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[BG] Presence [Awe] R> SEA TZ

in Looking for...

Posted by: muekung.2518


necroing this thread

20th December 2013 JQ/SOR/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


If we gonna move to Gw2guru.

wtb MikeSr back :<

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Only 30 ? Pryan must be dissapointed :<

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Suddenly, Emperor BirdSong appear.

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Hi all

I’ve played OCX/SEA.

All 3 servers bring the 40-60 mans at those times.

All 3 have 10-20 mans guild untagged.

All have great 5-10mans.

And sometimes each group type meets the wrong group.

It’s a part of T1 wvw meta. Nothing we say or do will change it.


fannywong, join your fellow countrymen and join JQ

Lol asking commanders to join your server? not only a commander, but a community leader who is in the process of rebuilding the server. I didn’t think you could stoop any lower after going into recruitment threads and trolling. Fannwong, don’t even bother replying next time to the obvious troll.

Joke mate. She and I are both from Singapore.

She !??

My whole life is a big kitteny lie !

PS And I thought forum post shouldn’t be take seriously ? hmmm.

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


He should create new account by the name ’’Slowpoke’’


just make sure its 3 or less. or its that guilds raid. TISK TISK

Or dont use minion master build. Some people will mistake it as a blob.

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


I demand a karma train.

lol, no

pls tarkus pls, i beg you to host one for us (^.~)

Grumpy Tarkus leading karma train ?

Brb xfering to BG

I’ll lead it with him. Tarkus and Pryan togeder for karma trains.

Need more Omegas and stuff

(edited by muekung.2518)

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


He finally did that huh.

12/13/13 BG/JQ/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


dat patch timing, troll level 100

Hey now ! I got pass the queue because of that !

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


You suppose to say ‘’Such tear, Much delicious.’’ Song………

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


There was also the SoR Ele (Bronze Colonel in [XPK]) that kept “bugging” into that tower multiple times before that. No biggie, really, but it reflects poorly on a server and/or its guild(s).

Yep, It was me.

I was using FGS to damage the gate as fast as possible but I ’’bugging’’ inside tower. And I immediately jump out after that, I neither try to kill BG nor siege inside that tower.

Now i tell my side of story, Can you provide your proof pls ?

Edit #1 wait wut, That happen before or after T3 Sunnyhill fight ?

(edited by muekung.2518)

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013 v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Dropbear vs Hobbit. Fight !

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Anyone selling Bread Flavored Popcorn ?

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Inb4 GvG MERC vs Van-MERC

Awwww yisss.

SoR ~ JQ ~ BG 12/06/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


I find his lack of bread disturbing.

BG ~ JQ ~ SoR Week 7 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Kiltor, Can i haz vid pls ?

BG ~ JQ ~ SoR Week 7 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Those bread jokes are kinda getting old though…

It’s simple, We kill Cuddlestrike.

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518




SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


TC #1 underwater combat server NA

But… But… [Agg] isn’t on TC… ???

But I thought TSYM was the best underwater guild NA?

Inb4 Agg vs TSYM underwater GvG

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518



For weeks, while you were starting to command, a lot of SOR commanders gave you sound advice and tried to guide you including me. Kindly refrain from doing this, it does not speak well of your character.

Moving to JQ is one thing, throwing mud at your old server mates is another.


let me guess the advice you guys gave them was how to command.
isnt that slap in the face in the first place.

He’s back.

Moar PVT pls stealthzy

Why is JQ and SoR playing dead?

in WvW

Posted by: muekung.2518


1 Map queue in SEA time ?


11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


C’mon, now.


Dont you get it ? It’s time to bow down to our new BG overlords !

PS Good to see Kumasensei demonstrate his salesman skill again.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


I’m late in the party…………..

Everyone have EP vs Choo GvG vid ?

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


9001g ofc !

ps Ty for the awesome long duel [OnS] mesmer on BG BL, I wish i have more dps

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Yeah, I think Anet did something abour rare/exotic drop after leauge start.

Heh, Maybe it’s because of new MF system ?

Oh yes, EU is pretty balance overall right now in term of number.
But are you saying that the guild that starting at our 23.00 should be consider as SEA ? (or midnight for GMT +8 folk)

well to me most of the SEA guild we have start at 21.00, so 23.00 should be near SEA than EU which start on 2am. (GMT+7) But as said they’re more the bridging gap of the two timezone.

