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Power Shatter Mes Montage!

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


I want to see you make a video doing what he does against the level of opponents he fights x_X

If i where to post a video, it would be to explain the proper use of shadow trap, those “pro thieves” running that on temple the last proleague completly threw the game, cause they are to dense to realize you can do this:

EDIT I got the spelling of a 5 year old….

What exactly are you tying to show here? All I see are SS of different parts of the map

Passive defenses? His two defenses are blurred frenzy and distort, with 0 cleanse. That’s less defenses than like every other build currently being played.

You must be new here. Mesmer is always OP, even builds with just sword have the most passive and active defenses in the game. Its impossible to even land a hit on mesmer, and if you do they insta heal to full HP every other second anyway. They always land their Moa, which has a duration of about a minute apparently and is an automatic win for the match. Their sustained damage is the highest in the game and their burst has 0 sec cooldown and only needs 1 skill to pull off. Clearly a kittened broke as kitten class. Clearly. /s

Do i detect salt or sarcasm, hard to tell. U dont know if you understand what defines passive.

All sarcasm. I main mesmer and what I wrote is what a lot of people actually think about the class. According to them its always the most dangerous class. It always has the most passive (ie passive procs) and active defenses. Always has the most condi clear. Always has a superior condi burst (even power shatter builds apparently have the most dangerous condi burst in the game….). People complain about the class without even understanding it. Its beyond ridiculous what some people claim.

Im just gonna go with the illusion of Mesmer being a GOD class is just another class mechanic that perma shatters its victims lol

Would this Somewhat Balance Condis?

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


Condi is fine. Condi removal is not fine.

We need more/better options to remove condi and hard CC. HoT added condi-barf (classes can load you with 5-8 conditions instantly) but did not give enough mass condi removal to compensate.

100000000..infinity this ^

It’s not right that on some professions you insta die when getting condi bombed, there is no recovery from condi bombs outside direct cleansing.

Ok I can accept the fact that once caught with your pants down…you should die fine, but given how some condi bombs are too easily accessible ( looking at you skullgrinder-plague signet-boon conversion )….more professions should access to full condi removal..nothing stupidly OP, even something on a 60s CD would be great

If I use my druid/dh/warrior/mesmer/scrapper..kk condis are not faceroll danger, on professions like ele, you’re forced to fire several condi removal ( all of them ) to avoid being killed by the ticking confusion/bleeding/burning…if you move you get double torment dmg, bleeding/poison etc…what else left to do when you get condi bombed with every single condition in this game?

…yeah you wish the profession you’re using had something like Contemplation of purity

How many more and better options do we need? Consequently, should the corresponding equivalent to dps (heals) be increased too so as to remove the immediate and devastating effects of a critical hit? After all, dps and critical hits are altogether too accessible and do far to much damage at once, therefore should be mitigated by additional heals that entirely and always remove its devastating effects – but you can put such a heal on an increased cd for balance. There are way to many power builds present (revs and thieves are particularly pesky and don’t get me started on dh traps they kill my clones/phantasms way to quickly – a post for another time perhaps) and as a condi/shatter Memser I only have 1 heal. Hope a little tongue and cheek will help put some of this into perspective

What you forget is that there are stats such as toughness and vitality that counter power damage…condi doesn’t.

Vitality helps vs condi damage. Power damage is instant so its needs to be mitigated/reduced, condi damage, as much as people HATE to admit it, still happens over time and it can be completely removed/made redundant by resistance.

Both damage types share a few ways of being mitigated but still have their own unique ways way of being mitigated.

Also skullgrinder would be FAR more manageable if ti applied its conditions in a different order. If you have no idea what i mean read up on conditions and their mechanics a bit.

Vitality does not mitigate Condi as if you get away from your condi spammin opponent you will die without condi cleanse wich is the only counter to condi. More health wil not matter because chances are if you get away you will still die. Especially with condi that damage you for moving and using skills.

Thats like saying more hp doesnt help with power damage as it doesnt let you take more hits before you go down. Vitality gives you more time to react/wait for cool downs. More health will matter, besides if you ate a burst from a power build you wouldnt have the luxury of deciding to use a cleanse/ resistance because you would already be dead.

