Crystal Desert
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Crystal Desert
To the SBI Guardian from EA yesterday at Greenwater (CD BL), good set of skills you got there, (or lack of skills in my part), able to survive and kill me.
Twice, no less =P.
But on the flipside, got my goal of not letting you cap it though
Crystal Desert
I am disappointed a bit to be honest… where’s all the forum drama, the trolling, the “omg you win by numbers” stuff?
Oh wait, is it because we are actually having FUN inside the WvWvW, instead of sniping at each other at the forums? I think it is!!! Good stuff, this one…
Anyways, I believe SBI and CD have good SEA coverage, with CD stronger of the two. YB have better NA coverage. Think we CD can flip the scores on it’s head though, but need a lot of work.
PS: Question to the Benders (or YB’er), what is the meaning of a /bow after you killed me by the way? I was thinking of adapting it, and have done it a couple of times, but I don’t believe I grasp the meaning of it.
Crystal Desert
Well, I do actually wonder if all the niceties and sportsmanship will be present if the scores had been closer, and the match had been tighter?
Have to see if YB and SBI going to be nice to us next week I guess?
PS: GL Kaineng
Crystal Desert
Those CD BL guys defending their garrison and Crag tonight, I salute you. Some of the best wvw ever.
/salutes back
it was inevitable, I think (or can we do better I wonder? Dunno really…)
Hey all,
EDMW had a discussion and we decided that Crystal Desert no longer had the PvE and WvW environment that we wanted. After much difficulty in deciding, EDMW has moved to Jade Quarry.
…oh man…
Crystal Desert
Crystal Desert
Why does no one on CD or IOJ ever roam?
. Its impossible to find a 1 or 2-man to fight.
I am a CD’er, and I am also like to roam. But it depends on some factor, where and what for do I roam.
Also, I am a scaredy cat, and not a skilled pvp’er. Usually if it’s a 1v1 situation, I try to run if I don’t have the initiative.
Crystal Desert
wow… holding Bravost and Langor for a long time from both FA and IoJ. Bravost fell at the last, but only after FA fortifiying umber with ballistas and carts, 1 golem and a treb.
Good job, whoever that was on Eternal BG.
Crystal Desert