Showing Posts For mojodamm.6854:
So, it seems the main problem seems to be the price. Do you all jump on the forums of other consumer products and rant and rave about the convenience products they produce that you can’t afford also? If you don’t want to purchase it at the price it’s offered at, wait for a sale, or buy the already discounted 5-pack. If you want it but can’t afford it, make it a goal and work towards it.
Seriously though, ANet is going to LOSE money on these slots; no more multiple sets of eternal-thingamajigs being purchased from the market, and I think this convenience item is a great way in deflecting some of that cost. Do I wish it was a little cheaper? Of course; as a consumer I wish EVERYTHING I personally wanted was a little cheaper. But ANet has access to the numbers and we don’t, and there are a lot of people who are looking at this in a simply “what works for ME” mindset. That’s not how consumerism works.
Unfortunately, the voice reminds me of Andy Dick.
Kinda defeats the purpose then, making it account bound already limits it to those who want to use it, not sell it, limiting it so that only certain people could hear it pretty much defeats that entirely, and causes more work for the devs.
But this is good, were throwing around ideas, if we (the community) can come up with a solid one, and by some miracle get it implemented, be even better.
No, I mean leave the current ones as-is (extremely rare, expensive, non-bound, and able to be heard by all, the ‘professional’ version), and make another version where none of those things are true (the ‘amateur’ version). That way players could acquire the amateur version and play with their group, or practice, or just wail away, and nobody will hear it, whereas the professional version would have to be either saved up for, lucked into, or gifted, but it would be the full-featured version, and consequently maintain it’s value beyond the holidays.
I’d wholeheartedly endorse an account-bound version of the unbreakable bell that’s less RNG (and subsequently less expensive) if you could only ‘play’ for your group members. That way, the ‘hardcore’ musicians can save up for the rare bell to play in public concerts or RP events, and the casual or collector can still have one to annoy their friends.
Personally, I believe the fewer players that have the bell the better. Not because of some ‘rare=rare’ issue or anything, I just don’t want to have to run around listening to it constantly. There’s probably a good reason why people are playing Guild Wars and aren’t out touring with their world-famous glockenspiel band.
Yeah, I’ve personally never looted any stuffing/glue, I’m just going by what others have said. I know the drop rate must be insanely low, especially if you don’t defeat the toys that pop out to get those ‘extra’ chances.
Your wrong, they did. This is how they capitalized on Collectors. They specifically designed the system to do exactly this. By design. Thus they forced me to. They understand the drive behind a collector and his game. You do not. There is absolutely ZERO reason for failure rates this high on a Holiday Event Account Bound Item.
If you absolutely can’t control yourself over virtual items during a holiday event in a computer game, perhaps there are deeper issues that you should be addressing.
On topic, the point of the event was to have fun and enjoy your time during the holiday season. I suppose many people have forgotten that and exhibit this same ‘want-it-all!’ behavior IRL as well, more concerned with phat lewts than just enjoying themselves and this time of year.
AFAIK, you can loot the stuffing and glue from giftboxes looted in the wild, but I may be incorrect.
Someday someone has to explain to me how the focus of a game that was originally about slaying monsters in company shifted in a way that items which where meant to be a fun sideline addition got the (life?) deciding factor to so many people.
In small words please, since I just don’t get it.
Because whether that’s the game’s original intent or not, that’s not always the player’s focus.
Hey Tsukasa, your inventory is full.
Heh, at least you knew there was a chest at the end. I did the first two day’s events and didn’t realize until afterward that there was a reward other than the stuff that automatically pops on the screen.
Patch came..
I tried to make my ventari? It took 10 tries and nothing…THEY DID STEALTH NERF IT. It is an exercise in naivety to believe otherwise. I apologize but those are the statistics.
Got my Princess on the 5th try. RNG = RNG.
For example ~ The Winter Endless Tonics should have been placed on the vendors for a significant, yet attainable price and they should be account bound (Rare with longer reuse timer) and then, to keep the ‘other’ players happy, you could have a much rarer tradable version (Exotic with shorter reuse timer and not account bound).
They kinda did. The normal versions can be bought on the TP. They have a reuse timer of ‘whenever you buy another one’. The much rarer versions have a shorter reuse timer of ‘whenever you want.’
Honestly though, other than gating content by skill, time, knowledge, or luck, there’s not a whole lot of other options. Each of the choices has it’s negative repercussions, and a different segment of the player population will complain about it.
