Showing Posts For motherbox.5493:

That was it? Came back from a 4 month break

in Living World

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Thanks for the responses. Thrashbarg, what did you mean “search for treasure”, and “try to organize maps to hit t3/t4 status” – what does that mean?

Need an engineer tank build!

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Regarding the dungeon thing Rozbuska, I didn’t know that, thanks for the info. Alternatively, I’m getting downed a lot just running through Orr or in dungeon runs as dps so I’m trying to toughen up a little or look for alternative builds as well.

Need an engineer tank build!

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Can you share a link to the build?

Need an engineer tank build!

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Just returned from a break in the game and I am looking for a viable tank build to run dungeons with – anyone have one? Also as a bonus, is there a viable toolkit build for PVE? I love running around with the wrench but it’s not a must.

That was it? Came back from a 4 month break

in Living World

Posted by: motherbox.5493


A buddy and I have been playing GW2 since launch. We left the game a few months back because we couldn’t find any real purpose or anything to do.

We were excited about this new content. We came back, we even bought makeover kits and updated our characters to start anew. We start the story, we’re into it, it seems fun, and then all of the sudden we hit the end of the content after 2 playing sessions!

I don’t get it. I think it’s silly to do that same piece of story over and over to get achievements that have no real reward, so what are you supposed to be doing in Dry Top? Is that it?

Maybe I just don’t get this game. I want to like it so bad and I love the characters and graphics but I think it’s lame to do the same things over and over again for no reason. Does anyone have any advice? Is that all there is to this expansion? What do you guys do when you play?

Living Story Has Killed the Game for me

in Living World

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Not because of too much content, but the lack of content that is not zerging. I want a new dungeon, something that actually requires SOME brains and teamplay to complete.

< This – having “too much content” wasn’t my issue. Too much same thing zerg content that I can’t do alone, and it all happening too fast with not enough explanation and then “poof”, it’s gone forever.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: motherbox.5493


3. It’s nothing but a pointless, unrewarding zergfest.

Living Story Has Killed the Game for me

in Living World

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I’ve been playing GW2 since launch. There was a lot of great things about this game. The graphics, the stories, the non competition for resource nodes, helping get players up that were hurt, respectable fair pvp, etc. There was a lot. Unfortunately once I got to 80, I could never find anything to do. So I leveled another 80, and another. Then the living story stuff started, and it was very cool, new and fun for an MMO – at first.

Fast forward a few updates, and the whole thing has seemed to slip into rapid fire and I can’t keep up – the whole story doesn’t even make sense to me anymore and I’m totally lost. I log in and Lion’s Arch is destroyed, and I’m in the ruins with no direction or explanation, and people are yelling “red, blue” etc. in map chat and I have no idea what is happening.

Furthermore every single expansion has had a pretty cinematic, and then it thrusts you into a zoned area where if you’re not in a zerg you are instantly dead, there is no explanation and everyone has already done everything and has the boss on repeat. There is virtually nothing you can do alone, and everything is one giant zerg after another.

To finish it all off, the kill on Scarlet was totally rushed and didn’t explain anything! Why did she gather the molten alliance, etc.? No one knows. In fac,t no one knows why she did anything at all.

I have to respect Anet for trying to keep us pulled into this game and not getting bored, but for me they killed it for the above reasons – total backfire. I am done with Guild wars 2 for good. At base, if your game has no point or reason to play, you can’t cover that up with poorly designed rapid fire expansions, because so far, they still haven’t given me a reason to play beyond running around in a zerg and collcting the latest “drop” to make yet another set of armor.

Help Me With a Bomb PVE build?

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Ok sounds good, and no offense taken – I see from this response you are saying I should be using a pistol and shield then? I thought rifle for some reason with this build?

Ok sounds good, but I am feeling a little squishy during world events and am going down a lot – any advice?

Don’t take this as an insult, but this is just an issue of inexperience. You just have to get used to being in melee and knowing what attacks to dodge. It’s also just a matter of learning when you have to fight at range (i.e., Fire Shaman phase 2).

To ease the learning curve, it may help you to give yourself some room for error. Run 10 points into Alchemy instead of Tools, giving yourself vigor. Take the tool kit or the shield for their blocks, and add a stunbreaker or two into your build. Use a Sigil of Energy on your off-hand instead of Bloodlust or Force.

Just don’t wear Soldier’s or Knight’s gear. Accept that you’re squishy in Berserker gear and learn to get used to it. If you ever need additional survivability, it should come from your traits or swapping out skills. And as you get more comfortable in Berserker at melee, you’ll learn to rely on them less.

