Showing Posts For mistress.8034:

FB GW2Gamers Group and Guilds (NA/EU)

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


Yay!!! The other one was way to toxic

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Selling skins on the TP issues

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mistress.8034


They are not. And people in my guild are unable to sell their pre cursors. Must be a bug

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Selling skins on the TP issues

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mistress.8034


I bought a bunch of skins at a low cost a few weeks ago, i was waiting till after the update to sell it on the TP and now i dont have a sell option. Anyone else having this issue???

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: mistress.8034


Log out and log back in. My chest was waiting for me.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: mistress.8034


I’m confused on how the ranking worked. We were undefeated in GoM and we thought we would move to silver. a ton of people have their predictions on why this could be, but if anyone can shed some light on this that would be great.

GoM’s glicko rating has it placed at 15/24. You are already in post-season silver but are still against bronze servers this week due to matchup variance.

Yeah its just odd that we are still facing bronze and SF (who came in second) went to face silver leagues.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: mistress.8034


I’m confused on how the ranking worked. We were undefeated in GoM and we thought we would move to silver. a ton of people have their predictions on why this could be, but if anyone can shed some light on this that would be great.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

MegaServer Fix Idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mistress.8034


I think that this is a great idea. I like the idea of an NPC taxi. It would be nice if we could just go to the NPC and he says something like “Would you like to join your guild?” Then we all get teleported to the map of the person how activated the bounty, rush, challenge and/or puzzle. That would solve a world of mess.

However, this still doesn’t solve the issue with other guilds from other servers on this mega server system crashing your guild party. I’ve done guild missions twice and each time there are other guilds that are there trying to do the same mission. So if we are waiting for the rest of our guild to get to the next part of the puzzle let say, another guild will activate the next part and we lose guild members due to being locked out.

The only way I see that being fixed is if puzzle, challenge and rush are converted to an instance instead of being in the open world. Bounty I don’t see working as that’s a whole map but if the others could be instance that would solve a ton of issues. Great idea!

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

(edited by mistress.8034)

Guild Mission issues with Megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mistress.8034


I think its apparent no one likes the mega server. The biggest issue my guild has come across is when we do our missions, rushes, puzzles, and challenge. I’m curious as to how to get past the whole half hour process on taxiing your guild to the same map for each guild event? Anyone have any other ways to get past the mega server dividing the Guild. This game is called Guild Wars, and there inst much guild going on you know lol.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mistress.8034


I know this has been said judging by the crazy number of pages this forum has, but i will voice my concerns as well so Anet can see. I see what they were going for by implementing mega servers. In theory, it can bring together more people and dead servers and give players a chance to do things they couldn’t do in the past.

However, this game is called GUILD Wars. And this Mega server crap has broken the unity of being in a guild. Guild missions, puzzle, challenge and more that used to take 45 minutes, now takes 2-3 times as longer due to the fact that we have spend time taxiing in our whole guild. I’m thankful my guild is all in TS and we can just ask who needs a taxi to get on the right map, but what about the guilds that have players without a mic. its just going to be blowing up guild chat trying to get our guild on the same page. I can see this being stressful for players that want to join their guild on a map.

This idea was worth a try Anet, but this has really made the unity of being in a guild stressful. If we want to help our guild do Map Completion or World Bosses, the biggest challenge shouldn’t be making sure we are all on the same map. It should be the game. This removes players from the game experience and makes me not want to PVE at all.

Please Anet, listen to the players that keep this game going.

~Mistress (GoM)

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

(edited by mistress.8034)

Zombie Apocolypse!

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


Wow, this is awesome indeed. We thought we would have a playful time on the SF server, and im just happy people are as amused as we were doing this. oooh the laughs. They hurt so good. I’m curious to see what they do to us We love you CoSA <3

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Female Norn Cosplay and WvW commander issue

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


Pretty much sounds like you just wanted to show these pictures and used an old topic as an excuse so it won’t be moved to linksville.

my bad. I new to posting on forums and I wasnt sure where to put it.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Female Norn Cosplay and WvW commander issue

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


Amazing cosplay! But please tell us more about how you made it, and how you got these amazing photos as well.

Hello! Yeah it took forever to make. Its made from Worbla (a moldable plastic) Im so happy people like it.

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Female Norn Cosplay and WvW commander issue

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


Awesome job on the cosplay ^^, I agree that commander tags should also require badges of honor, and while it would be great if they were account-bound there are folks who’ve bought several of them for their different characters already – doubt they would be getting refunds. Maybe a “commander discount” where each subsequent tag you buy is 20g off the last tag price? Down to 60g so that it doesn’t get too low; not a perfect solution but hey, it’s a start.

I like this idea!

Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Female Norn Cosplay and WvW commander issue

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


I know these forums are just in game discussion only, so im sorry! Just wanted to say thank you guys for having such an awesome community. I made this cosplay for you all and I hope you like. Full pictures below. I plan on doing COF armor next or maybe ascended. Thanks again guys!

As for the commander thing, Can someone explain to me why the tag is Character bound and not account bound. Its about the skill of the commander, not the character. Also, anyone can buy a tag. It should be sold for gold and badges of honor. Thats my opinion anyways. Im just wondering if anyone heard of them making the tag account bound and other things we can spend badges on in the future




Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]

Norn Tier 3 Cultural Armor Cosplay

in Community Creations

Posted by: mistress.8034


I put a ton of work into my costume. I have given Guild Wars 2 837 hours of my life and I felt it was time to show everyone how much i love this game. My guild was very happy with the results. I couldn’t wait to share this with the GW2 community. Hope you all like it as well. Its made from Worbla and was shot at the Ice Castles in Breckenridge CO


Gate of Madness | Officer Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]