Showing Posts For mukage.5970:
I disagree about there actually being good armors in the game lol. ANet is just now allowing us to grind for decent armor. There are only 3 styles of ascended armor when there should be way more especially if you are grinding to craft it (same as those weak kitten ascended weapon skins that only vary by color per stat set).. The gem store has SOME decent armor sets but I think there could be A LOT more variety in the game as far as armor goes
sweet, thanks for all the feedback. I was avoiding artificer for some reason, i knew you could refine luck there just wanted to know if there was another way and I got my answer! but hey Anet, if you’re watching, maybe consider adding that QoL feature for us?
is there a trick or an option to enable “use all” on a stack? I think that would be nifty.. it gets kind of tiring using a bunch of luck, there should be a use all option if there isn’t one already. I think this could also be handy for opening bags (maybe the option opens all the bags it can until we get encumbered)
me: “I’m not saying make it easy..”
everyone else: “what are you saying, making it easy?! that would crash the system!!”
-Cyninja…. yeah, an NPC giving away free ascended gear is the same thing as allowing people to be able to craft BL Keys through a grind process. great example… Slow claps
because there is no such thing as a hard to get item in the game right? lol. there is actually a way ANet can allow players to craft items and still make money…
-it is hilarious how many of you guys are immediately going to the extreme as I am suggesting just hand everyone some keys (which is something that basically WAS happening with the PS Key farm)
time gated would be a great idea, chuck! or they could make a key equate to like 1/5th of a legendary. 50 of each t6 mat, 50ish ectos, etc. that is something that I would definitely consider grinding to craft, even if they only allowed me to craft one a week, which isn’t crazy like it was before but a little something extra for players to make!
I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.
You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.
So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more
When you make a suggestion, you don’t need to convince the players. You need to convince ANet. They are the ones who have all the power. So, yes, your suggestion must benefit ANet in some manner. It could be a happier customers argument, but since we already had unlimited key farming until recently, then that isn’t going to work as they’ve already considered and rejected that reason. So, how does your suggestion benefit ANet?
no when you make a suggestion you don’t need to convince anyone. it’s just an idea. like i said 3 times now…an idea gets the ball rolling and maybe with player exchange of ideas/suggestions by the end of the thread there could be something worth implementing.
I don’t like it, but I guess I don’t really have anything against the people themselves (unless they’re abusive/exploiting jerks).
I really dislike it because it shows a very serious problem with the game, and it’s being brushed over. This is a game, it’s supposed to be fun to play. If you’ll pay someone else to avoid having to play it, then there is something VERY wrong going on. The devs need to look at the areas where this happens, and make changes to address the real problem. Yes, that would put most dungeon sellers out of business, but that’s not a bad thing if everyone’s having more fun.
What would I change?
- Make solo versions of all story paths, so solo players can get the story and independently unlock the PvP reward tracks.
- Implement better drops for the “trash” or frequently skipped encounters in the explorable paths, so there’s good reason to take them on.
- Add in a difficulty adjuster for the explorable tracks. The simplest would be adjusting the player’s level downwards while leaving the dungeon itself at the same level. A timer (with several choices) and maybe a “maximum deaths” counter would be good, too. There should be some bonus (but not exclusive) rewards for beating the timer/counter as well as surviving with lowered levels.
- Give WvW players the option to buy the PvP reward track potions with WvW currency. (Easiest way I can see to give them access to the dungeon rewards, unlocked the same way PvP players do it.)
- If the player has cleared a story mode, let them exchange Laurels for the tokens from that dungeon.
I like all these ideas. have a +1
you cant do away with the dungeon sellers unless you threaten to ban people for offering the service. but as it has been said, guild sellers would not be around if it there wasnt a market for it. and ok you are complaining about people not working to get things in the game? so should we ban all the whales who are decked in legendaries because they bought gems with cash. So where do you draw the line? how do you gauge what is right and what isn’t? you can’t expect to force people to have fun with the game in the way that you do. I myself would never pay for a dungeon and I don’t see why people would, but saying that it shouldn’t be allowed in the game is folly. When you have a mass market game like GW2 you will attract ALL segments of the gaming population. That is the way of the world.
I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.
You are allowed to get 4 free keys a month. What benefit is it to them to allow you to get more than that? You need to explain that part.
So everything about the game is supposed to benefit ANet and not the player base? and not necessarily free since each character slot is valued around 800 gems or $10.. again, I’m not really complaining, the basis of my post was to generate ideas to modify/add to the current BL key system. Obviously they had issues with it if they had to nerf the PS key grind, just providing ideas for a medium between letting us have our free keys and allowing us to grind for more
Then your choices are
1. Wait for them to drop
2. Buy them with gems.
obviously I’m not talking about current choices, but future potential ones. but thanks for the input
I suggest going to HotM if you want to change your dyes, it’s perma-night there so you can see the glow effects better on your character
I have a Sylvari Ranger as well. I have a couple T3 pieces of cultural armor and they DEFINITELY glow lol.
you shouldnt tell many people what you do specifically to earn gold because chances are it draw attention eventually and get nerfed.
Yep, I told ppl to play the game and have fun and that got nerfed.
Do dailies, spend the Laurels on T6 bags, wander around different maps harvesting, mining…hold materials until they hit your price.
yeah because that’s what I said, lol. that was quite the reach you made there. hopefully someone laughs at your joke to make it worthwhile
I’m not interested in creating/deleting a character every week.
lmao love this thread! most of these made me gag and definitely brought back a few “wtf” memories from my time in Tyria!
I love the holiday type events! really excited… also Anet…you need to do a cultural event involving Elona. get on that.
I feel like that is counter intuitive… it wouldn’t make sense to retroactively add that into the game when most players already have stacks upon stacks of karma (I have nearly 1 mil) that they don’t know what to do with. throwing in that added currency would seem to be more constrictive to spending when what we need is more liberal spending and better things to spend our karma on.. more unique karma vendor weapon and armor skins would be ideal though, i agree on that point!
I feel like we should be able to salvage enough lockpicks to use towards crafting BL Keys, maybe even make it part of an ascended crafting under a certain discipline? I’m not saying make it easy, just make it more accessible. but then again, I’m sure ANet makes quite a bit of profit from gem purchases. just throwing an idea out there!
you shouldnt tell many people what you do specifically to earn gold because chances are it will draw attention eventually and get nerfed.
shrugs I don’t really care. I see the adverts but it isn’t such an overwhelming amount that it would bother me. but hey if they are doing the work and people are willing to pay to not do the work then why fault them?
I want to get an all black or predominantly black guild going. It does seem pretty tough to find each other in online gaming, I know we are out there!