time on a point even if they arnt many games are won on the backs on unsung heros ensuring there team has a steady income of points even if he himself sees no action.
Also to increase the idea that its impotant to take and Hold caps the team holding the majority of the available points should have a bonus to there point accumulation this will do two things.

One End a game quickly when one team completely dominates another.
Two Further enforce the idea that there will need to be defenders at each point taken,
and attackers trying to take more control ( splitting the forces and stoping zerging )

Reducing the reward for capping points will shift the focus to controlling the field As such Bunker builds will become less necessary, teams will need more both Taking power and Holding power which means more middle ground builds . More strategy and communication necessary, Less zerging and small skirmishes at various points rather then Zerging trains running around.

Thoughts on Dueling :

I Promise this will be shorter
its been said before I think we need duels.

I personally feel the only true pvp is man to man pvp.
That being said

Create a gladitorial arena in the mists area, where people can duel each other.
There should be two methods,
the traditional challenge and accept duel which can be carried out anywhere in the gameworld except major cities.

And the arena in the mists, which should work somewhat like the wow Arena, Players register for 1 on 1 ( 3 vs 3 ? etc etc ) gaining pvp experience with access to titles, rewards etc etc and Armor skins… special Exclusive Armor Skins much like the stuff you sell in the gem store. And the armor skins should go for spvp as well, what the hells the point of having cool armor if you can only see it in spvp .

So what do you guys think, this is all in theory my pvp experience is actually rather limited this is just the trends ive noticed playing a few dozen hours of spvp and finding myself disillusioned with it

Thoughts on Spvp and Dueling

in Suggestions

Posted by: metalhead.9385


thoughts on spvp.
simple idea long post sorry ( well the idea is simple)
Ive noticed that the main strategy for playing spvp is either being a bunker build and sitting on a cap Or being a Glass cannon and roaming with the pack, capping points

I dislike the way the game is designed and I think I can decrease the value of bunker builds and eliminate the roam around thing and make the focus of the game taking ground and HOLDING ground as one would in a battle, rather then taking ground and then leaving soon after.

My idea for this is reducing the rewards for capping points. I believe it is currently 10 points lets reduce it to 1 point. Then there will be virtually no point in roaming around because the fastest way to win is to keep points not take them.

that being said Bunkers become less valuable IMHO, the major advantage to a bunker is you can have one guy cap a point and hold it long enough to wait for help assuming there is no more then 2-3 roamers trying to take it. A Team with two many bunkers will not have any capping power, if they get beaten to a point or kicked off a point, A team with many bunker builds will have trouble reestablishing hold since the name of this game is who can stay on the hill longest.

I think with a set up like this we should see a focus on smaller battle as well. Not so much zerging, the reason for this is no team could afford to leave points completely undefended, we will see teams coordinating and splitting up to try and take the majority of various points. Some maps have many caps we may see as small as 2 man teams for each to take and hold a point. Which means more strategic battle for everyone not Blink and dead because 6 people zerged you.

We also may start seeing more variation in builds I think builds that are more middle ground on offense/defense will become popular since you will need both. Right now I think most people will agree the generally speaking your either glass cannon or bunker, or most people are.

In addition point defenders should recieve points for spending certain amounts of time on a point even if they arnt many games are won on the backs on unsung heros ensuring there team has a steady income of points even if he himself sees no action.
Also to increase the idea that its impotant to take and Hold caps the team holding the majority of the available points should have a bonus to there point accumulation this will do two things.

One End a game quickly when one team completely dominates another.
Two Further enforce the idea that there will need to be defenders at each point taken,
and attackers trying to take more control ( splitting the forces and stoping zerging )

Reducing the reward for capping points will shift the focus to controlling the field As such Bunker builds will become less necessary, teams will need more both Taking power and Holding power which means more middle ground builds . More strategy and communication necessary, Less zerging and small skirmishes at various points rather then Zerging trains running around.

Thoughts on Dueling :

I Promise this will be shorter
its been said before I think we need duels.

I personally feel the only true pvp is man to man pvp.
That being said

Create a gladitorial arena in the mists area, where people can duel each other.
There should be two methods,
the traditional challenge and accept duel which can be carried out anywhere in the gameworld except major cities.

And the arena in the mists, which should work somewhat like the wow Arena, Players register for 1 on 1 ( 3 vs 3 ? etc etc ) gaining pvp experience with access to titles, rewards etc etc and Armor skins… special Exclusive Armor Skins much like the stuff you sell in the gem store. And the armor skins should go for spvp as well, what the hells the point of having cool armor if you can only see it in spvp .

So what do you guys think, this is all in theory my pvp experience is actually rather limited this is just the trends ive noticed playing a few dozen hours of spvp and finding myself disillusioned with it

What do I do when this happens...

in Elementalist

Posted by: metalhead.9385


When I get attacked by a bursty thief its all agbout quick reaction.. I run a pretty tough condition damage dagger dagger build.. But I just pop mistform… he will have burned a love of initiave and cool down on his burst attack and will have nothing left when mistform ends… most of the time the fight is already over at that point. You just have to survive the first burst

New to GW2 needing help leveling PVE

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


I will also point out staff is perfectly viable with pretty much the same trait points
but use staff smart… Stand inside staff 5 then make a clone for a combo finishing free chaos armor… really helps your survivability especially against packs when you can get a free chaos armor as well as t he other buffs staff 5 will give you.