Help Me With a Bomb PVE build?

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Ok sounds good, but I am feeling a little squishy during world events and am going down a lot – any advice?

30/30/0/0/10 or 25/10/0/10/25 full zerk. please don’t go healing bombs for pve. those 300 heals are worthless when things hit you for 10000. and going 30 inventions really gimps your damage. save it for when you go pvp bunker.

Help Me With a Bomb PVE build?

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Ameno, am I going to be able to hurt anything with this build? Can I run around and do solo things in the world? (thanks for the thorough post btw)

Here’s the build that I use that primarily uses bombs, it makes you really, really, really hard to kill and gives you a pretty decent amount of damage:;4Z;09-o5VQFx0;9;49-TT-2;307A18A;16o0;0o0-pLQhpytba-kgVL;1V_-Vq5rar5sas5t5050D-6V;9;9;9;9;9;9;0VB-6n

I’m a huge advocate of Celestial armor, it could be getting a damage decrease nerf in the near future I still thinks it’s worth picking up for all the versatility it offers that really excels with the traits I use in the above build. If you’re not interested in celestial, Soldier’s, Cleric’s will also work with this build.

I like to run 10/0/30/30/0 when using bombs.

I picked up 10 in the Explosives line for two things, 5 points gives you Evasive Powder Keg which grants you a bomb on evade. This gives you that extra bit of damage and healing when leveraged with Elixr Infused Bombs which I’ll mention later. Also, I like to pick up the Elixr R utility which refills endurance so if you’re really in a tight spot for health you’ll have access to those extra dodges for extra damage and healing (and not to mention evades). The adapt trait Forceful Explosives boosts your bombs AOE, ensuring that you’re in range for the heal and your enemies are in range for the damage/conditions. The aoe is actually large enough that you can run in the opposite direction of your enemy while dropping bombs and you’ll still be in range for the heal (unless you have swiftness).

In the inventions line gives you access to several nifty passive traits including a damage modifier based on your healing attribute (could be great if you decide to roll Cleric’s) and a regen + health slot recharge at low health. The first Adept trait is Protective Shield which gives protection when critically hit, yes, mobs do crit from time to time and while this might not be useful in a 1on1 scenario it can mean the difference between life and death when encountering multiple enemies. For PvE roaming I like to pick up Power Shoes, this trait was recently buffed to work both inside and outside of combat for the 20% speed boost. If you like to take it slow, you can swap this one out with Energized Armor if you want a decent power boost based on your toughness (which you’ll have quite a bit of!). Finally Elixir-Infused Bombs grants us a decent heal (~250-300 per bomb with above traits) when your bombs explode. With the ½ second cooldown on bombs + the bombs on evasion this works out to being a pretty significant source of healing. With all the Toughness and Vitality you have access to you rarely have to use your heal skill to keep yourself alive, as your bombs can usually out-heal any damage you’re receiving.

In the Alchemy line our three passive traits grant us an Elixr B when less that 75% health, a passive that converts ANY incoming condition into boons with a very short (15 sec cooldown), and a 1% damage increase for each unique boon you have on you. Since I primarily use Elixrs for utilities it makes sense to pickup the Fast-Acting Elixirs adept trait which gives a 20% c/d on Elixirs, currently there’s a bug that prevents this from working on toolbelt skills but maybe that’ll be fixed one day too. If you’re into the whole immortality thing then Backpack Regenerator is what you’ll want to pickup for your Master trait, it gives a static 175 hp/second in addition to all the other healing you’re getting. If conditions are warring you down you can swap this out with Cleaning Formula 409. You can try Potent Elixirs, I haven’t tested myself but it seems like it could be good for the might stacking. Last, but certainly not least is the Grand-Master trait HGH, this grants Might on Elixir use. You’ll get 2 stacks for each Utility Elixir you drink, and 1 stack for each Toolblet Elixir for both you and your allies. If you have at least 2 Superior Altruism runes you and allies get 3 stacks of Might when you use a heal. This build allows you to easily squander your heal for those extra boons and might stacks due to all the tertiary healing you’re receiving + the high toughness and Vitality. Couple with the Sigil of Battle and all the boon duration you’ll get from the Altruism and Water runes it’s pretty easy to maintain 20+ stacks of might, not to mention all the other boons you’re getting from Elixr R and Elixr H which synergies great with the boon damage passive trait.

