Showing Posts For noot.8641:

Remove Oakhearts or Remove Rally

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


There are so many creatures in wvw you can still rally off, it shouldn’t be.. only from guards imo, and yes the vines from oakheart is prolly the most annoying one.
Also you can rally of siege, they should remove that too.

Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: noot.8641


I don’t think there is something like a “DPS hack”.

NCSoft Response to Skill Lag

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


You’d think that after 4 years they would have adressed this game breaking issue.

is there anything you like to see get nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


The dodges, they used to be a mechanic to stay alive as S/D, now every thief has acces to them, a D/P thief with dem dodges is strong, too strong.

WvW Battleground

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


What this game needs are battlegrounds (10v10) with diff game modes, look at the elder scrolls online, the game concept was kinda the same as gw2 when they launched (wvw, no bg’s) well theyre gonna ad bg’s now (me so jelly)

QoL Request: Mega Server Obsidian Sanctum

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


+1 this is an awesome idea.
Can u please listen to the community for this 1, anet?

Legendary Aura and Visual Effects on Asura's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: noot.8641


I main asura aswell, and its rly a bummer that all nice auras and skins are barely visable.
I hope 1 day anet will adress this, and make asuras shinier

WvW game modes

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


This game would be so much more fun if they would add some purposes in the game mode. People who wvw and like small scale fights would love this, because now its only for roaming, not rly smth with a purpose. Anet please listen to your customers, we want diff game modes in wvw, small scale fights etc. Please anet please..

Final nail in coffin for S/D

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


Well, it was a bug, But the bug has been ingame since launch. And now when thieves are in a bad spot, they actually fix this, i mean you guys seriously didn’t know this bug untill now? Where is the crew that made this game? it feels for me that the people who are “balancing” this game now are just not doing their job as they should. They just like to slap us in the face i guess. /facepalm

Final nail in coffin for S/D

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


Its a stealth nerf, ofc. they dont have the balls to put in their patch notes.

Final nail in coffin for S/D

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


I just cannot believe they would first nerf the hell out of thieves with the 1sec ICD on stealth attacks, and than this. I’m so upset that they totally have no clue what they are doing. Who comes up with this stuff? I always play sd, and use CnD and stealth attack to daze, but now its just totally gone, to land that hit in stealth now u gotta be really lucky. RNG in pvp, lel. Just delete every weapon set except D/P. You guys HAD a good game, now its just total KITTEN!!!

Withdraw still not updated...

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


This update was a thief is too OP update lets kittening nerf SD to the ground and kitten up their heals so they will die for sure kinda thing.

The latest Feline Grace

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


Acro is dead, without the dodges u cant play the build effectivly.
And giving a 2 second more vigor as solution is RLY poor play..
I rly hope u guyz at Anet come to senses before its too late.

Really Long Load/Double Load Times

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


Then, idk what causes this problem.. Anyways gl, hope u figure it out!

Really Long Load/Double Load Times

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


S S D, dunno why anet censors it >_>

Really Long Load/Double Load Times

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


Get kitten harddrive, ur load times will be half easily.

Timberline Falls - Krewe Leader Dobbs stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


When the event is bugged, and u don’t want to wait for a fix for this one.
U have to wait for a game update, once the servers restart, log back in quickly and go to timberline falls and complete the event

legendary projectile sounds bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


Once u are it, the bolt’s electric animation always bugs out when u walk into a zerg.
Would love them to get some attention. Thx

Event bugs: Dobbs & Breandan

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: noot.8641


I’ve found a way to still complete the riagan event.
So, when i went to go do this event, the problem was that riagan was always dead on the floor without being able to revive him.
What i did on my thief, i used shadow refuge ontop of his dead body, it revives him! U gonna have to do it few times till he is back alive, but that’s how i got it to work! Gl

S/D no longer viable

in Thief

Posted by: noot.8641


This nerf is so bad.. I mean were they stoned when they thought of this nerf? The whole purpose of S/D build is that u can do dmg through a block. Anet please, think b4 u act.

Passing the torch

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


Hi devon, nice to have you on board.
I just came back to gw2 after the big WvW update and i must say i like it!
The only thing that really annoys me is that skill lag.

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


Well ofcourse other siege can hit it if they would place it right, but the window in which u place the siege is small.
Its at durios gulch in EB, where the reinforced bridge is behind that tower on the rocks.
Trebs from SM cant hit that spot, and normally professions cant either thats why i always put it there.

(edited by noot.8641)

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


it was smart placed carighan.
if no1 can hit me there except the mesmer, isnt it placed good then?

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


It’s an aoe, doesn’t need line of sight, just the same as your meteor storm hitting me on the other side of the door even though you can’t see me.