Find that happy medium the closer you are to the target the faster you and your clones staff bounces will return to you and grant boons. Staff IMO does fine at range but does better at a mid to short range

New to GW2 needing help leveling PVE

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


for solo pve I was having success with a GS/ Sword Pistol build

I put my first 10 points into precision and domination for damge and if your particularly agile Iberzeker plus GS 5 is enough to keep most mobs off you… if not wear some toughness gear….

it really helps.

I generally started with pistol 4 then sword 3 when in range then teleport to target with sword 3… use sword 2… then I usually shatter or switch weapons…

Switching is key to playing a mesmer you must switch weapons often. make use of your shatters make use of dodges you should have about 30 % crit leveling up in the early game and this will give you nearly constant vigor make use of it by dodgeing often…

it takes some time..
the mesmer doesnt start becoming the amazing class it is until about 40

After level 20 because I had nothing better to do I start traiting for toughness buit I was doing alright with out it…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


I am using this build now, Thanks to Osciat I use Decoy, mantra of resolve and blink I dont wvw but it works fantastically in spvp.

having soo much more fun with it. Kicked kitten first time I went into spvp with it and im not even good at it yet

Funny things that happened to (your) mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


Edit… I dont know why Shatter is censored… oh… S-H-A—T

Funny things that happened to (your) mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


Fought a Bunker Necro over a point in capricorn, he was really kittenin good but so was, I wkittenter cat Sp/Staff . Between Deathshroud his regen and life stealing man it took forever to get this guy. But he also could not kill me slowly he was running out of death shroud, he was losing this fight albeit slowly

Suddenly a thief shows up but strangely doesnt attack, then a warrior…they both stand by Cheering for their necro buddy… maybe they wanted to see if he was going to win… maybe they were on vent and the necro told them to hold off… I dunno

another minute or so passes and I finally stomp the kitten…

the thief says good fight, ready to die ?
the warrior and thief begin to move in…. I type BRING IT ON! just as I decoy then blink….then mass invis !

Muwahahahahahaha should have killed me when they had the chance!

Then 30 seconds later I came back with a theif and and we took the point back = D the warrior died instanteously I love glass cannon warriors lol

Having a Friggen Blast with the mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


I just wanna say this class may have started out a bit slow… but ever since around 35 + with a power + precision GS/S+P build going… I am having amazing amounts of fun… I got a few points in toughness now I can take a few hits in pve so im not so scared to get up close with the sword.

I’ve figured out the hit and run type of rhythm with the sword gun combo I dont even have the clone on dodge yet one more level and ill be able to get it.

The class really is worth sticking to it… I love being the last one alive all the time in events and instances to revive people even if im a dps build. People who say the mesmer is too squishy I dunno what they are talking about I have a thief at 70 an a ele at 80 and both of those feels more squishy then mesmer has.

Not to mention the spvp is a blast too I am steam rolling a lot of people getting top score and generally just having fun. The ele in comparison…not so much… I am so sorry I went with the ele as my first mage type over the mesmer, clearly a mistake.

The only down side is lack of aoe damage… and for me it isnt that bad… I just pick out mobs in the middle of the pack in like large events and use iberserker and lots of shatters but I can see why people would complain…but I do enough damage to get golds so I dont care if my AoE isnt great my single target is great with excellent survivability. Im a happy camper… Plus my character is uber sexy and there so many of me !

Skills that drops targeting

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


The target reticule needs to be removed from all pvp. It is such a bull kitten design flaw that Anet overlooked. The ENTIRE point of being a mesmer is to use your illusions to confuse your opponent having a magical giant target above your head completely defeats the purpose of clones.

The clones them selves already suck, anyone whos been playing long enough will realize that the clones are not holding secondary weapons and don’t attack at the same speed.

it would take all of 2 auto attacks to find the real mesmer. That aside in the fast paced action of spvp im willing to accept the crappy clone design but the target is just the last nail in the coffin. I have used it so many times on my thief to nail mesmers and I am sure its the source of a lot of people who have killed me that I just couldn’t shake off.

Its the entire reason for why I run with decoy and mass invis at all times

Review my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: metalhead.9385


So this is a staff/ GS build im aiming for use in both pve and spvp im not much of a wvw person.
This is a condition dmg, precision build with high toughness in the gear
The idea behind it was to pump out clones for shatters I may consider using signet of illusions to reset shatter skills so I could very quickly pump out 3 clones Mindwrack then do it again shortly there after. But its gimmicky IMO and could only be done once every 90 seconds.

some have told me that the great sword is not a good combo for the staff but I am using it for a few reasons… 1….its great for creating distance…even if they nerfed Iberzerker dmg its still not terrible but the snare is good… and boon removal/ might stacking But the staff would be the main weapon for its survivability.

this is my first attempt at a mesmer build and I have limited experience in spvp with one so this is purely theoretical.. I just love this class so much.