There is no different to eating a load of power damage to the face and dying to eating a load of condition attacks and dying a some time later.

Where your wrong is that if i have high health and get power bombed i can activate defences. However if i get condi bombed then only defence i against condi is Resitance which is scarcley available.
For example: As a mesmer if i get power bombed i can activate distortion which will make me invulnerable to power damage and incoming conditions however I cannot stop condi damage that is already on me. 10/10 i will die due to the short time frime i have to realize its condi and then apply an appropriate cleanse..keeping in mind that it will problably be multi condi on me making it near impossible.

Power Shatter Mes Montage!

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


Passive defenses? His two defenses are blurred frenzy and distort, with 0 cleanse. That’s less defenses than like every other build currently being played.

You must be new here. Mesmer is always OP, even builds with just sword have the most passive and active defenses in the game. Its impossible to even land a hit on mesmer, and if you do they insta heal to full HP every other second anyway. They always land their Moa, which has a duration of about a minute apparently and is an automatic win for the match. Their sustained damage is the highest in the game and their burst has 0 sec cooldown and only needs 1 skill to pull off. Clearly a kittened broke as kitten class. Clearly. /s

Do i detect salt or sarcasm, hard to tell. I dont know if you understand what defines passive.

(edited by nicoxbad.9715)

Would this Somewhat Balance Condis?

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


Condi is fine. Condi removal is not fine.

We need more/better options to remove condi and hard CC. HoT added condi-barf (classes can load you with 5-8 conditions instantly) but did not give enough mass condi removal to compensate.

100000000..infinity this ^

It’s not right that on some professions you insta die when getting condi bombed, there is no recovery from condi bombs outside direct cleansing.

Ok I can accept the fact that once caught with your pants down…you should die fine, but given how some condi bombs are too easily accessible ( looking at you skullgrinder-plague signet-boon conversion )….more professions should access to full condi removal..nothing stupidly OP, even something on a 60s CD would be great

If I use my druid/dh/warrior/mesmer/scrapper..kk condis are not faceroll danger, on professions like ele, you’re forced to fire several condi removal ( all of them ) to avoid being killed by the ticking confusion/bleeding/burning…if you move you get double torment dmg, bleeding/poison etc…what else left to do when you get condi bombed with every single condition in this game?

…yeah you wish the profession you’re using had something like Contemplation of purity

How many more and better options do we need? Consequently, should the corresponding equivalent to dps (heals) be increased too so as to remove the immediate and devastating effects of a critical hit? After all, dps and critical hits are altogether too accessible and do far to much damage at once, therefore should be mitigated by additional heals that entirely and always remove its devastating effects – but you can put such a heal on an increased cd for balance. There are way to many power builds present (revs and thieves are particularly pesky and don’t get me started on dh traps they kill my clones/phantasms way to quickly – a post for another time perhaps) and as a condi/shatter Memser I only have 1 heal. Hope a little tongue and cheek will help put some of this into perspective

What you forget is that there are stats such as toughness and vitality that counter power damage…condi doesn’t.

Vitality helps vs condi damage. Power damage is instant so its needs to be mitigated/reduced, condi damage, as much as people HATE to admit it, still happens over time and it can be completely removed/made redundant by resistance.

Both damage types share a few ways of being mitigated but still have their own unique ways way of being mitigated.

Also skullgrinder would be FAR more manageable if ti applied its conditions in a different order. If you have no idea what i mean read up on conditions and their mechanics a bit.

Vitality does not mitigate Condi as if you get away from your condi spammin opponent you will die without condi cleanse wich is the only counter to condi. More health wil not matter because chances are if you get away you will still die. Especially with condi that damage you for moving and using skills.

Would this Somewhat Balance Condis?

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


on professions like ele, you’re forced to fire several condi removal ( all of them ) to avoid being killed by the ticking confusion/bleeding/burning…if you move you get double torment dmg, bleeding/poison etc…what else left to do when you get condi bombed with every single condition in this game?

