Showing Posts For murdergore.8139:

Are T1/T2 servers forever permalocked now?

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I left WVW for over 6 months, I was on SOS I came back with the hopes times have changed in the last 6 months, I was proven wrong they are much much worse, I played the past weekend and was on SOS BL we would clear the BL and half hour later YB would come through and paper everything, There were probably no more then 25 people on in SOS, I saw no evidence of the big Guilds that had been present when I left. After the weekend the week nights we not so different not many people on and if we managed to upgrade it would be gone in massive YB ktrain. I gave up and transferred down to a lower server much more competative but still evidence of the almighty Ktrain to demolish the opposing servers. I will stick with it since it was so cheap to transfer down. I don’t miss the constant YB blobs everywhere. At least on this server we had some upgraded towers and keeps ..which were sadly lacking on SOS…not sure yet if i will get expansion or not…hard to keep positive in WVW after playing it so long watch it become a big pile of poop

[PC] Game crashes when launched.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I have had this problem today as well I launched game client and crashes right away and I get a crash dump which i submitted. My crash is very similiar to Earej’s above I have taken all trouble shooting steps such as using the game client repair option, deleted DAT files and even tried re-installing the game still same thing. I am pretty sure alot of people are getting this because the response from submitting ticket was they were getting an abnomally large amount of support tickets.

Game Client crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I played last night until 10 pm worked all day launched game and the client crashes.

Trouble shooting steps so far.

I made a short cut of the game client and renamed it in properties with -repair.
Game client crashed again after the repair.
Deleted the dat files in the game folder
Game client re-builds and the client crashes
Uninstalled the game and installed game client . This also stops and then crashes.

I am submitting ticket now

Game Client crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I was able to log in last night after the issue with getting stuck at initializing was fixed. However today when I launch my game client it crashes immediately and I can send a error report from the crash. Any one else having this issue? I have been only able to play once this week


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I am again getting same issue as yesterday looks like it tried to load the new update and now stuck again at initializing. I even opened a support ticket yesterday when none of the posting mentioning putting -stream client and the other ascentsrv thing after the short cut in properties. . No word from ante on the ticket except they got. So here I am day two unable to play the game….nice customer service.

connection errors detected

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I have the same problem been stuck at initializing for a good hour then i get connection error detected I have posted on three different post none of the fixes posted are working. another fine buggy release by our friends at anet

Gw2 setup freeze/crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I tried the – streaming client and the “assetsrv” after my gw2.exe. It still hangs at initializing and I get another message connection error detected retrying but nothing else happens. I played fine last night. What Gives Anet you release a bucket full of buggy software

Connection Problem Resolved

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I tried solution in forum it did not work I get connection error retrying, I played fine last night up to 10 pm cst. Can’t GW release a new build without it breaking everything

Community Standards - Mass Server Transfers

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


It is a well known fact that other servers buy other servers guilds. On the server I am on now they are currently funding a war chest to fund such guild moves. On our TS council meeting each week we have guilds stating they will leave our server if we stay in our current rank because they are looking for fights and it’s boring on our server now in T3 since we dominate each week. There is nothing your server can do if one of your current fight or GVG guilds wants to move. In order to remain competitive with the hope of going back to T2 you have to buy other guilds or you loose your current population. This pride of your server is no longer a factor. Coverage is the overall defining theme.

11/1 SBI/IoJ/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I hope SBI is happy tonight for scamming the arrow cart at Longview on YBBL I took plenty of screen shots an reported anyone that was on an arrow cart outside the tower I hope anets swift sword of justice bans you all

Whats up with siege being available on TP

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


You can now get siege cheaper on TP then in WVW siege master there are servers now with full armies of gollums. It makes wvw unplayable at best especially of you are on a lower tier server. Why in the heck did ANET think that is a good idea!!! I played WVW everyday no anet has totally sucked the fun of that unless you are in the top tiers your towers and keeps will be forever farmed. You can’t keep anything upgraded .Next it will be the zergs of gollums vs gollums is the way to go? Are purposely driving people away from WVW, Get a clue fix it. That is all

Dedicated WVW Player looking to move

in Looking for...

Posted by: murdergore.8139


Thank you all for replying, I guess I should have stated that I like both large scale and small scale battles. I think defense is as important as offense, I contribute as a scout and roamer and use my hard earned gold to provide upgrades and upgraded siege. I am a quick learner and able to follow a commander to where I am needed most. I can effectively provide support as well a good offense and siege coverage I am looking for tiers in the the top 10. I am on every night and will not back down from a good fight. Besides my Ele whom I play the most I also have a fully geared Warrior and Ranger. I am looking to move by end of week . Thanks again for reading and providing good feed back

Ember Stormm Ele

Dedicated WVW Player looking to move

in Looking for...

Posted by: murdergore.8139


Hello all I am personally looking to move to another server I am currently on Anvil Rock anyone who knows we on AR are going through some tough times. I have stuck around through two previous re-organizations of our server but I am looking for more. I play mostly WVW and the guild I am with is quite large but not a dedicated WVW guild. There are some WVW dedicated players from our guild who are on the search for a server to go too. I can’t speak for the rest of them but I thought I would put the feelers out there to see what servers would fit our needs if the decision is reached to move . We would all like to go to the same server with good NA coverage as most of us are in NA. Although I can’t promise they would all go. I am ready to move with or without them. Give me some good feed back. You will get a very dedicated WVW player with tons of experience, Thank You for your time

Ember Stormm 80 Ele

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: murdergore.8139


This is just my two cents on this whole alliance between BP and AR as a Fellow AR person I think it was a horrible Idea, commanders in AR saying don’t fight BP in Map yesterday while I am seeing BP taking camps and towers in AR BL..I call kitten on that. I don’t post here often, but I follow whom I choose to follow and no commander in AR speaks for me or how I play. I sometimes zerg and sometimes roam its my play Style. Like the rest of this forum I am sick of this match up as well. Now quit your chest thumping and play that is all

Ember Stormm 80 Ele Twin

2/8 AR / BP / NSP

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I play lots of WVW just wanted to share these great videos to give everyone a smile today before the killing starts in full force tonight at reset

These made my day and puts WVW in perspective

ember stormm 80 ele TWIN AR
murdergore 80 warrior TWIN AR

Ele Mist Form on down...

in WvW

Posted by: murdergore.8139


I think the skill is great as a Ele I use it quite it OP nope only good if your near the entrance of close to big group… even if i do use it and cant rez quick enough in the castle/keep and no one is there I die..just means you are a sore loser because you didn’t get your kill. Learn how to play against it instead lets nerf it because I suck.
Just as easy how to learn to counter thieves the earth spells are our friend