And dude why doesnt any AOE skill from any proff hit my arrowcart, only the berserkers.. im telling again the RANGE makes it too OP. nerf the Range!

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


God why is this still on the front page? The only thing iBerserker needs is to not go through LoS, it’s silly that I can circle kite someone around a pillar forever thanks to the cripple.

Also meteor shower and iberserker have the same range. If you were in range for the phantasm I’m pretty sure an ele could damage you as well.

Defend my profession? Are you dense?

Also other classes AoEs can hit players on walls too, the point was if you’re in range to get zerkered you’re in range to get meteor showered and the like. Though the fact you claim it took 90% of your life is another issue entirely. I don’t think I need to add anything at this point.

Im not dense, im high! and we all clearly see that u dont want ur berserkers nerfed.
Wauw bravo dude rly /clap u get the reward for being the kitten of the day
this is the point, meteor shower couldnt hit me, rangers couldnt hit me, NO1 COULD HIT MY ARROWCART ON MY POSISTION, only that stuid mesmer thats abusing LoS!
my arrowcart was behind a STONE FAR AWAY FROM THE WALL (u see what i did there?)
rangers trying to kill my arrowcart but u just cant reach it, only those OP’ed berserkers!

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


Well this the whole point brother, no1 could hit me because i was out of LOS, behind a stone where i putted my arrowcart. If u have been in EB at durios, then i placed it on the stones next to the bridge but all the way back so it was out of LOS and nothing could hit my arrowcart except for those phantasms, so i was talking about LOS all this time.
LOS also means u cant spawn ur phantasms ontop of a wall in WVW cuz obviously thats LOS.

Can someone paint a better picture of this area? AFAIK everywhere I’ve been able to clip someone with the iBerserker I’ve also been able to catch people with random meteors on my ele. Place the AoE in LoS but so the far lip extends past it. Am I misunderstanding here?
Edited because English hard.

Dude, im not here to speak perfect english.
I just wanna state out that spawning them on top of walls is silly.
u can defend ur proffesion as much as u want but the range and the fact that u can spawn them somewhere out of los makes it OP in WvW.

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


Well this the whole point brother, no1 could hit me because i was out of LOS, behind a stone where i putted my arrowcart. If u have been in EB at durios, then i placed it on the stones next to the bridge but all the way back so it was out of LOS and nothing could hit my arrowcart except for those phantasms, so i was talking about LOS all this time.
LOS also means u cant spawn ur phantasms ontop of a wall in WVW cuz obviously thats LOS.

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


This is just silly, putting an arrowcart on top of a wall in WvW, if a mesmer keeps spawning those phantasms u can almost not focus on controlling the arrowcart but u have to focus on killing the phantasms, they do loads of dmg and kills ur siege and the respawn timer is just silly. This just needs a NERF asap! dont let them spawn them on top of walls in wvw..

And other classes carpet bombing your walls hitting you and the siege equipment isn’t the same thing?

I agree that this is likely a bug a will be fixed, but I hope that ANet will give us something in return since we will have lost our only decent option for destroying siege on a wall, and we will be a pretty pathetic class for siegeing other then pulling newbs off with Into the Void.

Well im not talking about thieves with shortbows who can only take down siege that is placed very close to the edge. because i was in Eternal battlegrounds, i was defending Durios post, and i put an arrowcart where No other player or treb could hit me, NO OTHER PLAYERS AT ALL. till some kitten mesmer came and he knew he could exploit hes phantasms he kept spawning them where no other ppl could hit me, destroying my siege and yes i have to stop using my arrowcart and focus on those kitten phantasms.. now thats just absurd! they shouldnt be able to reach that spot! i couldnt hold off the french zerg because i had to constantly focus on killing those phantasms.. C’mon ANET plx do smth about this!
and imo only rangers should be able to take down siege further away on the walls.

Phantasmal Berserker needs nerfs.

in Mesmer

Posted by: noot.8641


This is just silly, putting an arrowcart on top of a wall in WvW, if a mesmer keeps spawning those phantasms u can almost not focus on controlling the arrowcart but u have to focus on killing the phantasms, they do loads of dmg and kills ur siege and the respawn timer is just silly. This just needs a NERF asap! dont let them spawn them on top of walls in wvw..

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


Stuff like this makes me wanna leave gw2, because whats the point? the ppl who play at night on the not dominant server are having a terrible time believe me.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: noot.8641


French Canadians ruins the whole WvW.
In far shiverpeaks we are always against vizunah square FR server, in the day we are stronger then them but at night u see their numbers growing and they cap the whole 4 maps almost every night.. thats just BS