Point taken.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


You failed to read my final paragraph. Its not a criticism, it is a request.

I am not referring to your final paragraph.
Yes, we are currently experiencing population imbalances. That has nothing to with the “facts” you have stated about how SoR treats or does not treat it’s guilds. If you would like to fact check, you are welcome to temporarily move your guild/yourself to our server.
I though we weren’t meant to judge guilds/servers based on the opinions of the few. If that were the case, I’m sure I could find some disgruntled Blackgate members whose posts I could use to defame your server. But I don’t. I am hoping that since we’ve started to reduce the trolling from our end, we can move on from these petty, pointless arguments.

Also your server dont care jackkitten as well when things were getting balanced and you recruited IRON & AFTL to kitten us during EU. You even knew yourself that HB/RK aint playing everyday with 10pax each while IRON play almost everyday with 40pax plus with AFTL another 20pax+. The SoR EU domination last for months until we’re getting help from COIN or our NA decided to overtime significantly to cover it up. Now when we have something for them to do, you guys whine up.

Better, sux it up, stop QQ and go ingame to help your server WvW instead. This was what those SoR trolls posted when some of us whined about IRON months back as well lolol.


You’re saying that Coin isnt enough to balance out the EU primetime ?

You made fellow thailand player day, Mr. Nirvii

[ZDs] isnt EU prime, they’re Russian timezone. They’re more SEA as they finished their usual raid just 1-1.5 hour off from SEA timezone right before EU prime start form up. Yes you may argue now we get [ZDs] making our SEA supreme toward SoR, i wont denied that but our SEA is nowhere near JQ when they get MERC from us as well as we’re losing SUPR too. Our world dont revolve around SoR by the way, we still have to account JQ. Getting [ZDs] is justified in my view to strengthening our SEA and bridge to timezone gap. Right after the point where MERC and SUPR left, our SEA barely able to queue 2 maps thus there is a need to fill our SEA. But for EU is already solid with COIN/HB/RK facing IRON/AFTL/WIP (and may be BULL in the future? stop pretending you dont know this).

What happened right now is because your people stop fighting and because we get T3 handed to EU timezone making your job ton harder to progress. The queue on our SEA is getting worse because your ppl stop playing fully thus actions are only packed in 2 maps rather than the usual 4 map front. Get a grip, stop whine, and go play the game.

Oh yes, EU is pretty balance overall right now in term of number.

But are you saying that the guild that starting at our 23.00 should be consider as SEA ? (or midnight for GMT +8 folk)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


You failed to read my final paragraph. Its not a criticism, it is a request.

I am not referring to your final paragraph.
Yes, we are currently experiencing population imbalances. That has nothing to with the “facts” you have stated about how SoR treats or does not treat it’s guilds. If you would like to fact check, you are welcome to temporarily move your guild/yourself to our server.
I though we weren’t meant to judge guilds/servers based on the opinions of the few. If that were the case, I’m sure I could find some disgruntled Blackgate members whose posts I could use to defame your server. But I don’t. I am hoping that since we’ve started to reduce the trolling from our end, we can move on from these petty, pointless arguments.

Also your server dont care jackkitten as well when things were getting balanced and you recruited IRON & AFTL to kitten us during EU. You even knew yourself that HB/RK aint playing everyday with 10pax each while IRON play almost everyday with 40pax plus with AFTL another 20pax+. The SoR EU domination last for months until we’re getting help from COIN or our NA decided to overtime significantly to cover it up. Now when we have something for them to do, you guys whine up.

Better, sux it up, stop QQ and go ingame to help your server WvW instead. This was what those SoR trolls posted when some of us whined about IRON months back as well lolol.


You’re saying that Coin isnt enough to balance out the EU primetime ?

You made fellow thailand player day, Mr. Nirvii

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Needs more fierce snuggles!

pounces and snuggles them all fiercely

In conclusion,


No Cuddle, this thread need Stealthzy

10/11 SoR/SBI/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


But… but……. I like dropbear posts !

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


BG just gain another 30 man oceanic guild huh.

This week gonna be interesting

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518



Sound scary !

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Thanks for the fun in Bay XPK as always a pleasure to come across you guys out there.
NOC had a blast.