And, well, most people are not nice by nature but by necessity. There are a lot of factors that determine our behaviour, but on the internet…there is no fear of consequences…no shame(because you are anonymous)…no real dependence on others(as opposed to a boss or teacher)…no caring(because you don’t know these people). And that makes it the perfect venting place. When your boss screws up, you can’t call him an idiot(no matter how much you want to). But that random guy in GW2?
And yet you want us to group with these people?
How are TP prices adversely affecting your gameplay when you never have to purchase anything from the TP?
Got my unbreakable bell with my first giant present =)
Gratz! Use it to ring in the New Year! (Or sell it before 12/21!) :O
Again read what I said:
I’m not saying this kind of gambling is illegal but parents should actually have look on what this gameshop is about.
Still I think it’s not cool that parents have to worry that a company will take their advantage from the weaknesses of people in that way. Thats all I’m talking about.
Some parents realize it’s their responsibility to know what their children are doing (especially online!), and don’t try to deflect that responsibility onto others. Other parents prefer to blame a company instead. Of course parents should look into the shop; they should look into all aspects of the game. If that was all you were saying then I would’ve agreed; however, you stated that the boxes were still gambling and equated opening Black Lion Chests with underage driving and drinking alcohol, and that I just can’t agree with
But the money part isnt even in the definition so it doesnt matter if its sold for cash…Its gambling and it illegal.
It is not gambling and it’s not illegal, no matter how many times you scream it from the mountaintops. And if you knew anything about the laws behind internet/online gambling, you’d see that the money part is a huge part of the definition.
Is it moral/ethical? That’s for each person to decide. But no matter how vehement you get, no matter how many personal attacks you sling at someone, no matter how badly you want each and every item pulled from the chests and handed out to everyone along with the Devs collective apology, it’s still not going to be gambling, it’s still not going to be illegal, and it’s still going to be a huge source of revenue in the support of a game that we (I assume) love and want success for.
It still is no matter what rhetoric justification you use and it’s using real money here. And like I said I think this kind is not illegal but it’s not really kid-friendly either. And laws to protect young people are there for a reason. In case of gambling among others because younger people are supposed to have not that much control over their wishes and desires.
You can always exchange in-game gold for gems, so the argument that you’re using real money is a smokescreen. The box always returns items, the items have no real-world monetary worth, and the UIGEA and subsequent legislation have specifically failed to make such activities illegal.
Twelve-year-olds are prohibited from receiving credit cards or a Paypal account by contractual law and should not be able to purchase gems online without a parent or guardian’s permission. Twelve-year-olds are not allowed to be employed without a parent or guardian’s permission and therefore don’t have access to the money necessary to purchase a physical ‘gem’ card without third-party (generally parent or guardian) permission.
It sounds like people should be less concerned about what GW2 is doing in the Black Lion Store and more concerned about what the twelve-year-olds are doing there, how they got there, and who’s fault that really is.
Yes yes some people cannot control themselves but we still allow gambling, alcohol, driving cars, spray paint, and sharpie markers.
In my country 12 year old children are not allowed to gamble, drive cars or drink alcohol.^^ And as it happens this game is for people from 12 years on. I’m not saying this kind of gambling is illegal but parents should actually have look on what this gameshop is about.
It’s not gambling. Players get items every single time they open a box. Just because the items aren’t exactly what they want, too bad. People don’t get exotics every time they defeat a mob either, but they go nuts over this particular RNG.
Most who wants the Unbreakable Bell Choir intent to actually use it instead of selling it.
While I have no doubt that there are many players, myself included, who intend to use and cherish the bell, I think someone would have to be deluded if they believe that the majority of players wouldn’t cash in immediately if they pulled one out of a box.
While all casual and semi casual people will have 0 chance at any decent item.
Actually, they have the same random chance with each roll of the RNG as the ‘haves’.
Think less like Veruca Salt and more like Charlie Bucket.
’The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"
- Joshua
If someone decides they just have to have every pet and spends virtual currency to purchase virtual boxes that have virtual items in them, in all fairness they shouldn’t complain that they don’t get what they want.
If someone decides to spend actual currency on virtual boxes that have virtual items in them, their complaints make even less sense because of the decisions that they had to make in and out-of-game.
(edited by mojodamm.6854)
I too noticed that the objectives blared over the loudspeakers in the airship seemed to occur simultaneously instead of concurrently, and I was unable to complete the tasks set before me due to the magnitude of miniaturized mayhem involved.