Showing Posts For mille.9867:

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mille.9867


Guys remember that YOU can’t define what is art or what it isn’t.
Art is something that belong to a system that decides what art is… by itself.
Art critics and artist decide what is art.
Art is not something of the masses.

So, if somewhere and sometimes in the future, some art critics will start to define a videogame as art… then that videogame will be art.

Looking for a DPS Hammer build

in Guardian

Posted by: mille.9867


i currently use a 0/0/30/30/10 build mainly for consecrations/support in PVE/WvW.
As weapons use staff (and hammer for CC), and PVT and healing power as armor.

I want to change and i was looking for a build to maximize the use of hammer.
There’s something viable to see real high numbers and have a good protection?

I will use it for PVE and then WvW.

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: mille.9867


I run following build – and it works well:
10 explosives – burning on crit
30 firearms – vulnerability on crit, swiftness on crit, juggernaut
30 alchemy – elixir recharge, regen with kit, 15% flamethrower damage
works ONLY with both Omnomberry Pie and Master Maintenance Oil

Take everything precision, power, tougness (and put precision-power-tougness orbs in)
If you are good with multitasking and situation analysis, take rifle with sigil of presicion
If you are bad, just take dual pistol or pistol/shield and pul sigil of precision main hand and Sigil of Perception offhand (you should have about 75% crit chance now)

As skills – elixir h, elixir b (= +20% crit chance), elixir c, flamethrower, supply drop

In game, take flamethrower and spam 1 – that thing has like 5 attacks per sec and all of them should be crits – and you drain 300 life on crit (Omnomberry pie), apply burning on crit, apply vulnerability on crit, apply bleeding of crit (minor Firearms trait) and you get swiftness on crit.
+ : works great on thieves, they dont like too many conditions (you get condition damage from juggernaut stacks of might) + skill 1 on flamethrower damages them even in their whirling dagger elite
+: works through gates too – burn those rammers while you are safe = can be used instead of arrow cart
-: you are extremely vulnerable against crowd control skills, you have to count on dodging them (or maybe take some stun breaker instead of elixir c)
-: your ability to run from fight is bad (outside fight, you are slow), I usally stay and fight even in 1v20 and die horribly (and suprisingly slowly)

I have this build for 3 days, so its not optimized yet, but I managed to win many 1v2 with this so far (more enemies = more crits = more life for me), so flamethrower is viable option for engeneer.

I use the same build but instead i have 20 in alchemy (without backpack regenerator) and 10 in tools (for speedy kits). Sigil of precision on rifle. Elixir s and tool kit for utilities.
You can run back from fight better when you have elixir S, the belt skill of elixir S, skill 2 and 4 of tool kits and skill 4-5 of medipack.

(edited by mille.9867)

Engies in WvW..Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: mille.9867


On my engi i use a FT build with permanent speed and permanent vigor (berserker armor and runes of the pack). Is nice in big fights to hit and create havoc in enemy lines then retreat fast. I know the FT is underpowered in comparison of rifle but is very fun, and have a lot of psychological effect on enemies.

I use a pistol/shield build too (soldier armor and runes) that is best in static fights.

The mandatory trait in WvW is speedy kits, and elixir s and tool kit for utilities

I use a consecrations/support guardian and a shatter mesmer too, and i think the coolest and funniest profession still the engineer!

PS – post other builds i need new ideas

Arah - Path 4 (Dwayna)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mille.9867


We just finished path 4 and i think was one of the most horrible experience i’ve ever had in games.
All the dungeon is easy but the priest of dwayna is hard as hell.
Is hard not because the mechanics but simply cause it’s bad implemented.
The spark’s aggro and how they insert in slots dont work as intended, and is just matter of luck instead of ability.
So you need a group with big DPS (so people need to spec and equip for it) and alot of luck: cause if you loose just 1 second to insert the spark you must restart and try again.