One of my favorite moment was when you guys pushing us at NE bay gate then we drop down the hole and try to AoE you guys form below was hilarious !

PS Noodles change his guild again ? ._.

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Maybe BG should pull thier force back form TC BL…. it’s kinda blue atm :/

Sanctum of Bread/Breadgate/Breadquarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Go to bread, Cuddle

(edited by muekung.2518)

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Darn, That was awesome GvG EP/ONE

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


RNG god trolled the matchup again :/

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Everyone moving to JQ, and will not be able to WvW anymore … that is funny. Let’s see, WvW + MERC + RISE + MEOW who ever the hell other scrubs jump ship … Chuu chuu and his 10 men … all enjoy waiting in queue.

Why go? just to get a golden yak, you never actually contributed for? … ya cool bro, you want a golden cookie too? Maybe a golden shower?

I think its time to pop over to EU where real players play. Watch the hiroshima bomb of US go off. This has been quite the funny week.

RISE xferred down to FA

Meow too.

So calm down.

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Dear JQ,
On behalf of NYS/SONG/SAHP, I am asking for 100k gold, otherwhiles we will join JQ.


You’re playing GTA too much

9/13 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Nope, He gonna be like ‘’ Urghh, My name got mention on the forum again ?’’ and stuff like that

9/13 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Wait ? Pro left JQ ?

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Oh geez SOR, you’re almost as original as FA.

Thanks for the 30 second yak parade TC <3


SoR is just a wannabe server really. They want coverage that BG has, and they want to be like FA in the open field.

They will have neither.

Especially that overrated zerg fest TW.

I’m sorry they killed your yaks

I am sorry for the way my fellow Rallians act. I don’t understand why TW would go out with low level rifle warriors and hunt down your Dolyak parade. I on the other hand, I am a proud member of PETA. I <3 Yaks!

my source from sor tells me ace was the mastermind behind the yak attacks :P

I knew it !

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


oh poor poor parver

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518



Maybe they’re farming champion event ?

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Did anyone record GvG vH vs Rise or vH vs Pro (i might be wrong :/) tonight ?

If yes can you send me a link please ? ty !

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Score Update!

I’m loving my TS channel currently, IT IS SO SUPER INTENSE!

FotM spotted ! :P

(edited by muekung.2518)

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


but ! but ! I wanna see Agg vs RG GvG !

Ah well. Gonna be fun week !

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Clearly SoR’s success has nothing to do with transfers, all core guilds,

HiRe, Tysm, Ocx, AFS, TW, IRON, SAHP etc SBI, Desolation, IoJ, SoS

At the moment regardless of how you flip the coin, SoR has Late EU/NA EST advantage which allows them to push in BG weak zone, full cap things then plant 80mans on the walls, not that hard to do. We did that to JQ back on SoS, wasn’t because JQ SEA wasn’t beastly it was because we could prepare zones for FoO logging in and we knew how to defend them.

Why do you always groan about coverage here? You’re either gloating or you’re having a cry. Never the salutes or anything. Just wah wah wah after wah wah wah. You’re so kitten rude. lol. And you weren’t even a good commander in SoS. lol. Leave all the talking to Tarkus plox.

Not sure about SoS, but MagiKarp is a great commander on BG, actually all the commanders in MERC are top-notch, and it’s a great place to learn from them and other leaders. This is purely my opinion, and my point is to not convince anyone whose mind has already been made up. I just want to make sure 3rd party looking in does not have MagiKarp reputation as a leader sullied.

A wise JQ lad in an earlier post said all commanders from all servers deserve a salute for their sacrifice – he’s right on.


- BG Citizen

I would like to /salute to their sacrifice. I was personally there when they sacrificed their tier 3 garrison in BGBL ……….

- SOR citizen

Troll be trolling.

Mistakes are made, also, this is just a game.

Enjoy the trolling. I’ve had enough for now

goes to bread



6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


No Cuddle, You must suffer !

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Mission accomplished !

PS That screenshot is like 2-4 months old, It was the time that JQ is #1 or something

Ahhh. I have been looking for you~~~ Never figured out if you are TW or Choo?



Niether actually. Zet is more of a solo guy.

well… I’m in 3 SoR guilds, 1 BG guild

kitten me right !

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: muekung.2518


Mission accomplished !

PS That screenshot is like 2-4 months old, It was the time that JQ is #1 or something