If you happen to be soloing a champion/legendary bosses (which can totally be done with this build, seriously go to AC with this build and you’ll be able to solo pwn Lieutenant Kholer and all his mobs no problem) and things start to go south you can Toss an Elixir R for a self-rez.

That's it?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Seems to be a lot of standing around waiting for bosses to begin.

That's it?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Where are they? I haven’t seen them or heard anything about a lair yet.

That's it?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I was looking forward to this event furthering the living story along, but from I can see so far I am not seeing much. Two new bosses, no NPC or cut scenes to further along the whole story or explain the situation etc. I’m kind of surprised. The last bit with the tower and the story that went along and new items etc was exciting and gave me something to do in the game, this just seems like an excuse to stand around for 20 minutes at a time waiting to fight a boss, and then that is it. Boo.

Help Me With a Bomb PVE build?

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


@wondrouswall what runes/sigils? Tips on playstyle?

Help Me With a Bomb PVE build?

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I’m looking for a build that uses bomb kit primarily and isn’t super complicated as I’m just relearning the class. I would like to do a lot of damage and survive in dungeons and be able to run around the world dong events / champions / gathering mats solo. I don’t want to be dependent on a group. I don’t fully understand how engineers work yet, so armor / weapon choice / buffs etc would be appreciated!

Any suggestions? Is bomb a way to go? I hate grenades but love bombs.

Dying too much in world events - zerker gear

in Warrior

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Hey all, so I’m following widely shared advice and keeping mostly zerker armor and stats. My problem is that almost every time I run into world events (Jormag, etc.) I’m getting downed constantly. I’ve asked about running knight’s gear as an alternative, but most people tell me to stick with zerkers when it comes to a warrior, so I’m a little confused. How can I stay alive better in these fights?

GW2 Keeps crashing & restarting my computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Here’s the thing – nothing else runs badly or crashes on my computer but GW2. In fact GW2 doesn’t crash when I’m doing worthless stuff, but when I go into a dungeon or something that is taxing, it’s shutting down. It feels like it’s something simple to do with the game and not my entire computer system don’t you think?

GW2 Keeps crashing & restarting my computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: motherbox.5493


looks like file corruption. What are your system specs?

Windows 7 Ultimate
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 840 ZProcessor 3.20 GHz
installed Memory: 4.00 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630

Reinstalling Windows is almost a non option, as all of my graphic design programs / etc. are loaded on and I no longer have the disks to reinstall them.

Is this the onyl way to fix it?

GW2 Keeps crashing & restarting my computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Here is a crash report I received just now (attached)


GW2 Keeps crashing & restarting my computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: motherbox.5493


During gameplay (usually in a dungeon or a world event boss fight), something happens and my whole system shuts down and restarts, then takes me to the black screen where you have to hit exit/etc. to get the computer to boot up. What is going on and what can I do to fix this?

I performed the command /scannow and found these results:
“Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them”

What do I do now?

Reasons you did not choose a Charr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: motherbox.5493


1. The females don’t look any different than the males. While a cool concept at base, I hate making a female Charr and then finding it impossible to distinguish myself as female in any real way.

2. The armor skins look ridiculous and horrible on Charr. Make a level 1 female Charr mesmer and prepare to vomit.

Looking for viable SPVP builds

in Engineer

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I could use some suggestions on some SPVP engineer builds. I have only been pvping for about three weeks, and don’t fully understand all the mechanics yet so putting something together myself is going to be a fail. I’m looking for something well rounded that I can just have some fun with. Any suggestions?

I want to keep playing- but lost at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I’ve gotten three toons to 80. I get to 80, and am completely at a loss as to what to do. SPVP seems pointless to me, or at least nothing seems appealing or rewarding about doing it. WPVP seems equally pointless – a few resources go back and forth, but for the most part it all stays the same and there are no real rewards that I can see.

What does everyone else do at 80? What is the point of these “fractals”? Why do you even need better gear? For the look of it alone?

Any help is appreciated.

New Transmutation Stone.

in Suggestions

Posted by: motherbox.5493


Expensive to make new armor skins? Uh- deal with it? Every other game figures out how to incorporate a ton of armor skins and customization options right now- to stay competitive as a business, GW2 should was well. That is one of my biggest complaints about this game is the lack of armor looks and customization.

I'm lost. Is there a guide to this event somewhere?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: motherbox.5493


I want to partake, but I can’t seem to get started or figure out what you get by participating, etc. or where to start. Any help is appreciated.