If someone was wandering about my group we was 2 warriors, 1 mesmer, 1 engineer and 1 guardian all in Berserk gear and specced as damaged.
So the problem i repeat, is not only to have high dps

I never had problems with other boss fights in this game, and i find fight like lupicus and subject alpha challenging and fun, cause you use your skill to end the encounter.
Priest of dwayna is just frustrating and depend about your random dose of luck.

So arenanet, if you are planning to create other dungeons in future, create something challenging and FUN… not something that not depend on player’s ability.


Current Topic Poll: Mid-Jan. 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mille.9867


1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) No
9) Yes
10) No Opinion
11) Yes
12) No

Help with Runes/sigil for WvW FT Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mille.9867


Really no hint?

Help with Runes/sigil for WvW FT Build

in Engineer

Posted by: mille.9867


Hello im using this build in WvW with berserker gear ATM

I’m looking for sigils and runes to use, but i can’t decide.
Any suggestion?
Im thinking about sigil of earth but i dont’know if it stacks with sharpshooter trait.
About runes… dont know really so i need some ideas thanks
With Flamethrower equipped i have

Power 1891
Precision 1736
Toughness 1116
Vitality 1116
Attack 2860
Critical chance 43
Critical damage 57
Armor 2180
Health 17082

PS – If someone have hints for build and stats too it’ll be nice thanks

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mille.9867


3 Easy improvements for WvW?

- Badges of honor as currencies like karma (no need to loot them when killing an opponent)
- Yellow mobs around map
- Give Rewards and badges of honor on defending Dolyaks event

But i think need something more than easy improvement.
There’s a lot to add and improve in WvW, please Arenanet stop improve PVE and focus on WvW.

People kicking you from FoTM at the maw...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mille.9867


Happened to me once.
I was in a group at maw and someone voted to kick another player near the end
(i dont know why… was a solid group and we were doing fine).
And kicking at end is sure from someone really *********
I was starting to type in chat to not kick but was already too late.
Someone accepted the kick and guess what? the guy kicked was the party leader.
We found ourselves at lions’ arch
more than 1 hour wasted

Since that i didnt run fractals anymore.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: mille.9867


I would like:

Javelin (primary hand)
1- three hit chain very slow (like hammer) 1200 range and with third hit removing 1 condition from allies in area near target
2- 10 sec CD burning hit (2 sec) 1200 range
3- 20 sec CD knockdown 600 range

I think it would fit good on guardian, especially with a shield in offhand.
I loved the paragon class in first GW.

And an halberd as 2h melee would be cool.

PS – Im not complaining about the lack of ranged weapons for guardians.

(edited by mille.9867)

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: mille.9867


Yes probabily im wrong about this statement but seems that alot of people want a LFG tool.
Is not a real problem for me, cause i usually find people to play with. is a good idea and i already used it, but is not implemented inside the game client.
So if people really need i’ve come up with this idea that (imho) is more pratical with direct communication.
I already did 4 guild: if people is interested will join…
If people is interested in other systems no problem: i was just trying to make something to help.

Dungeon Society: an idea for a LFG tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: mille.9867


i’ve come up with an idea to create an internal tool to find party for dungeons.
We have a cross-server guild system with a guild chat that is cross-server and cross-zone.
Starting from this i created a couple of guild to test this thing.

The guilds are:
Ascalonian Catacombs Society [AC]
Caudecus Manor Society [CM]
Sorrow Embrace Society [SE]
Honor of The Waves Society [HoTW]

Everyone interested in one of theese dungeon can join.
The system is simple
Are you looking to do an AC run? Rappresent AC guild.
Then you can use the chat and see who is rappresenting to start a party.
When your party is set you can go back rappresent your own guild.

Arenanet always stated that a dungeon finder tool ruins the community.
I think with a system like this nothing of that will happen.
It create a single community for every dungeon when people can meet, organize parties and discuss.

I’ve just started this so i need people to join and start using it.
The more people will start using it the more it’ll be functional.
Just mail me and i’ll be happy to add you.
Just specify the name to add and the dungeon so i can invite.
If the system works we can have a society for every dungeon (unfortunately i’ve reached the maximum limit)

Sorry for my poor english

Jorunnr Maelstrom