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Hey guys my main is currently a ranger at lvl 42 and I am thinking of trying out a second character. I know there are issues with the class but for me and playing pve and getting used to the game i like the class. I was hoping to play a class that is either melee or light armor. Possibly a class that is easy to play pvp with… I’m not saying a simple face roll class but maybe one that has a bit of livability and mobility. dont know if this next criteria even makes sense but something that has lots of variety with like specs or weapon combos or skill combos whatever just something that is fun to experiment with options.
haha anyways…just lookin for some opinions
I agree with the doom and gloom needing to stop… I still check the ranger forums everyday looking for news on update but I just hit lvl 42 on my ranger which is my highest level character and I feel with my condition spec I do really well in pve….havnt tried pvp really though.
I re-rolled to guardian as well, and it is a really fun class with a lot of options. I’m not a super leet or competitive pvp player so the bugs with the ranger pretty much go by unnoticed for me but still hoping for changes.
It completely bums me out when ppl say just roll a warrior… I really like ranger type classes… It is what it is though.
I like focusing on condition damage and using SB and axe and torch I find it effective in pve
Maybe I haven’t played my ranger long enough but it feels awkward having lets say shortbow and sword/dagger combo and you use all your shortbow skills then switch weapons and now you have to spend time running up to the target and use melee skills. When is a weapon combination like that useful andwhy it feels like you have to use axe and torch or warhorn?
Is there just a ranged build or just a melee build?
I am currently in the same boat my first character I started was a ranger and realizing it needed some work it wasnt really bugging me so I just kept playing. However, I did just start a guardian and wow it really is a fun class especially if you buy a 2h sword right away. My point is if you feel like the ranger needs work and dont want to play a broken class try another class… in my position i went guardian but you can try whatever…
Have fun!
So basically, guild wars 2 is the second mmo I’ ve ever played and the first being…I dont know if you’ve heard of it, world of warcraft. Naturally when i picked the ranger profession I compared it to the hunter in wow as far as damage and playstyle. I found after comparing, you will think that the ranger is broken because the hunter in wow right at lvl one is owning without any skill whatsoever.
What I am trying to get at after reading posts on the state of the ranger is that aside from the bugs and fixes like our pets etc that the ranger class is how it is supposed to be and the damage output is fine, we are just used to other ranged classes in other games.
Also I am lvl 33 ranger and I feel way to committed to roll something else so I will be going to 80.
Thanks guys just a thought I had and one more thing I can find tons of builds for rangers but can someone specifiy in what order to use trait points… for example, first put ten points in skirmishing then 5 points power etc.
When I started out playing my ranger I found it to be simple, however in later levels, (I am now lvl 29) I have come used to swapping weapons and pets and positioning really makes the class exciting. Sure you could stand back and auto attack short bow until a mob dies but once you start using everything at your disposal it really is a fun class.
I am currently using axe/warhorn and short bow…I used to have sword and dagger but it felt weird when short bow skills were cool down to have to swap and run up to a mob. Anyways, I am going to try axe/torch and shortbow tonight