Showing Posts For mike.3592:

What is Overpowered? Insta-Weapon Swap

in Thief

Posted by: mike.3592


Quick pockets gains 3 ini on weapon swap and the cool down I guess would be the weapon swap cooldown.

Turret Engis

in PvP

Posted by: mike.3592


No becuause they are to involved with making an expansion to please investors then fixing things that would please the consumer.

Idea for pets ( yes another one)

in Ranger

Posted by: mike.3592


I would love to be able to command my bird to give me swiftness instead of it waisting time doing it before it attacks!

Idea for pets ( yes another one)

in Ranger

Posted by: mike.3592


Probably already been put out into the fourum-o-sphere but here goes!

Using wolf as an example
F1- attack my target
F1 again return to master
F2- terrifying howl
F3- brutal charge
F4- crippling leap

I think this would give a little more control over te pets abilities plus it would be cool.

Bring back solo

in PvP

Posted by: mike.3592


Please please please please please please!

Any melee builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: mike.3592


Yea I was trying a pure melee build last night
It was a bit rough lol.
I am going to try something melee with condis thank you!

Any melee builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: mike.3592


I’m a casual player and usually just play pvp and im just looking for something new in the melee variety! Anybody have any suggestions?

So em... sword pistol is still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: mike.3592


I play pvp casually so idk if I’m the best to answer this but I love s/p and use this build I just think it’s realy fun!

can we please get a dev in here?

in Thief

Posted by: mike.3592


I literally stood up and clapped when I read this.