…yeah you wish the profession you’re using had something like Contemplation of purity

Taking this quotation shows the knowledge of most players of this forum. Actually ele is the anti condi profession with diamondskin, shouts+soldier rune and regen removing condis (which u have plenty), attuning to water removing one condition, overloading water removing i think four conditions on top of a three condition remove on earth four + invuln from earth 5 and a lot of healing. Not to mention this is also for allies. If every class has a lot of clear condi becomes useless and with it the professions which have no other viable build. On top of that every profession has kind of a role and needs to be helped, supported or whatever by other professions. It is still a 5v5 mode which relies on teams and communication= teamplay.

Before considering my knowledge of the class..

on professions like ele, you’re forced to fire several condi removal ( all of them ) to avoid being killed by the ticking

and you

Actually ele is the anti condi profession with diamondskin, shouts+soldier rune and regen removing condis (which u have plenty), attuning to water removing one condition, overloading water removing i think four conditions on top of a three condition remove on earth four + invuln from earth 5 and a lot of healing

If I play a guardian…I don’t need to run full condi clear spec to stand a chance against condi bombs, same if I play warrior, ranger, mesmer….condi bombs it’s the word
I was talking about condi bombs and not simple condi clear…..there is a huge freaking difference between the two but hey..thank very much for listing all the utilities ele must use to stay on top of condi bombs…..people on this forum jesus

Accordingly to people here, it’s ok to force eles to use condi clear runes+ full condi clear utilities line, all condi clear traits…just to survive to condi bursts.

My knowledge of the game goes way behind ele, it extends to all professions, I can look behind the bias screen, you should not be forced to dedicate 100% of your build to counter something in order to stay alive

I’d like to run a freaking paladin ele with arcane dunno…but I can’t and why is that?
I need water and shout and soldier runes to survive condi cancer past HoT; if you then ask for a freaking 60s CD utility that can clear all condis…people here will go ape kitten…for real..amazing

These people don’t understand. I believe this has to do with how easy condi spam/bomb is which is attractive to players who would rather do less work and play passivley. This leads to the belief that they are better than they really are and that this is a l2p issue.
The fact is that people who run anti condi builds are running them not becuase they want to but becuase they have to. As a mesmer I am forced to take inspiration in order to somewhat survive in the current world of lazy Condi spamming. This is not fun but i am forced to do so

Would this Somewhat Balance Condis?

in PvP

Posted by: nicoxbad.9715


Condi is fine. Condi removal is not fine.

We need more/better options to remove condi and hard CC. HoT added condi-barf (classes can load you with 5-8 conditions instantly) but did not give enough mass condi removal to compensate.

100000000..infinity this ^

It’s not right that on some professions you insta die when getting condi bombed, there is no recovery from condi bombs outside direct cleansing.

Ok I can accept the fact that once caught with your pants down…you should die fine, but given how some condi bombs are too easily accessible ( looking at you skullgrinder-plague signet-boon conversion )….more professions should access to full condi removal..nothing stupidly OP, even something on a 60s CD would be great

If I use my druid/dh/warrior/mesmer/scrapper..kk condis are not faceroll danger, on professions like ele, you’re forced to fire several condi removal ( all of them ) to avoid being killed by the ticking confusion/bleeding/burning…if you move you get double torment dmg, bleeding/poison etc…what else left to do when you get condi bombed with every single condition in this game?

…yeah you wish the profession you’re using had something like Contemplation of purity

How many more and better options do we need? Consequently, should the corresponding equivalent to dps (heals) be increased too so as to remove the immediate and devastating effects of a critical hit? After all, dps and critical hits are altogether too accessible and do far to much damage at once, therefore should be mitigated by additional heals that entirely and always remove its devastating effects – but you can put such a heal on an increased cd for balance. There are way to many power builds present (revs and thieves are particularly pesky and don’t get me started on dh traps they kill my clones/phantasms way to quickly – a post for another time perhaps) and as a condi/shatter Memser I only have 1 heal. Hope a little tongue and cheek will help put some of this into perspective

What you forget is that there are stats such as toughness and vitality that counter power damage…condi doesn’t.